Limecat's Friday Frivolity



Define the word "BLARGLE". Use it in a sentence.

Blargle - the little bits of dirty pink eraser left on your paper after you erase a mistake.

"She erased her mistake and brushed the blargle off the paper before continuing to write."

Your turn:)
LOL, Shelley!:7

I'll play!

BLARGLE: The half-chewed pieces of food that I clean up off of Joey's lap after he's done eating.

"Sometimes when my son is done with dinner I have to stand him up in the kitchen to knock the blargle off his pants before he can go play."
Blargle: The sounds one makes while attempting to rinse one's mouth of toothpaste while holding one's brother in a headlock.

Mom: "If you don't stop that blargling on the count of three, I am COMING IN THERE!"
Blargle: The word you shout to Cathe as you're on your seventh set of low end squats

Cathe: Just a few more!
Me to TV: Are you kidding me? Blargle!


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Blargle - n. the useless, valuless stuff in my wallet that I try to use in place of money as shopkeepers and vendors laugh at me.
v. blargling/to blargle - the act of trying to pay for things with paper or plastic the value of which is not backed by any government, bank, or credit organization.

Sentence - n. I wanted to buy the cutest pair of jeans the other day, but when I got to the register and opened my purse all I had to pay for them was blargle.
v. Blargling too often can get you thrown in jail
Blargle: Something Beav's (not her real name) boyfriend does and then blames it on her.

"Beav's boyfriend blargled rather loudly and then blamed it on her like only a man will do." :7 :7
Blargle: The name of an internet tool used specifically to search for forums frequented by persons who answer questions posed by a cat named Limecat.

Usage: "Blargle--when Googling just isn't enough."

Blargel: meaning "I blew it largely"

"My diet? OH heck I blargeled the heck out of it"
Blargle: That disgusting noise that men make when they snort and snore. When it sounds like they are choking on their own snot.

My husband kept me up blargling all night long!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Blargle: Useless musings and chatter (i.e. hot air).

"I often shut the door to my boss's office, especially when he's on the phone, so I don't have to listen to his incessant blargle." :p

Blargle:noun. Old English term used to describe a unique type of burglar who who attempt to steal your chickens while balencing spinning plates on long sticks.

Ye Olde Farmer Jones: Wee seem to be miffing a chicken.
Mrs. Ye Olde Farmer Jones: There's been reports of a blargle in the village. There's a crack in the pewter plate.
blargle (blar'gle). n blargle. 1. a thought: mental conception; mental image; notion. 2. an option or belief. 3. a plan; scheme; project; intention; aim; design. 4. a hazy perception; vague impression; fanciful notion; fancy; inkling.

The blargle of Limescats daily posts, are too irresistible to resist.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Debra: Why are you in my husbands bed????? LOLOLOL

"""""Blargle: That disgusting noise that men make when they snort and snore. When it sounds like they are choking on their own snot.

My husband kept me up blargling all night long!


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