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I had a bad night. I thought i was doing better and just used the ibuprofen. Today was my first day of Pt and it hurt. He told me I would want to go home and ice. I liked this pt and I was the only patient. The next one came in as I was getting ready to leave. He did all of the stuff the surgeon had on the prescription. I think this is going to take some time.
Diane - hope you getting better sleep. Glad you like the PT, sorry about the pain. My husband had a lot of pain every time he had Pt. It will get better. Hang in there.

Today I did Heather D3 Biceps & Back Push. I really like the slower pace workouts.

My appointment got canceled again.
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I had PT this afternoon again. It is amazing how tight and stiff everything is. It was painful again. I feel better tonight so hopefully i can sleep. He added a move and I swear he had me do them longer. The last paart he does hands on and it really hurts. He says it does take time and we have to start slow. No flexion direct on the bicep right now. I go back tomorrow as Friday they close at 2 and my husband would have to get up way to early to take me.
Diane - I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I pray it will soon get better. I am glad your Pt is taking it slow. It's probably a good thing. It will take some time. You will get through this. Good luck today on your PT. Glad your husband can take you.

Getting read for D4 of Heather R. leg workout. BBL.
Good morning,

I just finished 40 MIN Unilateral Leg Workout // Day 4 HR12WEEK 2.0. Great workout.

Warm Up

Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2)
Stationary Lunge (R)
Kickstand Deadlift (R)
Single Leg Bridge (R)
Side Lunge + Hop (R)
Stationary Lunge (L)
Kickstand Deadlift (L)
Single Leg Bridge (L)
Side Lunge + Hop (L)

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2)
Single Leg Deadlift (R)
Curtsey Lunge + Kick (R)
Stand Up + Drive (R) I had to modify this one, can't do anything on my knees than get up.
Leap + Shuffle (R)
Single Leg Deadlift (L)
Curtsey Lunge + Kick (L)
Stand Up + Drive (L)
Leap + Shuffle (L)

Cool Down & Stretch

This is what I did today HIIT Cardio + Core Workout // Day 5 HR12WEEK 2.0 = 45 min. Heather shows lots of modifications. I did most on my rebounder. DH likes her workouts too.

Warm Up

Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Cross Over + Hop Spot Sprint
Walking Plank
Plank Jack
Single Leg Bicycle (R)
Single Leg Bicycle (L)
Bicycle Crunch
Inchworm + Hop
Jump Squat + Jack

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Squat Knee Taps Shuffle + Hop
Reverse Crunch + Kick Out
Frog Crunch
Bent Arm Jacks
Plank Reach
Burpee Clap
High Knee Twist

Cool Down & Stretch

Diane - praying for you! Hope you feeling a little better today.

Have a great Friday.
Belinda thank you for the prayers. I think I am starting to make a little progress. I have a little less pain. Sleeping is tough.
Today was Shoulders, Chest & Triceps Superset Workout // Day 6 HR12WEEK 2.0 = 47 min.

Warm Up
Superset 1 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Front + Side Raise
Weighted Jacks

Superset 2 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Chest Press
T-Push Up

Superset 3 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Skull Crushers
Crab Dance

Superset 4 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Overhead Press
Combo Boxer Jacks

Superset 5 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Tricep Kickbacks Tricep
Push Up

Superset 6 (40s work + 20s rest x3 rounds)
Walking Plank
Inchworm + Hop

Cool Down & Stretch

Diane - glad you making progress. I hope you will be able to sleep soon too. Sorry you are going through this. Continue to pray for you.

Good night.

Today is a rest day from Heather R. rotation. Unless she post the workout for tomorrow later today? I did SBF D37 UB plus abs.

I have 3 appointments lined up for tomorrow. I will check in late evening. Not sure, if I get a workout in tomorrow?

Diane - thinking about your. Hope you doing well.

Have a great workout and day, everyone. It's freezing here.
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Belinda I have been rearranging appointments as I know I will not be ready for my mammogram and bone scan this month. I canceled the arthritis appointment till I can drive the distance. I have a couple of others that may need to be changed.

I am progressing, but working into deeper movement is sure painful.

I did Booty Builder: Lower Body Strength Workout // Day 9 HR12WEEK 2.0

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Single Leg Bridge (R)
Single Leg Bridge (L)
Glute Bridge
Bridge Pulses

Circuit 2 (40s + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Side Lunges
Curtsey + Squat
Side Leg Lift (R)
Side Leg Lift (L)
Heel Clicks

Circuit 3 (40s + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Single Leg Deadlift (R)
Single Leg Deadlift (L)
Deadlift + Lunge
Sumo Deadlift
Butt Kicks

Circuit 4 (40s + 10s rest x2 rounds)
Kneeling Squat
Stand Up + Drive (R)
Stand Up + Drive (L)
Sumo Squat
Side Lunge Hops
Cool Down & Stretch

Diane - I had them all lined up to save me another trip to the hospital. I am glad they are all done.
Glad you making progress with your PT. Hopefully you will heal quickly.

Good night.
Hi everyone,

Killer HIIT Legs Workout // Day 12 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work +20s rest x2)
Goblet Squat - 20#
Jump Squat
Carry Lunges - 2x 10's (she used one heavy DB holing it overhead the entire time.
Pop Lunges
Glute Bridge - 20#
Glute March - 20#
Sumo Squat - 20#
Heel Clicks

Circuit 2 (40s work +20s rest x2)
Squat Knee Taps
Pop Squat
Side Lunges - 20#
Side Lunge Hop
Squat Toe Taps
Curtsey + Squat - 20#
Deadlift + Lunge - 2x 15's
Squat + Hop - 20#
Cool Down

Diane - how are you doing my friend?

Good night.
I am getting a little more mobility, but it sure hurts still. It is normal though to feel pain. This weekend i had so much pain and even in my neck. It was miserable. I was worried about Monday's therapy as it really hurt and he held the tension longer. It wasn't too bad though. Tomorrow is 4 weeks since surgery. I read pain can stay for up to 3 months. We had family birthdays yesterday.

Today I did a indoor walk plus SBF barre. Wednesday's is a rest day on Heather R. rotations.

Diane - glad you getting a little more mobility. Sorry about the pain. My husband was in a lot of pain too. Glad the therapy is helping. Hope each day you have less pain. Thinking about you. Take care!

Good night.
Good morning,

Chest, Tri's & Shoulders: Upper Body Strength Workout // Day 13 HR12WEEK 2.0 is done. This was a tough and sweaty one.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Chest Press - 15's
Chest Flys - 15's
Laydown Push Ups

Circuit 2 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Around The World - 8's
Fist Pumps - 1st set 8's, 2nd set 5's, it was tough on my shoulders
Push Press - 8's

Circuit 3 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds) my upper body was fried by that point.
Tricep Press - 12's
Skull Crushers - 10's
Tricep Kickbacks - 8's

Circuit 4 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Close Grip Press - 12's
Single Arm Flys - 8's
T-Push Up

Circuit 5 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Walking Plank
L-Raises - 5's
Weighted Jacks 5's/3's

Circuit 6 (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Laying Tricep Press (R)

Laying Tricep Press (L) first set felt my self cheating, 2nd set I did laying triceps crossbody Ext. w/10's
Inchworm + Hop - no hop!

Cool Down & Stretch

Diane - thinking about you.

Have a great day and workout.

I just finished 45MIN No Equipment HIIT Cardio Workout // Day 15 HR12WEEK 2.0. Had a great workout.

Warm Up
Circuit 1 (45s work + 15s rest x2 rounds)
Butt Kicks
Station Sprints
Speed Skater
Jump Squats
Scissor Squat Hops
High Knees
Squat Knee Taps
Jumping Jacks
Plank Jacks

Circuit 2 (45s work + 15s rest x2 rounds)
Leap + Shuffle (R)
Leap + Shuffle (L)
Push Back Push Up
Touch Downs
Knees + Toes
Plank Tap Combo
Crab Dance
Pop Squats
Burpee Jacks
Cool Down & Stretch

Diane - how are you doing? Hopefully a little better.

Have a great weekend.

I am so sad Patricia Moreno has passed away. Rest in peace.She was so young. Prayers to her family. In her honor I pulled out Powerstrike Millenium Series #3.

Good night.
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