Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Belinda, I hope there is not problem at the dermatology office. Since that is what my daughter's profession is I know it could be many things though. Not usually a return though.

Doreen, I remember being much busier at times when school was out. I think sometimes it is just the whole change in schedule and children sleeping in etc. that made things so much different. More dishes and messes etc happen. You are keeping up with the workouts well. That is so nice that you are able to run with your daughter.
Today was two Cathe live workouts, Steptastic and Step On It.

Belinda, I hope everything is ok.
Doreen, nice to hear from you. Keep up the good work with your busy schedule.
Diane Sue, good info on the knee positions. I will keep that in mind.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi girls,

Today I did LS Miracle 4 mile walk and I also walked outside w/DD. She walked in DC and I walked in WV, we both walked and talked the entire time on the phone :p It was like she was walking right next to me :) Last week DD made me buy headphones for my iPhone, so we could take walks together. LOL! I also did CLX Ab Burner = 10 min.

Maybe I will do PiYo later this afternoon?

Diane Sue - that is so cool about your DD! Thank you, I have no problem, just a check up.

Laura - thank you. I am fine. Good job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Today I started with the Ice Low Impact Sweat mix of cardio 2 and blizzard blast, 37 minutes, 263 calories, 125 avg/155 max hr.. I then 21 Day Fix Extreme Upper body 34 minutes, 161 calories . I lowered the weight on this a bit because the last two days my shoulder and neck have been bothering me. I am not sure why. Maybe arthritis. I just did not want to push it too hard. I finished off with 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga, 31 minutes, 102 calories. Total time 1 hr 42 minutes, 532 calories. So far this week I am burning slightly less calories on the same workouts as last week. I will have to get up and get started on a workout tomorrow early. I am picking up my granddaughter 8 for a fun sleep over and swimming on Thursday with her cousin 5 who is here on Thursdays. I got a new swimsuit in the mail this morning. I am quite pleased with it since it only cost me 15.00 at Amazon. I just wanted something modest for when I take grandchildren to the pool or go to my daughters and use their pool. It has boy shorts and a t back tank type top. Perfect for me. I was worried it wouldn't fit because everyone said they run small and it is converted sizing from Asian sizing.

Belinda, that is a great idea for walking together :) I always feel so blessed that I have all of my children and grandchildren around me.
My daughter does not like suntans. She will scold any one in the family for not using sunscreen. I had to go out and get some waterproof sunscreen for my swim day with grandchildren Thursday. We will be the pale people out there. I cannot stay out there more than about 30 or 40 minutes with sunscreen or I burn. There is a nice cabana with fans at our neighborhood pool and I can sit in the shade and watch the geese and ducks on the lake.

Laura, those are fun workouts. I altered how I did some of the yoga today after some of the stuff I read. I stayed with my back foot pointed more forward in the warrior stance and I did not pull my foot up behind me when kneeling. Apparently that is really bad for the knee. I always thought I was getting a good quad and hip flexor stretch but they said you are basically crushing ligaments and cartilage together or something like that. They also said the balancing toe hold with your leg held out straight and moved to the side is not a good move. I kept my knee slightly bent.
Diane Sue - I wished I lived closet to my kids too. They are about an hour away (in good traffic). DH and I are thinking about moving closer to DC. Homes are so expensive in the DC area :) I had a full body cancer screen last year. I burn in the sun, I gave up getting a tan years ago. Just not happening, lol :) I ask the dermatologist about how long I can stay in the sun without sun screen. My vitamin D level were so low last year, I never left the house without sun screen :D I wasn't getting enough vitamin D, I had to take very high doses of vitamin D for a few month. Anyway, the dermatologist said, I should be fine for 10-15 min and make sure I don't burn. If I go without sun screen for 30-40 min...I would look like a lobster:p Good job today.
Hi girls,

Today I did LS Miracle Miles - 3 miles = 47 min + Chalean Extreme: : Phase 2 Push Circuit #2 and PiYo Buns. I am done for today. I really liked PiYo Buns. I defiantly felt the burn. Can't believe one of the girl in the video has 7 kids:D

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Today did LIS LIC.

Like everyone else, I am very fair and burn in the sun.

Belinda, PiYo Buns is a favorite of mine. I usually feel it a day later!

Diane Sue, I'm glad you got a swimsuit that you like and fits online. I have a hard enough time trying to find anything in a store. I'm hard to fit. Very busty but with narrow hips.

Have a great day everyone and great workouts.
Today I did To the Max less impact mix, 38 min., avg hr.115/max146. I then did Ripped with Hiit Low impact 1 and 2 doing both stretches, 53 min., 378 calories, 126 avg/148 max hr.. Total time 91 minutes, calories 614.
I have my granddaughter here waiting to do some calligraphy :D
Belinda, we lived 100 miles away for 2 years and I was happy when we moved back close the the family. I used to come down for several days at a time and visit during the week and do some shopping that I could not do at home and also go to the doctor since I never moved my primary care physician or dentist. The advantage to being away from the big cities is housing cost. We had a huge house for those two years. My daughter is so against going out without sunscreen. She says take vitamin D all of the time. Now, a lot of huge Paleo proponents say, 15 minutes a day will give you all of the vitamin you need for the day and does healthy things for us. When I am outside doing a few things that won't take long, I leave off the sunscreen. My daughter did a screening too. Once I had an itchy spot that felt irritated in the middle of my back and it ended up being a skin cancer. She removed it. Now I have a nice scar on my back. I know it is because one time we were out boating and picnicking with friends and the guys took the boat out along with the sunscreen. I burned my back bad and later I had a lot of dark almost black spots in a group on my back. I also had a small dot on the crease of my nose that I thought was an acne but every time I turned around it would start bleeding. I had her check it out and it was a cancer. Fortunately you can't see where it was removed at all. She did a good job. I try to be careful

Laura, I have a hard time with fit. I generally could use a slightly larger top but on the bottom I generally wear a size 0. I wear mostly knit tops and dresses. My husband bought me a cute top that ended up being made in Thailand. I get compliments on it all of the time. I think they made it for someone shaped like a stick. It is so tight across the shoulders and I can hardly wait to get it off.
Hello! Crazy day today. I got a quick mobility warm up and a round of total body weights in (DB rows, Step ups, box squats, racked carries) this morning.

My daughter got her summer soccer training schedule today. Lots of conditioning- I'll have to help her. At 10 she can't even run 2 miles and its on the list 4 times! Some other soccer drills too. My son with help her with that- I never played soccer.

I also took my son to the Dr. They confirmed osgood schlatters in his knees. We'll start physical therapy before he can re-join his soccer team. Hopefully that works. So hard to see him hobbling in pain. I blame in on my 6'2 hubby for the growth spurt stretching out his leg bones beyond what the tendons can handle!!!
Good morning,

Powerstrike Vol.6 w/Ilaria Montagnana and LS Miracle Miles - 2 Miles is done. Maybe I add on PiYo later today?

I will be back later and catch up on personals.
Hey girls,

I also did PiYo: ACCELERATED WORKOUTS: 1. Full Body Blast = 30 min. That one was fun and tough at the same time.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Today was 21 Day Fix Extreme lower and Gym Styles floorwork. 65 minutes, 323 calories. At the pool with two of my granchildren.

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Today was LIC. In pre surgery testing they found a problem with my Mom's heart. She is having a stress test today and the cardiologist is to determine whether she can have the surgery on Monday or not. Waiting to hear the results to know whether I'm traveling or not. Also, of course, what is next for Mom.

Good workouts everyone. Have a good day.
Also, want some advice. Finally found a bunch of metal weight plates at Goodwill and purchased. I've always used dumbbells for weights, but am going to get a barbell. Looking at the Ez curl bar since I have carpal tunnel and think it would be easier on the wrists. Can I use it for anything like a straight barbell? I am 5'3" and have small hands and petite build (except for the chest).

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Laura, I will be praying for your mother. Body Beast workouts from Beachbody used an ez curl bar for all of the barbell work. I like the length. I use the metal plates on my less mills Combat barbell as well. I have a long bar that weighs 15 lb but I hardly use it. I would think the ez curl bar would be fine. My ez curl bar weighs 11 lb.. I had wanted a body bar and my husband came home with an ez curl bar which was great because I ended up with both. I had carpal tunnel surgery years ago and never have a problem with it anymore. It is my arthritis that gives me problems Abe wrapping my hands around larger things like two dumbbells together or both handles of the tubing sometimes aggravates it.

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Laura- I have an EZ curl bar. Works ok for just about everything except Olympic style stuff like cleans. I do deadlifts, hip thrusts, curls, bench, squats, front squats, etc with it just fine by me. I don't know what the top weight rating of mine is but I've put over 170# on it deadlifting w/o issue. It can be a little weird on hip thrusts to get the "bends" situated correctly to not dig into your hips. I also bought pipe insulation to cushion the bar for hip thrust and back squats. I think mine also weighs 11 lbs which can make for some interesting math to figure out a conversion to the weight Cathe is using sometimes!
I did not work out today. Today was a day where too many things hurt so I thought I should rest. My Mom finally got the go ahead from the heart doc today at 3pm for her hip replacement surgery first thing Monday morning. Nothing like making us wait on pins and needles here. The doc states that there are problems with her heart but will address them after surgery. So I will be traveling next week and moving in with them for a while. Not sure what kind of mobility my Mom will have. She is having a newer procedure which does not cut through the muscle. My Mom is diabetic and legally blind. Dad has severe spinal stenosis and has to have round the clock oxygen. He also is deaf. Both are in their 80's. So I am literally packing the car to the roof. I have no idea how long I'll be there.

Thanks for the input on the Ez curl bar. Exactly what I needed to know. My DH has the Olympic 2" bar. I can't grip that. My hand span is too small. I know I would drop it on me. I put the Ez bar on my Amazon wish list. I figure I will get it once I get back. A little treat for myself to look forward to. Cathe Live has so many barbell workouts I want to try.

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks again.
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Hey girls,

Just got my workout done :) I did LS Miracle 1 Mile walk (I also her mini LB/FB and LB workouts with the bands) + LS Leslie Sansone 5 BOOSTED MILES and Charlene Extreme Push Circuit #3.

Laura - I love my Ez bar :) Have fun.

Diane Sue - nice job as always.

Doreen - you lift 170# for deadlifts? WOW! I would throw my back out. I had a few slipped disc, I have to be careful with my back.

I am done for today. Good night,
Today was a day with lots of things that came up while I was trying to follow through with my planned day. I ended up offering to go pick up my grandson when he got in from his mission trip. We had one of my other grandson's here for awhile. He was helping my husband out. Cardio Fix Extreme, 33 minutes, 127 avg./152 heart rate, 244 calories. I then did 21 Day Fix Extreme Hardcore, 11 minutes, 50 calories followed by Icy Core 2, 14 minutes, 52 calories. I usually use 10 & 8# for this and on the side clam I pick up a 5 and do it. I finished off with Ice Metablolic Meltdown Biceps, 15 minutes, 81 calories. Total time 73 minutes, 427 calories. Tomorrow my husband and I are going walking in the morning and I will try to get in Dirty Thirty when I get back.
Biceps Metabolic Meltdown 3 rounds 5 exercises giant set 12 reps each
bicep curls 17.5; 17.5; 17.5
hammer curls 17.5; 17.5' 17.5
preacher curl 15; 15; 15
incline hammer curl 15; 15; 15
concentration curl 17.5; 17.5; 17.5

Laura, praying for your mother and the surgery. I know it can be difficult with heart disease and diabetes. Take care of yourself while you are going through all of this. How do your parents take care of themselves. I am assuming they have their own home. I bet you really are packing up a lot of stuff not knowing what you will need.

Doreen, I don't think I have ever did Deadlifts with that much weight. I think the heaviest was around 110. I was trying to remember Lucky 7 from the Body Beast workout. Sagi used the ez curl bar as he went through the to the floor and standing stuff. Have you done that one? I think it was a free workout when buying from a coach. I did not like the ab segment standing with one end of the bar on the floor and weights on the top. My bar always wanted to slide on the carpet. Yes the 11 lb makes for some calculations to come out with an even number. I have a pair of 2.5# plates that were given to me which helps and I sometimes use some one lb hand weights that has the loop handle as a 1# add on to the bar. Weighted gloves help too.

Belinda, nice job on the workouts.

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