dmerz, totally forget about the library, all the time. Voting with dollars, ha. no, it's usually we want stuff, we get stuff.
Belinda, sorry to hear your DH messed up his shoulder, ouch. I'm shopping my collection, and closet. BB & B and Kohl's really need to stop sending me discount coupons.
Like your plan too, catgirl. Pulled out Party Rockin' Step last week, I miss the step workouts. did tons of Zumba this year, most without the step, mostly low impact. Miss those circuit workouts too.
Diane Sue, I still use the rebounder too for low impact, I think I've gotten my money's worth out of that thing.
Walk & yoga today & Housemax.
Belinda, sorry to hear your DH messed up his shoulder, ouch. I'm shopping my collection, and closet. BB & B and Kohl's really need to stop sending me discount coupons.
Like your plan too, catgirl. Pulled out Party Rockin' Step last week, I miss the step workouts. did tons of Zumba this year, most without the step, mostly low impact. Miss those circuit workouts too.
Diane Sue, I still use the rebounder too for low impact, I think I've gotten my money's worth out of that thing.
Walk & yoga today & Housemax.