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This morning I did RAW Home gym intervals #2. This Kelly does floor cardio but I did my spin bike. I haven't been on my bike all summer so I thought it would be a good way to ease back into it. I like the workout. I stopped before the stretch and did Raw cardio finisher but again did the bike instead of the floor cardio. 45 minutes total.
Have a great start to your week everybody!!
Today's workout was Cathe Live Step and Pump, 59 minutes, heart rate average 133 max 179, 378 calories, 3,959 steps met 5.8. I followed this with Coffey Fit Raw Large Muscle Finisher, 24 minutes (22 minutes) heart rate average 95, max 118, 487 steps, met 4.0, 106 calories. Total time was 83 minutes, 484 calories.
Coffey Fit Raw Large Muscle Finisher

3 rounds of moves (round two skips the pullover and is made up at the end of the third round with alternating dumbbell rows) Everything is 12 reps Kelly uses 15# dbs and 30# Db
Rnd 1
Squats 15# dbs (I increased to 25# dbs on final round)
Lunges alternating 15# dbs
Bench press with a pump move 15# dbs
Flys w/ a turn in up 15# dbs
1 arm row 30# Db
Pullover 30# db rnds 1 and 3 (forgotten on rnd 2)
Rnd 3 adds on alternating row with 15# dbs

Step and Pump Live
Starts with 6 inch step and a step blast segment stopping at 31 minutes then goes on to weights
lower body 8 inch step
lunge kicks 10# dbs, elevated lunges, 10# dbs, cross back lunges 15# db
increase step to 10 inches for drop squats 15# db
Upper body at 41 minutes
traditional curls 15# dbs 12 reps
shoulder press goal post 12# dbs 16 reps
alternating shoulder press with a hammer curl 12# dbs
close grip bench press 15# dbs 20 reps 12 reps second rnd
triceps dips 16 reps
pullovers 15# dbs 8 reps
push ups 5 reps flip over rope climbs 10 reps repeat 5 times

Doreen, I have only done the raw cardio finisher once. I liked it and need to do it again.
This morning I did Raw Strong& Lean. I like this - lots of barbell lifts. However, she takes a lot of breaks in this one - more than normal it seems. But still a good workout with barbell, kettlebell and cardio. Then I did one round of the large muscle finisher. Wow those chest press pulses really burned!
Good work Diane Sue - that looks like a good combo of streaming workouts!
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I am making this quick as I really need to get going out the door. I did Coffey Fit Raw Interval Training #1 which is mainly cardio with bit of weights which Kelly uses 7# for. This was 34 minutes, heart rate average 124, max 160, met 5.9, 221 calories, 2,601 steps. I then did Cathe Live, Ready Set Step (yeah!! they put August workouts on the Roku and I had planned something else just because I did not want to use my computer) This was 44 minutes, met 5.9, 286 calories, average heart rate 137, max heart rate 163, 4,167 steps. Total time was 78 minutes, 507 calories.

Doreen, yes, you can really feel those chest press pulses.
Good job Diane Sue!

Belinda- I hope you are having fun with your adventures!

This morning I started RAW tubing works but wasn't in the mood. I just struggle to feel like I get the right resistance with tubing and bands... so I stopped and did Stepletic Workout #2. I haven't done that one in forever and it really kicked by butt... both with the moves and the cardio! But it was fun and I'm looking forward to seeing what Amy is currently practicing!! She does such challenging and fun step.
This morning I did Cathe Live Kick Butt Boot camp, 36 minutes, 233 calories, heart rate average 120, max 158, 1,261 steps. I wanted to try Coffey Fit Raw Tubing Works, so planned this accordingly. This was not an easy workout. Ouch! Kelly did a great job putting this together and you are pretty much sitting most of the time. 45 minutes,(40 actual as I stopped after each exercise to write) 174 calories, met 3.5, heart rate average 99, max 150, 1,023 steps. Total time was 81 minutes, calories burned 407 calories.
I used Cathe's weights on Kick Butt Bootcamp. This is the second time I have done this one. I will do the Total Body Giant Sets 2 she is doing tomorrow on Friday or Saturday.
Coffey Fit Raw Tubing Works is done in tabata rounds. 8 rounds for each exercise with the last 3 rounds of each being a burn out. She uses a stability ball, tubing, and a loop band.
Bench press tubing on stability ball 8 rounds 5 then 3 burn out fast reps
abductors stability ball and loop band seated on ball 8 rnds 5 the 3 quick burn out sets
crunch on stability ball 8 rounds, 5 then 3 burn out sets
biceps curls with tubing on stability ball 8 rnds 5 curls then 3 sets quick run curls
triceps kickbacks seated on ball tubing 8 rnds 5 sets then 3 run kickbacks
adductors stability ball between knees 4 rnds of holds then 4 rnds of pulses
lower abs 4 rounds of reverse curls with stability ball between knees then 4 rounds of straight leg with ball between feet to hands (this was tough as I was using my weighted stability ball

Doreen, for tubing works I pulled out my heavy tubing and heavy firewalker loop and ended up after the first couple of segments dropping to my medium tubing and a moderately heavy loop. I have a whole set of loop bands that go up to heavy, extra heavy, and extra extra heavy. For medium tubing I used my 15# B-lines tubing. I may have been able to use the 20# one though. I have three sizes in those. My Cathe Tubing that was medium (blue) broke quite some time ago. I just sat out more than one so I could grab quickly. I thought Kelly did an excellent job with this. I was working hard enough that I was surprised that I was sweating so much. Kelly mentions on there that she had a friend that was ripped that only used tubing. She does say use a heavy enough tubing. Those burn outs were rough after that many sets and those last inner thigh things were killer. I wanted to do this one, as many of these are more difficult than one would think. That is why I put it with the shorter bootcamp workout. Originally I was thinking of doing the Live Supersets, but it would have added more time to my workout since it is 51 minutes. Now I see a new weight workout in the Giant sets 2 coming up :D
I am planning on cancelling Cathe live though before the next month starts for me. I will only pay for a subscription if I know I will be using it a lot. I want to continue with Kelly and do some dvds.

Belinda, I am sure that you are enjoying your time with your nephew. Just waving high at you :)
This morning I did RAW Front and Back. I have notes to go heavier on almost everything if I do it again. I'm not sure I was doing the sissy squats correctly as they were hurting my knees. So the 2nd round I did regular squats.

Have a great day everyone!
Today I did Cathe Live Jabs and Abs, 50 minutes, 337 calories, met 6.1, heart rate average 127, max 164, 3,644 steps. I realized after starting that my inner thighs are sore from yesterday, which is not surprising from how I was feeling with Kelly's tubing works. Also my abs are sore, which is rare. I almost quit on the abs portion of Jabs and Abs because of how sore I already am. I guess I really got worked yesterday :) So, I just added Coffey Fit Raw stretch, met 2.0, 63 calories. This really helped with the soreness. Total time was 78 minutes, calories burned 337.

Doreen, I like Raw Front and Back. Sissy squats hit the quads well, but you really have to watch the angle and where your knees are over your feet. It was a good idea to just do the regular squats.
This morning I was dragging. Didn't sleep well. I wanted some cardio but not sure what... so I did RAW Cardio Crush and then followed with 15 minutes of RAW Home Gym Intervals #1 which I did on the bike. I think Kelly plays the same music on all the RAW workouts.... I'm hoping intervals #4 is posted by tomorrow so that can be my weekend workout.

Have a great Friday everybody. Waving hi to Belinda - hope you are doing well.
Today I did Cathe Live Total Body Blast with step an ball from yesterday's live class, 59 minutes (53 actual), heart rate 107 average, 149 max, met 5.3,316 calories, 2,113 steps. I then did Live Quick Fix Cardio first 22 minutes and stretch to make 25 minutes(had the next roofer come so cut it short) heart rate 134 average, 167 max, met 5.9, 163 calories, 1,936 steps.
Total time today was 84 minutes and calories burned 479.

Total Body Blast with Step and Ball breakdown
Step with two risers each side, they have 5,8,10,15# dbs and a stability ball
begins with alternating lower and cardio
Cardio plunge lunge
reverse lunge off step 12# dbs
straddle jump 8,8,4 ,4 reps
uneven squats pyramid up 10#, 12#, 15# I think each is 16 reps as I lose count at times
3 sets wide box jumps
standing squats 15# dbs (Cathe says you can go heavier if you have heavier weights) 24 reps
1 arm burpee
squat toss 10# db 32 reps
3 sets spider climbers 4 tempo then 16 reps 3rd set does 24 reps
power turn squats 7's then 4's
sumo squat 15# db pivoting then facing front side to side repeated several times
side to side across the step with a knee up
cross back lunges 15# 32 reps alternating
at 25 minutes get mat and ball
chest and triceps
seesaw push ups with ball 16 reps
overhead seated triceps extensions 12# dbs 16 reps then 8 reps with 10# dbs
close grip press on ball 12# dbs 24 reps
dumbbell flys 12# dbs
push ups on the floor
Back and biceps
sweeper curls 15# dbs
1 arm row 20# (they use two dumbbells to get 20#) 16 reps
incline curls 12# dbs 16 reps
preacher curls 12# dbs 12 reps
pullovers 12# dbs (I used 15# dbs) 12 reps
2 rnds using 5's and 8's
incline front raise 8# dbs rnd 1 5#dbs rnd 2
seated rear fly 8# dbs 12 reps second round 16 reps
lateral raises 5# dbs 12 reps
finish off with two sets of overhead standing press 10# dbs 12 reps and 8 reps
at 44 minutes core with stability ball
ball exchange, sit up twist, banana hold, alternating leg lift, plank roll ins (I used the regular stability ball today as no way was I going to be a warrior and use the weighted one again today ;)
Doreen, I thought I saw something from Kelly saying the Intervals 4 would be posted Monday. Although it seems most of the time they have been showing up on the weekend. I have been watching for that one too :) I do wish Kelly would use some music like she used in her first workouts. I had fun with those soundtracks.
This morning I did a Yvette Bachman - All Out Step Aerobics and Leg work. Its about 55 minutes of athletic step work including some blast level moves followed by some weighted leg work. The cardio portion is easy to follow and tough - she gives very little breaks. Its a good one without a lot of jumping, some impact but not jumping.

And I just saw that Intervals # is up on RAW!!
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This morning I did Cathe Live Crush It Live, 34 minutes, heart rate average 125, max 154, 2,549 steps, 210 calories, met 5.6. I had to make the workout quick this morning as we had a contractor come out to do up the papers to repair the leak problem in our sun room this morning. I needed a bit of break anyway. Yesterdays Total Body Blast with step and ball left my knee hurting from the box jumps and impact. I should have modified, but was feeling fine while doing it.

Doreen, I thought of you when I saw Kelly's Intervals #4 was up. It was really tempting for me, except I have had a lot of that type of work this week and am still sore. So, I will do it Monday if I can get up early enough before we go to the Fair or maybe tomorrow. I will see how things go. I canceled Cathe live for now and am keeping the Raw channel. I just have too many obligations to take care of with all of our repairs right now. Kelly says the new workouts purchased should be out by the end of the month. I am looking forward to those :)
Today I did Coffey Fit Raw Intervals #4, 265 calories, 42 minutes, heart rate average 125, max 154.
requires 6 inch step and 12.5 or 15# dbs( I used 15's) Kelly says she usually uses 15#
One cardio 30 sec and one strength move 30 sec repeated twice and move to the next then all are repeated ending with some core and upper body the second time

Split and squat jack cardio/15# dbs power curls

Pendulums cardio/ 15# dbs deadlift upright row dbs

Achy feet cardio/lunge press 1 arm 15# db

Plunge lunge, turn side to side lunge cardio/side lunge curls 15# dbs

Jump on step squat touch down/plank rows 15# dbs alternating

Heel crossovers/ jacks and skates no weights

Repeat all cardio and weight segments again excluding heel cross overs/ jacks and skates , this is shorter, cardios are done two of each followed by a strength segment.

End with lying on step skull crushers to sit ups
Flys with leg raise

Stretch at 39 minutes
Good morning,

I am back. Saturday my nephew flew back to Germany. DH and I drove him to the airport. We had a blast with him. I ended up cleaning my house yesterday and taking it easy yesterday.

Today I did Patrick Goudeau - Play Ball + a short indoor walk. It's raining here. I forgot how much fun Patrick Goudeau - Play Ball was. I need to pull that one out more often. This week I will play with Patrick's workouts.

I will try to catch up on personals later. BBL!
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Today was my rest day. We were going to go to the State Fair, but it was so busy that we went to the Oklahoma National Memorial Museum. I have not been to the museum, just to the bombing site and outdoor memorial. It is emotional walking through the room with pictures of each individual that has died and a special momento with them. It made me teary. We met our son in law for lunch since his office is downtown. We ate at a place called the Health Nut Cafe :)

Doreen, I really liked the Interval's #4 too. I figured you would get it in ;)

Belinda, welcome back. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. To me it always feels like a bit of a let down from all of the excitement when they leave. It takes a day to regroup and settle back into normal :)
Good morning,

Since I still have the FS workouts from my friend, I decided to give them a shot. My friend still have some of my dvd's, lol .Today I did Fit-Split-Sow-Impact-cardio-metabolic-conditioning. I had to modify the crawling on the floor exercises and some jumping jacks. I did liked the weight workout in that one a lot. And NO, I will not run out and buy the dvd/or download, lol. I also did some 20 min pilates. Pilates always helps strengthen my back.

That's it for me today. Have a great workout and day, everyone.
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This morning I did ICE Chiseled Upper body warm up and then followed with Alexia Clark upper body workout for 3 circuits. This one was pretty straighforward:

Circuit 1:
Dumbbell Chest Press: 8-12Reps
Seated Resistance Band Row: 8-12Reps

Repeat this order 4 times

Circuit 2
Single Arm High Pull: 10-12Reps each side
Arnold Press: 12-15Reps
Circle Press: 15Reps
Lateral Raise: 15Reps

Repeat this order 3 times through

Circuit 3
Dumbbell Box Single Arm Row: 8-12Reps each side
Dumbbell Pull Over: 8-12Reps
Curl Press: 12Reps
Chest Fly: 15Reps

Repeat this order 3 times through

Circuit 4
Seated forehead pull: 40Seconds
Resistance band pulse press: 40Seconds
Resistance band forward press: 40Seconds
Alternating Resistance band bent over row engaged: 40Seconds

(I only did this one time through before I ran out of time. but you are supposed to do it 3x)
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