This morning I did Kelly Coffey's Plateau Buster both combined workout, 49 minutes, 312 calories, heart rate average 125, max 160, 2,396 steps. This was a good one for boosting the metabolism a bit
The cable guy came early and spent some time outside, so I was able to get my chicken dish set up in the slow cooker. I am not sure why this is a Whole 30 Fast and Easy recipe. I cut up the onions and dates last night before bed and peeled the sweet potatoes. It still took awhile to clean and get the cilantro ready, the garlic, and the ginger. I suppose maybe some of these items you can find prepared for you somewhere. I don't like most of the things they use out of frozen packages. I still have to shred cauliflower for the rice. I am making jasmine rice for those who do not want cauliflower.
Plateau Buster
2 sets 12 reps for the weights
heavy dbs/ squat out with press 12# dbs, 12# dbs
step front and reverse fly 12#dbs 12# dbs
jumps and jacks
heavy dbs/side lunge with single arm lateral raise 10#, 12# dbs
squat with bicep curl at bottom 12# dbs, 12# dbs
no dbs /toe tap jump and repeater knee
light dbs/ lunge front & push db front 8's, 8's
Stir the pot 1 10# db, 10#
workout 2
heavy dbs/squat with single front raise lift 12#dbs, 12# dbs
side lunge stance: single rows 15# db, 15# db
no dumbbells pendulum knee pops and pendulum
heavy dbs / hip drop into high pull 15# dbs, 15# dbs
reverse lunge, pause & bicep curl 15# dbs, 15# dbs
no dbs/ split switches and ski jogs
light dumbbells step outs and alternate dbs front 3 8# dbs, 8# dbs
one dumbbell down and shake the paint I used 1 10# dumbbell
Doreen, that Tabata workout sounds really good. I think I would really like that one. The rebounder really comes in handy for those high impact moves.
Belinda, nice work. Are you doing step? I always found it would set off my knee pain. Fortunately I am back to doing it without trouble other than a lot of jumping off and on the step.