Today I used Kelly Coffey's Shape Up using two of the mixes as I wanted to do the cardio which is high impact and targets lower body separate from the weights which is all upper body. I started with the cardio only mix, 34 minutes, tabata rounds of 20 work 10 rest,8 rounds each exercise, heart rate 132 average, 171 max, 263 calories, 2,391 steps. I then did the weights only mix which took a bit longer since I wrote everything down,(I need to make a worksheet for this. Kelly said she would look into it , but it has not appeared on her website yet. I imagine because it is more of a cardio and weight workout if done as it is. I like the weights alone most of the time. This workout was 38 minutes, heart rate averag3 102/ max 134 (I skipped the warm up) 168 calories, 615 steps.
The weights are done in 8 rounds each exercise 20 sec work, 10 sec rest
Back-split stance row single arm and dbl arm fly 15# dumbbells 8 rounds
shoulders- double arm press rnd 1 alternating press rnd 2 repeat for 8 rounds (option to run the arms) 10# dumbbells 12 reps
chest and tirceps heavy flys into skullcrusher rnd 1 singles, rnd 2 doubles repeat for 8 rounds 15's 6 reps singles 3 reps doubles
back- rows 15's 12 reps round 1 15's run row round 2 repeat for 8 rounds
shoulders and trices- lateral raise to kickbacks 8's ( did 1 round with 10's) both moves count as 1 rep 6 reps total each round
chest/ core - bench press 15's rnd 1 bench press with scissor legs 15's rnd 2 for 8 rounds 12 reps each
Belinda, it may move more smoothly than the pictures look

Eventually we will see video clips. I know the Pilates on 21 Day FIx Extreme is a uncomfortable to me using the tubing. My hands begin to ache trying to hold onto it the whole time that I am putting pressure on it. I like the workout though. I just have to switch positions with my hands off and on.