Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did STS D39 Squat Rack legs.

Maybe I'll preorder tomorrow. I always can cancel my pre order after I see clips. Wished Cathe would show clips before the pre sale ended. It would make things a lot easier.

Good job, everyone.
I just can't believe that STS total body hasn't shown up on daily deal yet! I'll have to order tomorrow whether it shows up or not.

Good job on STS Belinda- I keep telling myself to do it again- it always produces results. The workouts just won't fit my schedule nowadays since most are an hour.

I did cardio slam this morning. I haven't done this one all summer so a fun little "oh I forgot this" workout this morning.
Belinda, yes I got the Fit Tower series. Those are the ones I can't play any of the prefixes on my pcs. I had Diane Sue test, and she had the same issue with her HP (which I have 2 of). They played fine on her Lenovo. I did finally get them to play on a regular DVD player, but I first have to go into the mosh mosh menu, back out, and then I can call up the other premix menus. I reported to support, but never heard back from their tech team. Never have had a problem with any other set. Another reason I've been I've been flip flopping.

I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Laura - wow, had no idea! Now I have to check mine and see if they work. Have you posted on the ask Cathe? I am surprised you never heard back from their tech team.
Today's workout was supposed to be the Strong and Sweaty Cycle dvd or other cardio. I did this the last time and had no desire for it so I did Party Rockin Step 1, 54 minutes, heart rate average 134, max 171, 357 calories, 5,019 steps. I really tried to put a lot into this and am surprised at the burn for the heart rate. Oh, well, that is the way it is. My heart rate was only 59 when I started and it drops back so fast. I have to hit the bank, pay bills, get some eye allergy drops, and go to the dentist today. Also more guest pre like putting the locks on my workout room for the little ones. I pre-ordered the new workouts this morning. I couldn't get it to go through without error messages with Explorer so changed to Chrome and it worked fine. I don't get why that is. I know Chrome seems faster. But, then Chrome has it's problems as well. Like why do the emoticons blink on Cathe's and then disappear?
I pre-ordered the discs and downloads this morning for the new series. I hope the downloads work better this time.

Belinda, that is true that you could stop the pre-order. I don't think that Cathe and crew are even near any type of filming when they start their previews. I think they have to film first. I don't know why they start pre-orders so soon. I would also like to see the previews first, but they are such good deals at this point I just go ahead and order.

Laura, you need to contact Cathe's techs again. That is not right. They must have done something different because RWH and Strong and Sweaty worked out just fine for all of my devices. I don't use the downloads much, but would like them there when I do want them and I want them to work. Having to have itunes even to play them makes me angry. I have a Samsung Galaxy large tablet that I would be using for playing downloads when away. My Lenovo is getting on it's last leg. cracked at the back edge and I am afraid to close the top down. I am not sure how it happened either.
I ordered this morning as well - downloads only. I guess I really didn't need STS total body anyway!

I did RWH Chest shoulder tris this morning with 4 rounds of each exercise.

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Today I did yesterday's postponed workout. It is a LI blend I made of various ICE, lower, upper, MTB, sweat, and I added in some RWH LI too. Oddly enough, I slept all through the night last night as well. 3 in a row. I ordered the series this morning too.

Doreen, I was really hoping that STS total body would show up for you today.

Belinda, yes I had posted on Ask Cathe.

Diane Sue, well since we both tested, they obviously changed something between S&S and the Fit Tower series that impacts the menus on HP computers. I guess since I was the only one who reported it, they put it on the back burner. I even sent them a video that I recorded showing how the premix menus don't work. They sent me different discs. I tested them, same thing, sent them back. My S&S series and all other discs (I think I only don't have 3 of Cathes) work fine.

Have a great day and great workouts everyone.
Doreen, maybe they will show up with STS total body at a great price later. Nice work today.

Laura, maybe you need to give them another nudge as to what the problem is with the workouts. I just know that we were back and forth a few times and they kept putting it back to their tech people to troubleshoot. I hope the new ones are not that much of a problem. If I have problems playing the downloads this time I will not purchase again. I am not going to go out and buy a different computer just to play my downloads. It is frustrating about the premixes as well.
Good evening,

Today I went and got my hair done in DC. Had a great time with my DD.

This morning I walked for 3 miles.

I ended up ordering the new workouts. I wished Cathe would show clips before the pre sale is up. I will wait for clips, before I make up my mind. I always can cancel.

Diane Sue - I agree with you on everything you said. I went ahead and ordered. I will wait until I see clips, I always cancel my preorder.

Laura- I agree with Diane Sue, you need to contact them again. I hope it gets resolved soon.

Doreen - it will show up eventually. Why didn't you order the dvd's?

I will be back tomorrow.
Good morning,

D33 is done. One more week and I am done with the 3.5 month STS rotation. I will pyramid STS down.Than go up again and do the Bodybuilding rotation. That should be interesting, lol.

Have a wonderful workout and day, everyone.
Today I did Body Max 2. I just needed one of my go to workouts. Today is the anniversary of Dad's passing. I got Mom to agree to go to lunch with one of her neighbors so she won't be all alone.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.
Belinda- I didn't want to buy downloads & discs and I didn't want to pay for shipping on the discs alone since I didn't have another order. I also know that if there are cardio workouts I can do outside during the summer it is nice to have them online so I can play them on my phone and workout at the park or on my patio. I also have the ability to throw the downloads onto a disc - I just can't program all the premixes. But my desktop workout blender is still working so I can make my own premixes. Its this complicated decision making process.

This morning I did RWH Plyo Hiit 2 and then finished with a couple of the Low Impact Challenge combos as cool down.
Today's workout was Ripped With Hiit Circuit Legs, 48 minutes, 371 calories, heart rate average 132 max 170, 2,683 steps. I added on Ice Lower Body Blast Biizzard, 17 minutes, 133 calories, heart rate average 130, max 160,795 steps. Total time was 65 minutes, 504 calories. We went out on the motorcycle for a ride and lunch today. My niece will be here tomorrow with her family.

Belinda, I think I would lose interest doing that much STS. How are the results going on this round?

Doreen, I can see why you would want the downloads. I didn't notice there being any shipping. Maybe it is because I bought both?

Laura, I hope your mother was not too down. I have done Body Max 2 so many times. I never really get tired of that one. Nice choice and it gets everything in.

Does anyone have the Corp de Force workouts from Beach Body or done them? I am just curious if they are any good. I like the idea of MMA and core work blended. Not that I am ready to run out and buy them though.
Good morning! I went for a quick walk this morning since it was nice outside and I didn't have kids to shuffle around early. Then when I got back I did All in 18 - Total Body Fat burn.

I found a fun app last night. Bitgym. It uses your camera on your phone or table to monitor your speed on a treadmill, elliptical or bike to show a trail video to watch while you workout. It tried a couple of the free videos and it works pretty well and they have some interesting trails to "run" with. I may sign up for a month this winter to give it a try.
Today's workout was Ripped with Hiit Plyo Hiit #1, 28 minutes, 194 calories, heart rate 134 average, 166 max. Also on the rotation was RWH abs #1 10 minutes, 49 calories and I added on the bonus abs from Fit Tower Advanced, 12 minutes, 32 calories. Workout was 50 minutes, calories 275 total. Waiting for our company to arrive. Some of my family will be coming over for dinner.

Doreen, that app sounds interesting. I bet the walk was nice. It is beautiful here today. It rained a bit last night.
Today I did a boxing combo of RK, MMA boxing, KCM Body Design and KCM Meltdown.

Doreen, that sounds like a fun app.

It is beautiful here, just 70 degrees. This is the weather I love. Nice and crisp. I'll be working out tomorrow as this week I have doctors and a Mom trip planned.

Diane Sue, enjoy your company.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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