Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Amy Bento Ross, Hi/Lo Dynamics 55 minutes, 375 calories, heart rate 134 average/ max 166 (it is so odd that my Fit Bit phone app is often different than the watch usually a bit higher on avg heart rate and lower on calories) This workout was 4,812 steps. I am holding off on shoulders, as my neck is sore, otherwise I would have done workout # 1 of Muscle Up from Kelly. I guess, I should have done the first part which was chest and back supersets. The last portion is shoulders and core. Anyway, I did Ramped Up Upper time saver, double back, 32 minutes, 145 calories, heart rate 106/138, steps from this was 958? I guess picking up weights and walking over to write things down. I do like how the Fit Bit app tells you how many of your total steps is from the workout. One of my latest discoveries. Total time was 87 minutes, 520 calories.
Ramped Up Upper I did the same weights and reps the second time through so will just post the first time weights
One arm row R 30# 16 reps
1 arm fly R 10# 10 reps
One arm row L 30# 16 reps
1 arm fly L 10# 10 reps
One arm Row R 30# 16 reps
one arm fly R 10#, 10reps
One arm Row L 30# 16 reps
One arm fly R 10# 10 reps
Pull over 35# 10 reps
Pull over 35# 10 reps
rear delt fly 10's 10 reps twice
rear delt fly 10's 10 reps twice
T-Band Pulls 32 reps/ 16 reps
repeat all

Belinda, that sounds like a fun class workout. I have never been to a gym before.

Laura, that was a good way to put those workouts together with all of the boxing at the end. Do you have Kelly Coffey's Meltdown? Workout 2 is all heavy bag boxing with a short cardio segment in between. There is even a premix with upper from workout one done with the heavy bag in between segments. I liked it.

Doreen, nice job on the eccentric work and upper body. I bet you are really feeling it now.
Diane Sue, I don't own Meltdown (yet!). I had tried to do an inter library loan on this recently, but they turned it down as being too new to loan out. My library sent me the information for them to purchase it. They carry almost all of KCM. I may still put in the library request, but now that I know the second workout is heavy bag, I'll put it on my Amazon wishlist. Love heavy bag workouts. Thanks for the heads up. That is neat about telling you the steps. BTW, just got the message that the library got in the Sharon Twombly workouts that I ordered.

Doreen, yes it was a great blend. DH laughed at me when he saw how sweaty I was. Great job on the workouts today. I have what I call baby triceps (as in as strong as a baby). Those sets sounds killer.
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Good morning! Laura - that would be fun if your library would purchase. I used to check out a lot. Only one time I put in a request for them to buy (the ICE series) but it got turned down. =(

This morning I did Low Impact Challenge for a bit of a recovery workout. Almost 5000 steps!

Diane Sue- my daughter bought a new Fitbit Charge 2 and gave me her old Charge HR. So I've been playing around with it for my workouts.
Doreen, I couldn't sleep last night (again) so I decided to go ahead and fill out the forms (in the middle of the night) for my library to purchase both KCM Meltdown and Body Design. Imagine my surprise when I got an email at 9 this morning telling me they purchased both and automatically put them on hold for me. Happy dance. Good job on LIC. I've been doing that one a lot lately myself. It has grown on me over time.

Going to do my workout later than normal today. Trying to get some energy going. I'll check back later.
Hi everyone,

STS D20 Legs and another Kickboxing workout at the gym is done. I love those workouts :)

Laura - WOW! Wished my liberty would do that. Saves you a lot of $$.

Diane Sue - it is a nice change going to the gym. Get out and meet new people. Plus, the classes are fun.

Doreen - nice step count this morning.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Today did a blend of Cardio Supersets and To the Max. Started off with CSS Warmup & Step, switched to TTM Step, Slide & Glide Tabata, Compound Legs and stretch.

Belinda, yes it does save me a lot of $$. We have a very good library system. This was the first time I attempted to have them purchase something. I bet it is fun kickboxing in a class.

Good workouts everyone. Have a great day.
oday I did URX-MT Polyperformance , Plyometric, Intervals with Keli Roberts. This was 53 minutes, 339 calories, heart rate average 128/max 165, 3,334 steps. I then did YouTube Amy Ross workout 2 full workout with the rebounder and kettle bells, 31 minutes(I did the brief workout that was directly after the other that dropped off without the end) heart rate 136 average/ max 177, 199 calories, 2,271 steps. I finished off with Rebound Fit relaxation and stretch on YouTube, 18 minutes, 32 calories. Total time was 1 hour 42 minutes, 570 calories.

Doreen, it is surprising how many step you can get from a lot of the low impact workout. I think some of the plyometric stuff and high impact do not give as many steps for jumping in the air. I am sure that you will enjoy playing around with the Fit Bit.

Laura, that is great that the got those workouts for you. I think you will find both Meltdown and Body Design useful. Check out all of the premixes on Kelly's website for those.

Belinda, nice work today. I bet it is nice to go out and be with other people. It would be nice for a change of pace for sure.
Diane Sue - fantastic job on your workouts today. I'll doubt I will sign up for the gym. I have to coordinate with my hubby overtime, Brawler can't be left alone. I wouldn't feel right to leave him alone, it's only a week since his surgery.
Good morning,

Just came back from the gym. Today was another fun and sweaty kickboxing workout. Loved it! Habitat for Humanity is finally coming and pick up the dryer :)

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.
This morning was humid and damp from a big rain last night but I thought outside would still be cooler than inside...
I did Anarchy abs power workout. I figured out from last time through he does a lot of talking between sets. So instead of stopping when he called time I kept going for 2-4 more seconds. That works better.
Then I did All in 18 - metabolic mayhem for a 45 min workout total.

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Today I did Kelly Coffey's Cardio Pump workout #1 which is mainly boxing, 29 minutes, heart rate 135 avg./165 max, 189 calories. I then did Plateau Buster premix one and two split ( not exactly sure the title) This was 1 set of each move alternating between the two workouts 29 minutes(26 actual) 156 calories, 115 avg. /152 max heart rate. I went a bit lighter with this today as I did not want to overwork my shoulders. I finished off with Fit Tower Advanced Boot Camp mish mosh cardio lower, 29 minutes, 145 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, calories 490.
Plateau Buster Split 12 reps of all dumbbell exercises (These are done in a bit different order than just from workout 1 to workout 2)
Squat with Press 12's
Step front reverse fly 12's
jumps and jacks
squat with single front raise lift 15's
side lunge stance single rows alternating sides 15's
toe tap /jump repeater knee
lunge front and dumbbell push front 5's
stir the pot 8#
side lunge with lateral raise 15's
squat biceps curl at the bottom 15's
pendulum knee pops and pendulum
hip drop into high pull 15's
reverse lunge, pause bicep curl 15's
split switches and ski jogs
step out and alternate dumbbells front 3 5's
shake the paint 8#

Belinda, that is nice that you are liking those gym workouts. I wouldn't want to leave my dog alone either.

Doreen, I have done that with workouts too after becoming familiar with them. I don't like wasting a lot of time.

Laura, looking forward to hearing what you think of the workouts when you get them. You have done well using portions of the different workouts.
Today I did Body Max 2 (modified to LI). I'm previewing the two Sharon Twombley workouts from the library. Going to be trying those out soon.

Good workouts everybody.
Diane Sue - sounds like a good workout. I have never open my dvd :( Should pull it out one day, lol.!! There is always someone with Brawler :) Can't leave him alone. Habitat for Humanity finally picked up the dryer and other things :) Glad all that is out the house.

Laura - good job on BM today. I like Sharon Twombley especially her Zero to Sixty workout.

Doreen - glad you had fun with your workout today. Sounds interesting.
Both of Sharon Twombly's workouts that I got from the library are labeled Zero to Sixty. One has the subtitle Low Impact with Weights, the other is Adrenaline Rush. The Low Impact with Weights one you use light and heavier dumbbells through the whole workout (58 min) until the end, then abs, then stretch. I think she is using either 2 or 3, and 5's. The other one, Adrenaline Rush, has cardio intervals (no weights) for the first half, then has weight work, then mat, stretch. Adrenaline Rush has some jumps in it, but she has one modifier showing low impact (also much lower intensity) moves. On some of the moves I would sub in some of Cathe's mods to make higher intensity, like on split jumps.
Laura, I forgot about Adrenaline Rush. I do not have it , but looked at it on Amazon after I had looked Sharon Twombly up on the internet. I should get that one too. Yes Zero to Sixty she uses 2# and 5# dumbbells. I sometimes use 3#. I have always enjoyed Body Max 2.

Belinda, LOL, which of those workouts would it be that you have not opened yet? I bet it feels good to have the space the dryer and stuff was freed up.
Today I did Amy Bento Ross Step Challenge Advanced #4 with the power ups, 64 minutes, 411 calories, heart rate average 137/ma 167,5,593 steps. I then did the abs from Amy's Step Challenge 3 abs #1 with a 15# kettlebell, 15 minutes, 61 calories, heart rate 110 avg./138 max, 249 steps. I finished off with Fit Tower Advanced Legs, Glutes, and core time save core + stretch, 18 minutes, 41 calories heart rate 97/126. 258 steps.
Total time 97 minutes, calories burned 513. Steps so far 6,952.
I am going to call AT&T and see if I can find someone besides the tech that deals with the replacement. I have an appointment this afternoon if that does not work out. I checked and August is 1 year since I purchased the original phone. They have replaced it twice already.
My knee is a little unhappy today so I did KCM Circuit Burn, premix Cardio, Boxing and Sculpting (this removes the lower body strength moves) and then I just did the boxing combos another 2x each. I looked through my weights and I only have 1 or 3 pds. No 2 pd. I'll guess I'll start out with 3 pds and go down if necessary on Zero to Sixty Low Impact with Weights. My only concern is that holding the weights for the whole workout will flare the carpel tunnel. We will see.

Diane Sue, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with your phone. Great workout and step count.

I hope everyone has a good day and good workouts.
Laura, maybe you could wear weighted gloves and it wouldn't bother as much for the lighter weights. I have what they would call trigger finger and my fingers get stuck in the bent position. I take a lot of collagen products which helps a lot. But, on some workouts like that I have to be careful how I grip and how far I bend my fingers. Same with heavy bag work. It is all a part of my arthritis. Much of the time I have to physically pry the fingers back open when they catch. It is odd though that they collagen and hyaluronic acid helps and it doesn't happen often as long as I keep up with it. I had surgery for carpal tunnel years ago, which I think I already mentioned. No problem afterward. It can be very painful. I favor thinner handles on my dumbbells for comfort.

I tried calling AT&T but got the computer generated answering system and was having a hard time getting through to what my problem is. It wanted to send me to insurance claims. I haven't had the phone a year yet plus they have a long wait right now. I would probably be on the phone till time for my appointment at the store.

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