Like a kid in a candy store....


Howdy All!

I received Stretch Max, Core Max, Kick Max, and Timesaver DVD last night and previewed a little of each. I couldn't wait to get started! I only had time to do a quick Timesaver segment this morning but what FUN! It left me wanting more! I should receive Basic, Low Max, I2/C&W, and Muscle Max tonight and I'm already looking in the catalog for more! Honestly, it's amazing how much time I'm taking analyzing my decision and changing my mind every 5 minutes.....crazy, actually. And the $$$$!! Yikes......oh well, I'm over it. ;)

Can I get your opinion?

I want to round out my weights and add more cardio plus ab work so I'm thinking of adding the following:

*Gym Styles 1-3
*Slow & Heavy
*The Classics (or should I get Cardio Hits??? - BIG DILEMMA!)
*Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks
*CXT Series (in a couple months)

I don't know if I need Ab Hits or not because I have CM and there are ab segments on the other DVDs that I can skip to.

Thanks for your feedback. You guys are awesome. This is the best community I've ever joined!

Yes to all of the above, including Ab Hits. Why kid yourself? You're already a Cathe Fool. Just go with it.

Get Ab hits, I don't think you'll regret it, and will look even better in that bathing suit, this summer. Your ab muscles the the one muscle that you can work 4 or 5 times a week without over working it. Your other muscles on the other hand can't take that much work. Also the better your abs are the stronger your lower back is, and you might not care right now, but if you ever have to help someone move you might, also it will help when you get older, as it will keep your spine stright and you won't be bent over granny. Women really need to work their back and stomach muscles as it is so easy for them to lose calicum and then start to have bone comression and then have a hump in their spine. Weight training helps a lot, but you still need to make sure every part of the body is as well covered as possible or at least the important ones, and your abs are very important to a lot of things. As weak abs, lets your kidneys, liver, gullbladder, intestines all fall forward instead of being pushed back and straight, which can cause some problems with digestion, heart burn, and even breathing as your diaphragm doesn't have all the space it should. Besides I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't need either some ab work or maintain their ab work. And change is always good, it can work areas that don't get worked with your normal routine.

Besides, why leave that one out of the collection?

You know, the catalog says you get the DVD's cheaper by the BUNDLE.:)

But if your credit card really needs to pace itself, I think you might want to try Gym Styles first before you get S&H. The Gym Styles use a slow count, but not as slow as S&H, which, although very effective for achieving mass and strength, can be very stressful mentally and physically. I've never stuck with S&H for more than 2 weeks at a stretch, but I go back to it because it works. I know there are ladies in this forum who use S&H regularly, but I'm not one of them.

I don't have the Classics but I've heard that the choreography of the workouts in this DVD is easier to follow than that of the workouts in Cardio Hits. So if you want something more "basic" (I use the word carefully, since Cathe's workouts are far from basic), you might want the Classics. I have Cardio Hits and love it.

I prefer CTX over Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks; CTX being very versatile and containing the UB split and Leaner Legs. I hardly use CM/CK. Only when I'm wanting a change do I turn to this DVD. Or when I'm mixing and matching kickboxing segments. I prefer C&W over CM; KPC and KM over CK. CK is a space hog. You need a lot of room to move around, and I don't have that.

Definitely get Ab Hits. Eventually you'll want to do your own ab routines, and popping this one DVD in your player would be better than taking out one DVD and loading another up. The convenience is worth it.

Re Circuit Max + Cardio Kicks:

You can get a price break if you get the CTX and Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks DVDs in one bundle. Just a thought.

And, while we're on the subject . . .

Circuit Max remains one of my alltime favorite workouts, after circling around it suspiciously for a few months after I first bought it. I don't do it strictly as produced: I do the resistance cycles after each cardio cycle with barbell leg work only, rather than the compound upper / lower body drills Cathe does. I do this for a number of reasons, but the workout as produced is awesome. The choreography is lightning in a bottle, Cathe's cueing is razor sharp and zesty, and the time - and you - fly by. I like to do all six main cardio-resistance cycles, then switch to the Cardio Kicks power drills.

Just a thought.

LOL! :7

Holy Visa Card, you guys crack me up!

BUNDLE! Now why didn't I think of that?!?!?

Still much to think about, but you guys sure made me smile!

After reading this, I'M going to get Ab Hits!!! I often think that I need to work my abs more, but since a lot of my Cathe's are on video, not dvd, it is impossible to fast-forward for the ab work. I think I might just order it up!!! And see what else I am missing from my collection!!!:) }(
Thanks, Pinky, this helps alot! It really makes a difference to have "insider" information. I'm off to place my order now....


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