Lifting like girls

Karen, I just wish you would've caught those thugs in the act. You could've totally beaten them up, Commando style. I mean, have you seen your workouts? You are killing it! I bet you don't even miss HoCo. ;)

Tom, that sucks about your shoulder. You hang in there and use the extra time for some cardio, okay? LOL. Seriously, hope it heals up soon. You should be so proud of your son, what an accomplished lifter! It's all in the genes, so he gets it from you obviously!

I wasn't really "feeling it" this morning so I went for a Cathe Live that I can't believe I've never done before....2015 Road Trip Kickboxing Class Live (7/24/15). What took me so long to get to this one? It was fun and only 45 mins. Perfect for today.

TGIF!!! Have a great one!
Hi all!

So excited - the FitTower arrived today. Time for another round of STS!
I did do the first workout of the fit tower as soon as I had it together. It's a beginner workout. A little over a half hour, the other DVD is intermediate, then expert, according to the covers.

Last night I took a belly dancing class, it was fun. Then went dancing with Richard for several hours. He taught me a couple of country dances. My calves are on fire.

Have been doing something every day, and trying to eat right. Heck, I only had two beers last night. Of course seeing myself in a full length mirror for a little over three hours really points out all flaws......
Today was my favorite workout of the week. Only because, done right, I feel it for two days.
Sumo Deadlift 4 sets
Glute Ham Raise 3 sets
High Bar Squat 3 sets
Front Squat 2 sets
Stair Calf Raises 5 sets
Then I went for a 5 mile walk. I needed to decompress, after this busy, stressful week.
My insurance is paying for a rental car. I appreciate it, because the vehicles left, are not behaving themselves. I think the Jeep needs a new starter, and my husbands "hoopty" 1970 Plymouth RoadRunner, is more than I want to deal with. So, to be quite honest, I'm used to older cars, and I don't know whether to drive, or fly this thing. The whole front dashboard is a screen. The key is not a key, and the car is talking to me. I may have to come into the 21st century. What's a girl to do, right? Oh well, I promise I won't moan and bellyache anymore. Good to see you back, Lib! Justine, Roz, Melissa? Miss you ladies!! Tom, I think you got an osmosis workout, watching Son # 2 lift that heavy. Lisa, some days I'm not feeling it either. But, good onya, sounds like you gotter done. Fun class. I will have to note that date!! Have a great weekend, everyone!!!
Son 2 wimped out last night so I got up this morning and hit the Lake Mary YMCA because it was ARM DAY!!! Back to superset tri sets, skc/ dumbbell curls, kickbacks/ hammer curls, tri pushdowns/ concentration curls. I threw in one set of pullovers and a set of inclined sit ups. Felt good to work hard!! I doubt I will get much lifting done until we get home Wed, but will live vicariously thru the sisterhood!! Lib, glad you are back at it, Karen, sounds like you are taking frustrations out on the about your car. You description of the rental " cracked me up"!! Justine, are you hiking and swimming back from Portugal?? Lisa, when faced with cardio vs couch potatoing........tough choice. lol!! Fixing up bathrooms and college football today....yay one...the other..not so much!! Have a great weekend Commandos!
I'm home! Not without drama, though. Got through security at faro airport...realised I'd left my phone in the hire car. Found the airport police (having a cigarette and coffee!!!) and in my worst portugenglish asked if I could get back out of the airport. Sure - they showed me the way. I sprinted back to the car hire place (thank goodness it's a small airport), gesticulated wildly to the guys cleaning the cars...who told me to go to the desk, and they seemed to be saying they'd handed over a phone. Yippee! Got my phone back. Almost kissed the poor boy on the desk. Then I sprinted back to the airport, straight through check in, with security cheering me on(run, girl! They kept shouting). Showed my boarding which point armed police took hold of me (shit!!!), but then escorted me through security, avaoiding the long line of holiday makers. They were saying 'vip lady, move over'. Everyone staring. Straight through X-ray. They then pointed me in the direction of the gate.....there were about 8 police lined along the way, again shouting 'run girl'. Made the gate at the point of last call. All in 100 degree heat. Hilarious.

Cardio done for the week.

Anyway, back to the workouts. Yesterday was upper body. Bench, pull-ups, dips, strict press, row, reverse flyes and modified candlestick. Today lower body- squats, sumo squats, deadlifts, glute bridge, calves. It's my final meso on the physique templates- heavy/low reps. Unfortunately it wasn't as heavy as I'd have liked. I've really lost strength! I mean, seriously so. A few weeks ago I could dead 85kg for about 12 reps. Today I managed a triple, and didn't even try the 100kg I was intending for my working weight. Seriously????

Anyway, you guys have been busy. Lib- I'd love to hear what you think about the tower. And starting STS again is a great thing.

Karen, Lisa. I'll come and do your yard work (is that what we call gardening?) I love it.

Tom, fixing up bathrooms? A man of many talents.

Karen, you sound like you're crushing fpt. It's a killer, right?

And as for getting thrown off a flight over an arm rest????? What???? Seriously????? (I'd booked seats 1a and b on my return flights- extra leg room for my dh and his dodgy knees, gave up my seat when a disabled woman got on the plane and was struggling to fit in behind me. Sometimes you've just got to get over yourself)

Soooo good to be back with you guys and lifting.
Karen, sometimes those rental cars are just weird. Especially the keyless ones, where you just push some button and leave the thing in your pocket or purse. Those drive me bonkers. Complain away. Hope you get it all figured out. Good workouts.

Justine, that's quite an airport story! Welcome back to Lifting Land!

Tom, at least you got something done, right? Sounds like you're going non-stop like the Energizer Bunny (well, except for the watching football part, LOL)

Lib, great update from you. Sounds like your love life and your workout life are on track!

Crazy over here. Too much going on. Saturday was You Can Do Anything for a Minute Live (LOVE LOVE LOVE this one) and today was KCM Bootcamp, doing both workouts for 1 hour long.
Justine, laughed out loud at the airport story...that was great! Lisa,the minute thing sounds interesting...Maybe fun, depending on what you are doing for that minute! I actually did some stuff at the motel. They had a stack machine so I did tri sets of lat pulldowns, leg raises and seated bench press, 3 sets of each. I went pretty light on the bench, but didn't feel good ( guy gotta do what a guy gotta do)!. Karen, how's the car tech training coming? Hope Monday survived by all!
They had a stack machine so I did tri sets of lat pulldowns, leg raises and seated bench press, 3 sets of each.

Tom, when I first read this I thought you said they had a "snack machine" at the hotel. I was wondering why you would tell us that...doesn't every hotel have a snack machine?...but then I got my brain in gear and read it correctly. Geez, think someone's hungry?
Hope you get to feeling better, Lib. The planets must be aligned in some peculiar way. It seems like the shit is hitting the fan for quite a few people. Loved your story Justine. I'm old enough to remember OJ Simpson sprinting through an airport. Can't remember what the commercial was about. That was when he was a football hero. (those days are long gone) Anyway, my rental and I are BFF now. Today's workout:
Wide Grip Barbell Press 3 sets
Flat DB Flye 3 sets
Seated BB Shoulder Press 2 sets
Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 sets
Cable Face Pull 3 sets
BB Curl 4 sets
V-Up 4 sets
Nice work everybody!!! We made it through Monday. (that's a workout in itself)
I just finished the Fit Tower Intermediate disc. I like how she incorporates the tower. They are short workouts for her, but a great way to get back into the habit of working out again, or just adding as a rest day, etc.
I think I will end up doing more than one or two on my days off though. I like the moves in both the first two dvds.

I miss y'all. I'm hoping to have better balance now. I have caught up on almost all the readings. And just one more assignment due this week.
Tom, autocorrect is my arch nemesis. Have you ever done talk to text? Holy hell that thing never gets it right!!! It ends up being me screaming at my cell phone. Quite the sight.

Karen, aw, I'm gonna buy matching necklaces for you and your rental car. Glad you love each other now. (Why do I think you were being sarcastic?) Great workout yesterday. Yeah, it was definitely a Monday over here too.

Lib, feel better soon girl. We miss you too, but know you've been busy. Just keep doing your best, that's all you can do. It's also motivational to have a new fitness toy so I'm glad you get to play with your Fit Tower!

Today I did Lovin' Those Legs Live (5/19/16). Should've been titled Killin' Those Legs Live! Have a good day everyone.
Well, heavy weights and low reps are still killing me, but I'm getting back into the swing of it. Trying to go heavy for calves is tricky, though.

Tom, great snack machine workout! Lisa's right - auto correct can get you into some tricky situations.

Lisa, is the 'minute' workout based around the upcoming series (note to self, must order)?

Lib, glad you're getting back to a routine.

Karen- are you meso 2? Have you hit a 2 hour wo yet?

It's Autumn here. Cold and damp. Yuk.
Lisa, funny story, I did my first Voice to text several years ago...we had a Honda and a Hyundai. I told DW that if it was icey I would take the Honda because it was better on ice. I thanked her for sewing up a hole in my scrubs and said " thanks for sewing my scrubs, I took the Hyundai because it was dry"... Text said, " thanks for the sewing of my SCROTUM , I took the Honda to dry" WTH...nothing was close to right....always check close now!!!!
Happy Tuesday! Today was a leg day. Love Tuesday and Friday legs. Workout included:
Leg Press 3 sets
BB Walking Lunge 2 sets
Stiff Legged DL 2 sets
Smith Machine Calves 5 sets
Glad to see you back, Justine! Holiday is great, but it's always nice to sleep in your own bed. In a couple of days it's the Fall Equinox. Still beautiful weather, sunny mid 70's. But, after Fall, it's Winter. Can't wait to ski, but, that's the only thing good about Winter. Killin' those legs, Lisa? I may have to try that one too. Getting so many great ideas for Cathe Live. Keep them coming, Love it! Hope you're feeling better, Lib. Good to see you back. Tom, like I stated above, my DH is still wincing. That's some serious "stuff!"
See you all tomorrow.
Tom! LMAO! Auto correct has no brains, that's for sure! You just described every man's worst nightmare!

Karen, killer workout. Sheesh, almost 2 hours? Give me 50 minutes on legs and I'm all good! You know I'm right there with you on loving Fall and hating Winter.

Justine, yeah, You Can Do Anything for A Minute Live is the prototype for the workout that's going to be in the new series. So are PHA Training Live and Total Body Giant Sets Live. Those Live workouts are fantastic so I can only imagine that the DVDs are going to be equally so. Blech on the yucky weather but at least you've got your workouts to keep you busy. I agree with Karen, nothing better than being back in your own bed!

Today I did Smokin' Upper Body Blast Live (7/28/16). Justine, Karen, this one is another must-do. Usually the Live workouts start to lighten up in intensity around the 30 minute mark (IMO) but this one keeps cranking up the intensity until the very end. Fun and sweaty and I will be back to this one again for sure!

Good day to all!
I got home late this afternoon and tried to combine some legs and back, but it was pretty pitiful! 2 x 8 light bench squats, 2x12 light sumo. squats (sore shoulder made me switch from gob squats) ,2 x 25 barbell calf raised 2 x 8 chin ups, 2 short sets of light deadlifts, and attempted pullovers, but sore shoulder getting dumbbells in position....really hope I haven't f' d ( sorry) myself...time will tell. Maybe I'm just to old for this stuff. Maybe I will become " cardio guy"...geeze, now I am depressed! Good w/os today Ladies.

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