Lifting like girls

FRIDAY!!!! I forgot how good those days are!! Today was arm day and while I was tired, I only hit snooze once and got up before the second one. I had a really good workout for arms, I shook things up a little and varied weights some. I started light , but I actually did some sets of curls and skc's with 55's, I don't ever remember using those for arm work before, at least with curls and hammer curls. I still supersetted, but did dumbbell crls/ skc, I tried to use the barbell for the next series on curls, but today it was a no go, so I did 1 set with a barbell, but went to hammer curls/ tri pushdowns, 4 sets. then conc curls/ kickbacks and finished with 21s/ diamond pushups, 26 sets total.Karen, Hawaii sounds great, even is she isn't from there! We could go to Vermont too, but better get there early! That w/o of yours sounds pretty total upper body, it didn't miss anything...great work! GET SOME WEEKEND lady lifters!!
When Ashley says in between the circuits you can take as much rest as you need....can I take a day or two?
Seriously I might try something like that tomorrow. I'm feeling like I need to kick some a$$.

I've just finished week 3 of meso 3, and the volume is ramping up. Yesterday was mainly rowing moves (in honour of our Olympic girls?). Face pulls, EZ rows, 1 arm rows plus some seated be overhead triceps extensions.

Today was a mixed upper / lower. Started with sumo squats. 4 sets - ended up over 100 reps. May be walking funny tomorrow. Good mornings - I have to go light on these if I'm to feel it in my hamstrings / glutes rather than low back. Then curls and dips and calves. Good end of routine burn.

Nothing much happening here. I think it's the calm before the storm, though, as my diary is looking healthier towards the end of August. Some neighbours are getting married and having their reception in one of our barns/fields. I'm kind of thinking it'll be chaos!

Anyway...Hawaii will have to wait until mid September for me. Hope that suits???

Have an amazing weekend, everyone.
Hugs and thoughts and best wishes especially to lib xxx
I stepped off the edge today and did....wait for it....CARDIO and core. Cardio for me is basically airdyne time, but I rode 5 miles instead of my usual 1 and I guess that's progress. I also did 50 crunches, 4 min planks, cable crunches x30 x20, and 1x30 pushups. Total time was 35 min. I wish I had the ambition to attempt that finisher Karen,, but finished I would be!! Lol! Enjoy the weekend ladies!!
Sorry, friends! It's been a crazy few days around here.

Karen, holy hell, watched the video and she lost me at the Running Up the Wall move. Fear, fatigue, crying (from me, not my children)...all of those things would prevent me from doing that move or pretty much most of that routine. She looks amazing, though, so it must be working. Let us know if you do it!

Tom, CARDIO! Did you experience that cardio high from the endorphins? You keep this up and you're going to be a Cardio King before you know it! Good work. Also I admire how you are able to get out of bed so early every morning. I'm glad we motivate you but you sure do motivate me as well.

Justine, Good Mornings feel a bit awkward to me as well. Rowing moves are tough. I've never tried a rowing machine (I know that's not what you were doing but your mention of the Olympics got me thinking...) and I would really like to. I think that would be such a killer total body workout. I wish I were also better at swimming. I just marvel at the swimmers' bodies. That gorgeous strong V shape in their upper body and lean torsos and long, strong legs. I hope you don't actually have a storm waiting for you in the next couple of weeks in terms of your schedule! Hopefully the wedding, etc, will be fun and not stressful.

Melissa, you there? Roz, you there?

Lib, major hugs and prayers still going your way.

I've been so busy I can hardly remember what I've done the past few days. I know I did GS BSB and GS CST (I think that's the last of GS for me for a while.) I also did Summer Kickoff 2016 Live and today I did You Can Do Anything for a Minute Live. Justine, this last one is an inspiration for one of the new videos from Cathe's new series. It was amazing and so fun and time flew.

Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone! I have been slacking big time: both with checking in (obvi) and working out. My coworker had off this past week so I covered his hours; at the time when I signed up for it, I was thinking of the $$ (thankfully we get paid OT), but by Friday I was exhausted. Went away on my dad's boat yesterday with some of my family and wound up getting swimmer's ear BAD. Thankfully the ear drops are working and my head/jaw/ear no longer feel like they are going to explode lol. This afternoon, I'm meeting up with my BFFs and we are gonna get our hair done (finally). Tomorrow I plan on re-starting my Xtrain/Low Impact Series rotation!

Tom, you are killing those weights! Also, I dread leg day. LMAO @ the jobs you have for us; we could open our own facility! Got all the bases covered :)

Lib, OMG i am so sorry to hear about your friend. That is awful! I hope you are doing ok and you are taking the time out for yourself to do what you need to do. Thoughts and prayers and with you and your family/friends.

Karen, hahahah I wish I lived in Hawaii!! Unfortunately it's NY...which I guess is pretty nice but not as nice as an island. Just the name Dr Drillenstein is giving me chills haha! Anything tooth-related makes me cringe.

Justine, haha I wish my excuse was being too busy dating! I'm on a couple of these online dating sites but the reality is I'm too lazy to even bother taking them seriously! I have a profile set up, I just don't go looking for guys...which is probably part of my problem. There was one awkward time when one of my patients found me on there and asked me out, which I said no to lol.

Lisa, do you do the live workouts often? I haven't done those yet. Not sure I even know how to access them!

Waving hi to Roz, though I'm not sure we "met" yet :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!!
And more breaking news....
After reports were heard of Tom doing cardio and abs, it appears that team GB has attempted a barre workout. No medals were awarded.

Mel- you get back on that workout train, girl! Too funny about a patient asking you out. How awkward could that be.

Right, I'm off to a quiz at the pub to flex my mental muscles (and maybe my drinking arm....I'm out of practise).
Happy Sunday everybody. Well, I did it. Tried anyway. The running up the wall was ok, until I got fatigued. Then almost knocked myself out, crashing to the floor. So, I'm going to have to try again. I don't know how you modify running up the wall! Geez.
Yesterday I had a hankering for some home made whole wheat bread. I'm not friends with gluten, but evidently I needed whole wheat bread. So, I'm sitting here today with the almond butter, honey and a loaf of bread. I must admit, it is delicious. I tweaked the recipe some, and it was a GOOD tweak. I even ground the wheat. (evidently I'm related to the "Little Red Hen") I need an intervention. Have a great week, everybody. Will post tomorrow.
BTW Justine, were you the smartest person in the pub? Was the gold medal yours?

To add on: My husband has been working in the Northeast for about two weeks. I was speaking with him today, and he said the heat and humidity were unbearable. We have a house there, and it's an old colonial farmhouse with no AC. He spent yesterday and today in Costco, and Starbucks. The temperature was in the high 80's, and humidity was about the same. Friday night in the house he had a fan at the window blowing on the bed. The bedding was soaking wet in the morning. He's going to be staying in a hotel for the rest of the time he's there. So happy I'm not there. I would be b!tching the whole time. I don't think we will be moving to the east coast any time soon. Probably never, if I have a say.
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Lib, more hugs to you. I hope the busyness of grad school and work help. We'll be here whenever you're ready. You take all the time you need to heal.

Karen, WHAT? I had no idea you and your DH had a home in the Northeast. I'm with you, I'd be griping the entire time. Your poor DH. Time to sell that house! Besides, I like knowing that you're here in the West with me. :) Yeah, no way to modify those wall run thingies hence my major fear! Was the bread homemade? That is the best. I kinda phone it in, using a bread maker and I never grind my own flour (I should), but that's the staple bread in our house. I can't eat much either. But goodness it is delicious, especially with almond butter.

Justine, did I read correctly that you did a barre workout? Did you fall down and hit your head? That's got to be the only explanation! Teasing of course, but I'm pretty sure that you and I both have the same loathing for barre. I can do it for about 15 minutes if it's tacked onto another kind of workout but an hour of straight barre? I'd rather you punch me in the face. How'd the pub mental gymnastics challenge go?

Tom, what's your iron situation today?

Today I did Rockout Knockout. All I could muster on Monday. I just can't get out of my chronic Monday funk.
Nuttin here!! I'm gonna try a deload week..often said, seldom done. I felt like crap Sat nite and Sunday, so I tanked it in this morning, but I think tomorrow I will do a deload chest and back....we will see> I figure it was the CARDIO!!! Your fault Lisa!!! (Missouri " humour" bout that Justine!) Lib, good to have you back! Probably busy is the answer. Melissa, good to hear from you and have a fellow "leg day hater"!! Justine, pretty sure you trounced the bar crowd and Karen, I cracked up at your head injury wall climb!! Great work all!!
Well, not sure my deload is a deload but I did less sets, but decided to hit each bodypart twice this week...I am an idiot!! I did everything in sets of 10 except abs and that was 2x25. I started with bench, 1x10 at 135, 155, 175 and inclined bench 2x10 at 135. For lats I did 2x10 over/under chin ups, 2x10 lat pulldowns, and 1x10 dumbbell pullovers, finishing with 2x25 cable crunches. I;m calling it a deload because I'm not doing 20 sets, but it didn't FEEL "deloady" I thought I would try to hit each part twice this week just to see what I thought about that, but not sure how to get it in starting late and missing Monday. No cardio Lisa, especially after what it did to me last time!!!! (haha). I somehow fried my phone and really feel lost...I guess tech has its merits! Make Tuesday "all it can be" Commandos!
Tom, you and your kinda sorta deload weeks! You've got too much Commando in you to take it down a notch. You don't need to do cardio everyday. I won't hold you to that as part of your 9 step program of rehabilitation! What happened to your phone? Having a phone die is my DH's dream because that means he gets to get a new one!

Melissa, sorry, I forgot to check in with you previously! I hope your ear is better and that work is much more normal this week. I'm a crazy leg day lover. Sorry, can't help it. :) Are you in the super duper cold part of NY? It's all cold to me but I know some parts are colder than others. Did you get back to your rotation yesterday? Cathe Live is a subscription service. There's a link at the tippity top of the forums page. I signed up for the whole year in November and only paid $102 which is chump change since I never buy DVDs anymore (except for Cathe and KCM). All I wanna do is Cathe Live!

Karen, Justine, anything to report?

Hope you are well, Lib and Roz.

Today I did Legs & Glutes Live (8/20/15). See Melissa? I love leg day and I love Live! This workout is better than Cathe's Legs & Glutes DVD.
Hey everybody, it's me. Last night was an upper body workout. Today was:
Sumo Squat
DB Walking Lunge
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Stair Calves
Four exercises, but they hurt so good!

Nice kinda, sorta deload Tom. Yea, I guess it didn't feel deloady. When are you going to deload?
Legs & Glutes Live. That sounds like a good one Lisa. I need to start squeezing in some Live. They sound so fun! The Live I have done, has been great! Justine, Roz, Melissa and Lib, hope you are all doing well!!
Not real sure what I was thinking, missing Monday and trying to hit everything twice?? I think that was some type of IQ test and my score would indicate "not too bright"!! Legs only this morning Bench squats, 5 sets of 8 from 45-205, gob squats (50#kb) 3x15, 1 leg deadlifts (50#kb) 2x10. The nearest similar artistic performance I can come up with to this act would be a vodka infused crane on a bosu ball...artistic score...-15.99, but "butt burn meter...pegged! Next were static lunges, 2x10 and 4 sets of calf stuff, 2x25 barbell calf raises and 2x20 single calf raises.It's funny, but after squats and all the other leg work, I almost have trouble getting the bar back to the rack after calf raises, it feels like my "sitter" is going to fall off! Do some damage then brag about it Ladies! Have a great Wed all!

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