Lifting like girls

Lib, not so sure I come under the heading 'athlete'! But I like it x . I'm so jealous of your 5'11". I'm 5'9", but my dd is 5'11", my sil and mil are both 6', and my dh 6'3". So I'm the titch!
Your weight is moving in the direction you want it to, and that's the most important thing. In fact you want the loss to be slow and steady, and to retain / gain muscle mass. Concentrate on the one thing you're the most interested in achieving - that could be scale weight, barbell weight, dress size, getting through a certain workout, whatever. Focus entirely on achieving that goal for a month or so, then chose another goal. For example, I've been trying to lift a certain amount for about 6 months. I've recently changed my goal to cutting fat. In a couple of weeks I'm changing again (I'm starting body building). If I were to solely concentrate on 1 goal for a year or more, I'd go crazy!

Tom. Nice when you accidentally hit a round number of reps, isn't it? Great numbers for the bench. How's the dw and her knee?

Zerchers squats today for me - made it to 65kg 7 reps (5 sets). Also bench @ 45kg for 5 reps (4 sets). I've some way to go to catch you Tom! Landmine lunges, TGUs and 1arm presses made up the rest of the workout.

Karen, Lisa Roz, hi!
Lib, you hang in there! ITA with what Tom and Justine said, pictures can be soooo deceiving. It's all about the lighting, the angle, etc. Go with how your clothes are fitting, at least that's what I do. And heck, you fit into a smaller size! That's terrific. Also, you're so inspiring because instead of giving up you bought even more Cathe workouts, and definitely nothing easy! You go girl. You've sooooooo got this!

Justine, hope you enjoyed your holiday. I like your unusual workout from yesterday! It looked fun. I thought of you last night when my DH and I tapped our inner Brit (kinda), by watching 'Saving Mr Banks' which is a movie about the making of Disney's 'Mary Poppins.' Okay, so the author was really Australian and the movie mostly takes place in Los Angeles, CA, but there are references to Mary Poppins, and we all know that the movie takes place in London. I'm gonna say that counts! It's a great film if you haven't seen it, BTW.

Tom, I'll be your cardio coach, no problemo! Oh yeah, 2 miles on your spinner is cardio. If it gets your heart rate up there and you're breathing fast, you betcha! What we really need to do is get you hooked on step. I can just imagine you in your basement, doing lots of 3 knee repeaters, ricochets, etc. Doesn't that just sound fun???? Cool unintended 100 rep workout today, heck yes those 25 pushups must have fried you out at the end. Way to go! Was your core sore from yesterday? Looks like it should be!

Roz, Karen, happy day to you dearies. :)

Today I did Drill Max Live (8/13/15). Fun, easier than the DVD, but still not easy. Time flies with this one.

I think I'll be back tomorrow, but after that will probably be mostly 'Liking' what I see until mid-May.
Lib, not so sure I come under the heading 'athlete'! But I like it x . I'm so jealous of your 5'11". I'm 5'9", but my dd is 5'11", my sil and mil are both 6', and my dh 6'3". So I'm the titch!

Justine and Lib, each and every one of us Commandos is an athlete. These workouts that we do are not for the weary or faint of heart. Own it ladies, you are fierce! ;)

You are also both tall! I remember Roz is around 5'9" as well. Karen, I think you're a 'shorty' like me, IIRC? I'm 5' 5.5". That half inch is very so important to me!
Wow! My boss reimbursed me for the RWH program! He said to consider it my graduation gift! He said that he can tell I have more energy and seem happier this last month, and asked what was up. Told him all about Cathe and showed him several videos. So he ordered low impact set for his wife, and then reimbursed me for RWH.

It hit me on the way to school; the picture made my stomach look huge, well my stomach is the last place I am loosing from.

I want to thank everyone for the encouraging words! I am where I am working out each day because y'all have helped me get here.

And my boss is right, I have more energy, am happier, concentrating better, and stronger. :)
Lib, your boss doing that for you says TONS about your work ethic!! You should be very proud! Lisa, I had a horrible nights sleep last night. Every time I almost went to sleep, I saw you directing me in a "step w/o", and threatening a law suit if I didn't finish!! That was terrifying!! (just kidding) Justine, you are a machine! Doing a long w/o, then adding a 35 min one...really, making me feel pretty inadequate! I got "nuttin but respect"! Today I did a back day with a little shoulder thrown in. I did 6x10 heavy pulldowns and 1x20 dropping 20# as a finisher. Then, ADD kicked in and I did 3 sets of strict press at 95# 2x10 and 1x5. I just wanted to hit shoulders once on an off day.. Next were deads and I did 6 sets, 205 x5, 255 x3, 295 x2 315 x1 and finished with 2x6 at 255. I did ride a mile before and after the w/o to avoid Lisa's law suit! lol! Karen, Roz, WHAT UP!!! Get Iron Ladies!
I had the weirdest dream last night! We all were at my event last night, and my boss created a game where people were getting snatched up by monsters, and the "Catheletes" had to save them through exercise! One time Justine squatted and when she would stand it would throw someone else into the air, once it was tom with a barbell and he knocked out one of the monsters in a single blow!

BTW, of course we kicked butt and saved everyone!

Tom, I actually quit last May, but my boss calls me every semester to work with new students. Last night was my official last day of work. Since I will no longer be an undergraduate student, I can't work there anymore. I did get a "OMG!!! THANK YOU! " call from his wife though. I guess she's been trying to get Cathe's ICE and low impact set for awhile, but he always hesitates at the price. I told her to come workout with me any day :). (My best friend is laughing.......says I sell more Cathe than beachbody, and I am a beachbody coach)

Ok, enough stalling, time for low impact sweat
Hey everyone! I've been Clutch Cutting for a week now. The workouts are as intense as I make them. But, with all the stretching and "stuff," they are 1.5 hours long. My last program was 45 minutes, tops. So, the length alone is quite a change. Monday, Thursday and Saturday are the lifting, and Tuesday and Friday, is the cardio.
I've been changing up my diet. (I'm always changing something) I've been such a carnivore all my life, but I'm experimenting with less animal products, more of a plant based diet. We'll see how it goes. My DH has diabetes in his family, so, I think this will be a good change for us. I dunno, I may end up mainlining bone broth, or eating the dog food. One day at a time, right?
I have a meeting in 5 minutes, so more later.
Hope you are all well. Take care, all!
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All the dreams! Have you guys been at the creatine cookies again?

Lisa, loved the film Saving Mr Banks- but I adore Emma Thompson in anything. This weekend our village hall(20-seater theatre!!) is screening Brooklyn. Anyone seen that? Is it worth me going?

Karen- wow, I hadn't realised the workouts would be that long. You'll get amazing results. (I've tried dog biscuits - they're weirdly gritty, stick to the bone broth!)

HTS today was heavy squats. I got up to 87kg, but just don't have a decent depth at that. 82kg below parallel, 87kg not quite parallel. Shoulder presses, TGUs, bent over rows for the rest of the workout.
One more week (4 workouts) left of HTS! The 6 months has gone so quickly.

Lib, what a compliment re having the workouts paid for. You've earned them.

Tom, loving the random shoulder exercise thrown in. Biofeedback, I reckon!

X to all
I would add that the creatine cookies must be laced with some extra special "medicinal" component. Where are these ideas coming from???

Tom, I've drafted the complaint and am ready to file with the court unless you keep your act together! So far you are in compliance but just beware. :) Great workout today, loved that you gave your shoulders some extra special lovin'.

Lib, yeah, I've "sold" so much Cathe to friends and family over the years. She's so wonderful, how can we help ourselves? We must shout from the rooftops about it! What a terrific graduation gift from your old boss and so glad that you're feeling the exercise endorphins. Honestly, I love the aesthetic benefits, but it's the inner "feel good" benefits that keep me going. Workout is my Prozac.

Justine, I've not seen Brooklyn. I would agree that Emma Thompson is just simply spectacular. What a talent. Can't believe you've tasted the dog biscuits. That's true Mommy of Dogs love. Can't believe you are almost done with HTS! What's next??? Amazing how 5kg can make such a difference with depth. Always tricky to figure out that right balance between going heavier and going deeper.

Whoa, Karen, those workouts are long and intense! At least you get two rest days/week. I love how you're always experimenting. Your life is never boring! I'm not a meat lover but I definitely do better with a protein and fat heavy diet. If you find some favorite plant-based recipes, you must share!

Today I did Legs w/Weights and Barre Live (4/28/16). Holy moly, this was MUCH tougher than it looked. Got a great feeling of accomplishment when I finished this one!
Happy Hump Day Ya'll! Lib, your dream cracked me up!!! Iron wielding Cathletes to the rescue...loved it! Today was leg day (survivor mode activated). I started with Justine's Zercher squats....I need to talk to this Zercher guy!! I did sets of 5, starting at 45 x5, 115 x5, 135 x5, and that was enough of that! You're a BEAST Justine, I used a pad and had a fairly thick elbow compression sleeves and these were still , uncomfortable( I know, toughen up Buttercup!!) I switched to bench squats, and did 135x5,165x5, 195x5, 225x5,195x5, and 165x8. Next were dumbbell reverse lunges, 45s, 3x8, barbell toe raises, 165 x30x25x25, donkey press, 1x25 (no weighted), 1x16 goblet squat(50# kb) and 1x10 1 leg unweighted hip thrust(my bench didn't move, so I could do these without weight), Karen, 1.5 hour w/o's are brutal, if I get an hour in I'm stoked (tired but stoked) ....not sure the dog food is gonna cut it!!!lol! Lisa, it was leg day, so I only did .5 mi before and after the w/o, just checking in so my parole won't be revoked!! Roz, how's our favorite powerbot!!? You are killing it Ladies!!!
It was a hoot, Tom! I still chuckle over it.

RWH should be here tomorrow!!

I have a question about xtrain.....for the undiluting 90 day program, there's no recovery weeks.....did any of you feel you needed one? or take one?

I am considering doing a tabata tomorrow instead of a rest day........but wondering if my body is asking for one. My allergies are throwing me completely off the last few days.....along with the burnout from school....
Lib, I didn't take a break during XTrain. Easier weeks are kind of built in. Felt fine, but obviously some days were harder than others. I say take a day or so off if you feel the need.

Tom, for zerchers I've cut the sleeves of an old sweat shirt!!!!

Today was deadlifts. Got up to 112kg, and I'm delighted. I thought I may be able to do 117 _ tried twice, and got the BB about 6" from the ground, but failed. I think I should have given 115 a go instead. Apart from that, nothing to report (an hour and 40 min workout and I've 'nothing to report', huh). Yesterday I took a proper rest day.

It's shorts and t-shirt weather here. Woohoo.
Justine, great work on the deads! May have to try the sleeve thing. Today was shoulders for me and back to strictpress, 12 sets. I worked up in short sets to 125x1, then tried 140, but failed, so went to 125x2, 115x5x3x3, 100x8x5x5. I followed these with side laterals, 25s, 3x12 then rear delt flys, 35s, 3x12, and alternate front raises, 25s, 3x12 and finished with 2 sets of shrugs at 205, x20 x11( I didn't use any gloves and my hands about fell off, need to toughen them up! I did ride the airdyne a mile before and a mile after. I need to ramp this up or Lisa will buy me a step!!! (the horror of it!!!) Lib, I'm no help on xtrain, never did it, but have thought about it. Have a terrific Thursday Commandos!!!
Justine and Lib, each and every one of us Commandos is an athlete. These workouts that we do are not for the weary or faint of heart. Own it ladies, you are fierce! ;)
I had the weirdest dream last night! We all were at my event last night, and my boss created a game where people were getting snatched up by monsters, and the "Catheletes" had to save them through exercise! One time Justine squatted and when she would stand it would throw someone else into the air, once it was tom with a barbell and he knocked out one of the monsters in a single blow!

BTW, of course we kicked butt and saved everyone!
Lib, I just love this. :) Congrats on your graduation!!!

Great work, everyone! Still busy... several upcoming family visits, getting the house ready, etc.
Finishing up week 2 of meso 2 of the RP physique templates. Probably should have done the 5x week option. 6x is really a lot.
I'll probably do a mini-cut starting next week. I did a mini-mass and have maintained a bit but I'm just feeling fluffy. Mostly in my head (and in my low back!). I know part of the #s gained is due to high training volume/water retention/swole. Oh and um, my traps have traps of their own. Like, where my traps start to go down my back... hulk status. WTF.

Karen, if you need plant-based meal ideas, I'm here for ya! Tempeh is great. TJ's has a good organic tempeh for cheap, and one pack should be pretty good for you and your husband (with veggies and whatever fats and carbs you want). Oh, and get yourself some nutritional yeast. Can't live without my nooch! KAL brand on amazon is a good price. Put it on anything and everything! Esp with bragg's liquid aminos/tamari/coconut aminos. Brendan Brazier has great ideas for the plant-based athlete.

Tom, Justine, you're awesome! Keep killing it!

I didn't really feel like lifting today, but I got it done, kinda half-assed. I hit the #s but reps were only OK. Sumo deads, low bar good mornings, high bar squats, walking lunges, and stair calves. Tomorrow I'm resting because I just need it.

Lisa, take care and hope the busy-ness is good! Hugs to you, mama! :)

Take care,
TGIF Ladies! Arm day and I was able to do everything except barbell curls...even really light, they didn't feel good, so I went back to dumbbell curls. I did 4 supersets, skullcrushers/dumbbell curls, tri pushdowns/hammer curls(some dumbbell curls), crossbody tri ext/ concentration curls, kickbacks/ isos for bi's. Ended up 24 sets, in the 10-12 rep range except the last superset and they were in the 15 - 25 rep range. Most of these sets were using 35# dumbbells, except skullcrushers (45s). I finished with cable crunches x20 x12 (raised weight 10#) I started and finished with a mile on the airdyne. Really missing heavy barbell curls, keep thinking they are around the corner, then a day like this makes me realize that maybe NOT ! Roz, you can loan me some of your excess traps...I will take them!! Have a great day Lifters!!!
Good morning everyone. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck. This program is kicking my butt. I'm not really sore, (probably due to all the stretching) and it's not bad while I'm working out. But, the next morning, I'm dragging butt. I think I'm really going to have a butt kicking when I workout this afternoon.
Off to do laundry, maybe that will help. Glad I don't have to take it to the river, and beat it on a rock. Take care, everyone.

Thanks Roz, I will definitely need help with a plant based diet. It's new, so I am excited to give it a try. Thanks for the offer!

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