Hi everyone!
It's been such a busy spring for us so I'm hoping we'll have some more chill time in the summer.
Holy moly. I'm three days into Mesocycle 2 of the Renaissance Periodization Female Physique Templates and I'm definitely feeling it. I think the biggest thing is that I chose a lot of new exercises from Meso 1 (it's recommended to do so), but in Meso 1 I tended towards the variations I'm more familiar/train more frequently so in Meso 2 I'm doing less familiar stuff. Nothing crazy and still some repeat exercises from last month. But yesterday's leg workouts was 3 sets of BB sumo squats (wasn't really sure what a good working weight was for these, ended up at 145# for 10+ reps), 2 sets of feet forward close-stance BB squats (ditto, weight-wise), 3 sets low bar good mornings (I can never find the right weight for these -- it's either too light or awkward/i can't do full ROM -- for high reps 85 is too light and 105 too heavy), and 2 sets BB glute bridges (10-15 reps each set at 215# -- this is the one repeat exercise in this workout).
Today was UB... some repeat stuff, some new (I'm already feeling the incline DB curls!).
Lisa, when I saw your first message about not wanting to do the DVD I was going to say... don't! Who cares! Totally something I would do.
It's not like you're choosing between disc 10 and eating a whole bag of doritos on the couch. You do you! But LOL I have a funny image of you 'confessing' abandoning STS to your DH.
Justine, light days are awful. I was so mad during deload. But you need that deload!! Nice thing is the physique templates are always moderate! 6 days a week!
i'm loving my oatmeal with pb stirred in. are you doing the intra shake and the bedtime casein? (I'm gonna go have my 20g casein + banana + 2 servings pb right now!)
Karen, I am crying reading your workout. Beast mode! I love it. Are those BB clean and presses?
Tom, great work and congrats on your gainz! That's great news! We were worried about you there. And great job on your workouts, as always!
If you have a commute and want to listen to a podcast, you might enjoy this
podcast. Interesting stuff to think about re: training frequency.
Lib, you're awesome! You'll get through finals, we're cheering you on!!
Take care, everyone.