Lifting like girls

Lib, I didn't do that many squats! :) Though I'm sure there are that many in GS legs. I did back squats with a 165 pound barbell for x10 = one set of 10 reps. 2x10 would be two sets of ten reps (but I didn't do that).
Luckily my toddler can't express her displeasure with my as-yet-unshowered state!
Okay, that is still INTENSE!!
Thanks everyone for the wishes of doing well, I need it! This class has been not too bad, but the exams are brutal!

My oldest was up most of the night sick. Poor kiddo. After getting the youngest off to school. I dove into GS chest and triceps. My left tricep is stronger than my quite a bit. interesting. They started out the same, or seemed too. Guessing I need to push the right more?

I'm extremely weak on pushups, I am getting better, but it still bothers my neck. Trying to keep in tune with my alignment.

Okay, need to review again.
Have a great day everyone!!
Well I didn't get home in time to do chest yesterday so I decided to double chest and back today. I got 0 sleep last night! Went to bed late and just couldn't sleep, so to make my commando sisters proud, I got up and hit it!! Starting with chest I did the usual beginning with flat bench 65x5 115x3 135x3 165x2 185x2 195x1 (haven't been here in a while, but it was a shorter rom) 185x2 165x6x4 155x8x7x6 135x8x8x6 and incline 115x8x8x7. Next was back and I started with chins, but with a twist! set 1 with a 50#kb x2 set 2 40#kb x3 set 3 30#kbx4 and set 5 20#kb x5 then 4 sets of no weight added x7x5x4x3 for 8 sets total. Next I did barbell bent over rows 160x6x6x6 and finished with deadlifts 210 x5x5x5. Roz, I would like to shake your hand (maybe not!!) the volume of heavy deads you do is off the charts! By the time I got here my forarms were fried with chins and rows and how you do sets of 10-12 is a wonder! (by the way, forget about that handshake,I still need mine!lol) Karen, the stuff you are doing is interesting. 10 1 arm strict presses is probably harder than doing both? I know it is on chest work. That's pretty impressive to do for sets! Jump squats, I'm lucky to get back up at all, let alone take flight! You amaze me with your workout selections, I wish I could embrace the variety! Justine, I think if your Doctor was very smart they would have been able to tell by looking at you that it is daily!! Lisa. you are our cardio muse, but I gotta get some more pounds on me before I do much of that!! I was down 4 again after the FL. weekend...GRRR Lib, great job on my version of workout blender...lifting and studying!!! Goodluck!!! Have great ones ladies of iron!
Lib, a sleepless night, and then gs. Good on ya! Hope your exam has gone / is going well. Are you left or right handed? My biceps are very different strengths, not so much triceps.

Tom. Wow. 195. Fab. Sounds as though your strength is increasing on all moves.

Karen, I never did the exact same workout in phase 2 of gsf- great, isn't it?

Today I did EDT (Nia). Bulgarian deficit split squats (with back foot on step with 4 risers, front foot on platform only, back knee to ground each time). Ow. Amrap for 10 mins - 82 each leg. Hip flexors on fire! Then push-ups / inverted rows, again amrap for 10 mins - 104 of each. Then hip thrusts and fall outs, 20,15,10,5 reps. For some reason I then did a lwf (ladder me up), KB (24kg) swings, KB goblet squats and a ton of abs work. I nearly passed out.

Anyone getting unapologetically powerful? I noticed it's out today, not too ££££. Very tempted. The list grows....
Today I did EDT (Nia). Bulgarian deficit split squats (with back foot on step with 4 risers, front foot on platform only, back knee to ground each time). Ow. Amrap for 10 mins - 82 each leg. Hip flexors on fire! Then push-ups / inverted rows, again amrap for 10 mins - 104 of each. Then hip thrusts and fall outs, 20,15,10,5 reps. For some reason I then did a lwf (ladder me up), KB (24kg) swings, KB goblet squats and a ton of abs work. I nearly passed out.

Anyone getting unapologetically powerful? I noticed it's out today, not too ££££. Very tempted. The list grows....

This makes me cry. Back knee to the ground? Now, you know I'm going to try it tonight. May be in traction tomorrow. Nearly passed out? If I don't post tomorrow, it's because I'm still on the floor.

Unapologetically Powerful? That sounds good!!
Good luck, Karen! Split squats are my nemesis.

Unapologetically powerful is a new Jen Sinkler / JVB powerlifting programme. Basically deadlifting, squatting and benching. Plenty of accessory work, and based on biofeedback. It's a 12 week programme, with 2 versions- beginner and intermediate. It's half price for the first week ($49, 59 or 120 I think, depending on which version). Given I've just bought High Tensile Strength, I shouldn't, but...
Lib, a sleepless night, and then gs. Good on ya! Hope your exam has gone / is going well. Are you left or right handed? My biceps are very different strengths, not so much triceps.

Tom. Wow. 195. Fab. Sounds as though your strength is increasing on all moves.

Karen, I never did the exact same workout in phase 2 of gsf- great, isn't it?

Today I did EDT (Nia). Bulgarian deficit split squats (with back foot on step with 4 risers, front foot on platform only, back knee to ground each time). Ow. Amrap for 10 mins - 82 each leg. Hip flexors on fire! Then push-ups / inverted rows, again amrap for 10 mins - 104 of each. Then hip thrusts and fall outs, 20,15,10,5 reps. For some reason I then did a lwf (ladder me up), KB (24kg) swings, KB goblet squats and a ton of abs work. I nearly passed out.

Anyone getting unapologetically powerful? I noticed it's out today, not too ££££. Very tempted. The list grows....
I am speechless!!....New name is ....ready...??????ROBO BRIT!!! I got "nuttin but spect"!!!
Final done! And then a two hour rid home. So glad I took the bike! I needed That ride.

Justine, I eat and write left handed, but do almost everything else right handed. I am more stable on the right than the left because of this, upper body tends to be pretty even though. Maybe from riding the bike? The clutch is on the left, so I use it a lot. It is a pull in grip to use.

As for the the final. Not feeling comfortable with it. I never know what to think of her exams, untiL I see the score. I have a 3.97/4.00 gpa, have a feeling I may end up with a B in her class. I did mix up the name of one theory and the explanation I was doing an essay question on. We just had to explain whichever theory we wanted, and I put in the wrong was the name of the theory for the other essay....the funny part is it was the theory I did a 30 page lit review on! I emailed her and laughed. She has a great sense of humor, so will get it.

my clothes are fitting differently, I think my fat is moving around. Lol
Hi everyone!
Great job and high fives all around!
Lib, congrats on finishing your final! Tom, killer bench! Justine, OMG! Karen, great workout with jump squats, etc.! Lisa, hi mama! :D

I did a Tom-inspired bench workout (minus the impressive poundage) today. I did 5 or so sets of bench press 8-10 reps in the 80-100# range. Then close grip bench at 60# or something, 4x10ish. (This is approximate. I'm half asleep and too lazy to get on adaptifier for exact #s.) Front raises 2x15# for 4x10, skullcrushers for the same. Oh, and flys in there somewhere, 2x20# for 4x10 I think. Then I did the first 20 mins of Power Step Live -- so fun! You were right, Lisa. (I would have done the whole thing but I was feeling pretty done.)

I think I'm going to do a mini-deload. Lighter weights and lower volume (and some rest days) over the next 5 days or so, then hit it hard again. Feels like the right time. Maybe get some cardio in there, too.

Justine, I bought Unapologetically Powerful. I'm excited about it. There are two programs: beginner and early intermediate. I'll do the latter. But, Lib, if you're interested, I do think the beginner program is very approachable. There are modifications for everything, including hands-elevated pushups, etc.

Gotta run now, take care, all!
Leg day!! I decided to force parallel and do box squats. I got out the mirror and it looked parallel, so off I went! Wow, never really did these before, and it was different. It really made the arthritic hips cranky but did force parallel!! I went 115x8 135x8 155x6x6x6x4 138x8x8. Now for y'all "quad queens" out there, it doesn't sound heavy, but it FELT heavy!! It was interesting the weight shift needed to get back up and I really felt the quads (and hips!) I may make this my "go to" lift for awhile to force flexibility and get my weights back up. I followed with alternate barbell reverse lunges with 85# 3x6 and finished legs with barbell calf raises 175# x25 x20 x20 and 1 set of single calf raises no weight x25. I did 1 set of hanging knee raises, but right elbow was sore, so I finished with ab wheel roll outs x25 x20 x15. Clang it Ladies and have great days!!!
Roz and Justine, I will pass on unapologetic power. For now anyway.

Tom, impressive!

I am in awe of you all!

Today is leg day. I am looking forward to it. Well, other than the 4-4-4-4-4 lunges OUCH I will try changing legs sooner and see if that helps me get through them better. Also going to try to finish the whole workout.

A little ticked, can't find my bar to the barbell set. Thinking it got left behind. :(
Today I did EDT (Nia). Bulgarian deficit split squats (with back foot on step with 4 risers, front foot on platform only, back knee to ground each time). Ow. Amrap for 10 mins - 82 each leg. Hip flexors on fire! Then push-ups / inverted rows, again amrap for 10 mins - 104 of each. Then hip thrusts and fall outs, 20,15,10,5 reps. For some reason I then did a lwf (ladder me up), KB (24kg) swings, KB goblet squats and a ton of abs work. I nearly passed out.


Last night I did this. Certainly not as many reps as Justine, but I loved this workout. Did not add LWF. I would have passed out. I'm thinking of adding Bodyweight to GSF2. About 30 minutes. Quick, to the point, and quite enjoyable. Thanks, Justine.
Karen, I like to share my pain!!!!
I think you'll really enjoy Nia's bodyweight stuff. As you say, to the point.

Well, pride comes before a fall and all's workout was dreadful. Went down 5kg on dls and had to use a band to assist my pull ups! Obviously this old body of mine needs more recovery than I'd realised.

Tom, well done on the box squats. The first time I tried them I didn't lighten the load enough, and got stuck on my high step! Well done for addressing your weak point (note to self.....)

Lib, go girl on the legs! Good idea switching lead earlier.

Karen- well done your dd. That's a great lift.

Roz, mini deload is a great idea. You've been pushing hard for a while now. I'm due to test my 1rms next week. I just hope they're higher than your deloads!

Oh, and of course I bought unapologetically do after 6 months of high tensile which time I'll have also bought something else. I guess it's all good as long as I keep lifting, right?
For those of you who bought Unapologetically Powerful... how does it compare to other programs you have? Like Nia Shanks programs or STS? Again- I'm trying to decide how badly I need it. And how does the Lift Weights Faster for powerlifting finisher look compared to LFW1 or LWF2? I hate to feel like I am buying all the same stuff over and over again. Any insights??

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