Justine! C'mon now. You're a stud!
However, I understand the frustration of feeling like you've plateaued. I was there several months ago.
The reason I'm now hitting PRs is that I didn't max (or do any low rep work, really) for several months (which wasn't easy, honestly). The basic idea (if I understand correctly) is that you can do a hypertrophy phase and eat a bunch to build muscle, then you drop the reps and make that new muscle stronger. But I bet after you do some more awesome HTS work, you're going to strengthen your weak points and come back at the really heavy work way stronger!
The nice thing about plateauing is the awesome feeling when you come out of it.
It's all part of the process, right? Look at your long-term progress. It's amazing what you've accomplished in the last year! Imagine what you'll have done in another year!
Also, so funny... I was going to do PRS1 last night! I ended up doing Supercuts instead because I have the DVD and streaming wasn't working well.
Lisa, nice work on Circuit Max! I still need to try that one...
Karen, great work kicking off Phase 3. I agree with Justine, loved Phase 3!
Lib, STS legs are killer! All Mesocycles! I'm pretty sure Meso 2 Legs is the closest I ever came to puking with Cathe... Lisa can vouch, I'm pretty sure I whined all through the Meso 2 leg workouts.
Nice work upping those weights!
Tom, I think we must have a Commando connection, because I also hit 300 on DLs today (and I swear I hadn't read the forum yet -- Commando's honor!). I did 245 x 3, 275 x 3, 290 x 1, 300 x 1, 275 x 1. Then 4 rounds of a superset of BB hip thrusts 245 x 10 and chins x5. Finally 4 rounds of BB curls (70x8, 65 x8, x8, x7) and leg raises on the power tower 4x15.
Supercuts was so fun last night! And it is NOT an easy workout... not for me right now, at least!
I might take an active recovery week after next week and do some met con and lighter stuff and lots of Cathe, if I have time. It will be good to have a little break/change before I get to whatever's next.
High fives all around! Keep being amazing!