Lifting like girls

Got the plague over here being passed around the kids. Not Coronavirus since no foreign country would ever welcome my crazy bunch, just a bad cold. I'm loving reading your posts so thanks for keeping the thread going! Just a heads up that I won't be chiming in for a few days!
I did a leg day sort of. Kept it simple, Ortho man said 8 weeks before heavy leg stuff so I went light. 3sets of bwt bench squats, bench squats with a 40# kettlebell, straight leg deads with 100# and unweighted calf raises. Easy and quick but sadly, legs were coming tired...geeze!! Have a great weekend friends!
Tom, I feel your pain. My phone insists on changing "of" to "if." Why why why??? Did KU win yesterday? Watching at a casino, sounds fun but potentially dangerous for a crazy rabid fan like you, lol! $$$$$

Thanks to you both for the well wishes. Yes, kids are cute but horrible cess pools. Especially when they start school. Our 2nd grader DD has provided us with some doozies, this latest round included. we're still fighting it so most likely workout silence from me this week. Have a good one, friends!
Back and bis this morning, 4 sets of pulldowns, pullovers and DB rows, bis were 3sets of ez Bar curls, 2 sets of DB curls and a set be of 21s. I threw in 100 crunches for the "abba dabbas"!
Tomorrow bc is supposed to be leg day....of some sort!! Happy hump day manana!!
Come come on Tom, come come stop blaming your phone!!! :p I hear you and 100% agree about annoying phones but I also feel obligated to give you a hard time! Cheering you on as you continue your workout "comeback." You're doing awesome! Also yay for your KU winning streak!

So we're getting over this 2 weeks of illness here, but I made the genius decision to have a minor in-office medical procedure done today. Needed to happen and it will be a very good thing once healed but I'm out of workout commission for the next 10 days or so. Geez, 2020 is the lamest workout year for me. I can legitimately blame my kids 100% for this "stuff" so it's a good thing I love the little tyrants so much, lol. I'm going to try to do some gentle walking and stretching in a few days, but do you guys really want me to report on that? Lol boring!!!!
Heck yeah Lisa, if ya do it, we wanna hear it!! Hoping for a speedy recovery!!
I did legs today and the first barbell work in a long time. Orthodoc said no heavy legs for eight weeks, Friday will be six weeks but a hundred pounds ain't heavy lol!! So today was bench squats two sets body weight and then 3x10 with 100 lb. Next was straight leg deadlifts 3x10 with the same hundred pound barbell, then I did three sets of calf raises and a hundred crunches and a two minute plank and that was it folks!! I meant to get the leg press out but I thought I would start with the barbell squats and and hopefully I can just keep raising weight, I won't get real heavy till my 8 weeks is up. I kind of hope I get sore tomorrow it would feel good it's been a while!! Hope hump day treated you guys okay, tomorrow will be shoulders for me I guess.
I'm doing talking text this time and it seems to be less screw-ups but I found I'm a horrible orator lol!! :confused:
Today was shoulders 27 freaking sets!! I tried to start off with barbell standing military press but shoulder said nope so I went with 10 sets of seated dumbbell press, five sets of side laterals, five sets of rear delt flies and five sets of decline front raises finishing up with one set of dumbbell shrugs. I felt like I was pretty well worked and it really felt good! I know I've lost a little strength but I'm down 15 lb in 15 days And I guess something's got to give! I needed to drop some because the month where I couldn't lift I sat around binge watchin Netflix and ate candy lol. I had a little extra time this morning so I gave it the old college try we will see if I survive. Hope you guys are both well!!
Thanks for keeping the workouts coming, Tom. And talk to text seems to work for you! For all the time you had to take off and all the weight you're dropping, you're doing great! 100# bar squats are heavy for 95% of Americans, even if they aren't for you, lol.

Day 3 of nothing here. I'm thinking nothing's going to happen in my workout room until beginning or middle of next week. I will report my shenanigans when they happen, Tom. I'm just glad to be off the opioids for the post-op pain!

Karen, hope you're well! Tom, good luck to KU!
Well, I made the mistake of going to Costco on Monday. Evidently everyone is having a nervous breakdown over the Coronoviris (not sure how it is spelled, my apologies) Found my way to the entrance, and made it out of the store this morning with my four cases of water and toilet paper. Good grief!!! Not going back to Costco for awhile. What a madhouse! I haven't worked out since Monday, fighting my way to the store entrance, was a workout in itself! They sold out of water, and toilet paper. Happy we have some form of food storage here. Just wondering if I can survive on salsa and zucchini.
Just kidding, but they were sold out of water and toilet paper within a couple of hours. More STS, and bike riding this week. Weather has been good, so took the doggies for a walk. That's about it! Not a lot going on, and I'm laying low, until this whole thing passes. Since I'm one of the older people that this virus is picking on, I'm just chilling, and staying in the bunker, until it runs out of steam. Hope you are both staying sassy. Until tomorrow!
Lisa, don't feel bad that you are having a lame workout year. I've been bitten by the same bug. Always something! Or, I just don't feel like it. Winter has a tendency to do that to me. I'm just chalking it up to another oh well! And Tom, I don't even have an excuse, but I've been binge watching Netflix and Acorn TV. (Love me some Agatha Raisin) and, I managed to polish off a bag of chocolate chips. Like maybe a 5 lb bag. But they were from a gourmet cooking store, and soooo delicious!
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I'm sure my "iron sistas" are coming back, take your time because sometimes we just need some time!!
Arm day here and I tried to hit it hard, 20 sets and all supersets. 5 sets skullcrushers/ ez bar curls 3 sets pushdowns/ DB curls and 2 sets tri pushups/ 21s. Bumped some if the weights up, went with 90 first 3 sets of curls then dropped to 75 for the last 2. Had so much tendonitis that I'm cautious! Skullcrushers were 45s for all sets ......don't know why I do that, the weight
is not important but I am trying to raise it back up!
Good to hear from you both friends!!
Miscellaneous stuff today, crunches, calf raises, light bench, rotating planks and I tried some light leg press. I tried to do one if the reps full ROM and that was a mistake, as was mountain climbers...ugh, guess I'm not COMPLETELY healed!!!
Have a great weekend friends!!
Friends, I felt well enough to go for a 2 mile walk today! Let's be honest, it was a slow shuffle more than a walk, but I am so proud of my body for being strong enough to get it done! It felt great physically and mentally to get movement in. Then did some doc recommended stretching.

Tom, glad you got some accessory work in. Best medical advice is to listen to your body, good for you.

Karen, we're avoiding Costco like the plague, pun intended. We always have crazy stockpiles of TP and paper towels. Other than that I picked up a few extra cans of beans, fish, chicken, some rice, and pasta at Fred Meyer (Kroger's where you are I think, Tom). A flat of water. That's it. Only stuff we will actually use, stuff we eat all the time. I think it's good to avoid public gathering and shared oxygen spaces right now (planes, closed in rooms) but I mean you can't let this stuff make you crazy. Wash your hands, sleep (lol with a newborn), just common sense stuff. I just get so annoyed at public hysteria. Ok rant over, lol

Ok one more rant. Can we stop with the whole clock changing business 2x per year??? Have a great rest of your weekend!
This morning was bench and bis. I'm seriously weaker methinks, I used the small block again, 10 sets and 200x2 1 was as heavy as I got! Bis were 3 sets of ez bar curls, 2 sets DB curls and 2 sets conc curls. Not happy but it is what it is!!
Hope ya both survived your Monday!!

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