Yipee!!! leg day down, but started with second day of chest this week. Since I did arms yesterday, I decided to keep the weight lighter and do some longer rep sets, so I used 135 and did 3 sets, x21 x15 x10 and finished with 1x12 db inclines. Even though it wasn't heavy, my chest felt worked and hopefully I can go heavy Monday. For legsI did 3x8 bench squats, 3x16 gob squats, sumo squats and kb swings and finished with calves, 3 sets of bb calf raises and 3 sets of single calf raises. I'm afraid my heavy bb squat days are over, I started with 135 and I was going to try to do conventional deeper squats but after the 4th rep I went to bench squats. My right knee just vetoes those and if I get heavy on bench squats it does those too! I skate by on gobs and sumos I guess because the weight is lighter. I looked back on some much older logs and I was using 285 for BB squats, but I don't think I was ever able to go very deep, still depressing! Life goes on...hopefully awhile longer! Gonna try to do some core work tomorrow and maybe some deads even though following leg day with deadlifts maybe is not the greatest planning. Off to the city for an oil change and new battery...fun fun fun! Enjoy the weekend ladies, -5 here this morning...NOT COOL! (well, actually, technically, I guess it is!)