Lifting like girls

Karen, enjoy your capitalistic endeavors! Best time to workout is when it works for YOU! Today for me was cardio and bis. 5 miles on the bike, 1x10 chins, 3 sets ez bar curls, 2 sets dumbbell curls, 2 sets hammer curls and 2 sets conc curls. I skipped abs, but will hit them Thursday for sure! Finish the holidays out right my friends! Lib, like Karen says, we are pulling for you. Lisa, hope the holiday has been great " fer ya". Short week my friends!!
Tom, Meso 3 workours are always longer for me than what the DVD says too. Like Karen said. You do your "thang" and it's all good. Heck, I guess feel grateful that you can devote 90 min to Iron Head stuff. Cool! Hope your holiday was great

Karen, definitely doing a great job listening to your body. Rest is just as important as the work work, right? No point in feeling exhausted all the time. How was your shopping trip, get anything good? Very American indeed to spend the "moolah". :)

We had a great day yesterday. Good mix of house stuff and fun. Watched the fireworks from our second story windows. We got a panoramic view which was nice. No crazy partying, just a bit of Mike's Hard. Still getting my workouts in. Monday was Kelly Coffey Meyer DVD TLC. Yesterday was lower body. Today was upper body.

Lib, thinking about you.

Yay for Wednesday!
Today was leg day to make up for yesterday's "punt". 5 sets of dumbbell squats x 8, 3 sets of reverse lunges x 8, 3 sets sumo squats x 12 and 3 sets of dumbbell calf raises x 25, finishing with cable crunches 1x30. Nice work Karen and Lisa, sounds like you both had a fun filled Fourth weekend. Lib, like Lisa said, we are thinking of you! Make Thursday your Commandos!
Keep those workouts going, Tom. Good stuff. Yep, when I had a regular grown up day job (as opposed to my all day, everyday mom job, lol) I always felt like going to work on Fridays was easy because hey, just one more day until the weekend!

Howdy Karen!

Today was legs. I went heavy and ended with Pilates floor work. Yeowch! Good stuff.

Have a good weekend. Probably won't be back until Monday
Ohhhh Commando friends!!! Today was another royal butt kick!!
7 rounds:
Iron mikes 20
Scorpion over kicks 10/5
Let me ups 10
Hip up to double push-up 10/5
It took me 30:41 to do the seven rounds.
It has been one hot week here. Low hundreds. My air conditioning has been running constantly. Can't wait to see that Rocky Mountain Power bill. Even with the air conditioning, I was dripping sweat all over the mat. I need to take it outside and wash it.
It looks like you are both kicking some workout butt. I have about three weeks more if this challenge. It's been a good one, but it will be nice to move on.
Have a great weekend!!

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One 68 year old "beat to hell" Commando checking in. Yunno. I may be too old for this but if my last day on this planet ends with a barbell on my face in the basement I'm good!!Today was sets of 6, but I did 8-10 on all the dumbbell rows and flys. but still did sets of 5 on deads. I went heavier on everything than called and I could tell it by the took me 1 hour and 45 minutes! I did do 200# on the flat bench sets, 50s on all flys, 90 on all one arm rows, 205# 0n barbell rows and 270 on the first 2 sets of deads and 280 on the last 2. These weights on multiple sets are heavy for me!! It's funny. I am stronger than the last time I did sts, my arms and shoulders are bigger, but I think I have more extra in the middle of my body despite weighing about the same...go figure! I'm going to miss my last week of sts due to a trip for grandson #2 birthday. DW wants to see some sights like Vicksburg and other historical things so I go to KC Thursday and fly out Fri morning but will drive back the next week with her. She hates to fly so she drives and uses her van to haul kids. I hate to drive because I end up 6 days in the van and, you guessed it, NO WEIGHTS!! Also, it is hard to miss that much work. So that is why I am doing Mondays program Sunday. I hope I will STILL be able to do the last week when I get back. I will try to do something but who knows what that will be! Finish the weekend right my friends! Lib, our thoughts are with you!
Cardio, ab, and arm day. 5 miles on the bike, 3x20 cable crunches, 3 sets of side planks, 3 sets of ez bar curls x8/ skullcrushers x8, 3 sets of decline curls x10/ double arm kickbacks x 12. Even this took an hour! I guess I'm slow but dedicated lol! Have a great Monday friends!
Tom, I know it's going to be a good 30 years before your obituary hit's the presses, but I bet you're right that it will go something like this: Tom, 100 years old, amazing DH, Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Dentist, and Commando Ironhead. He died with a barbell in his hands while benching a grand piano with a decorative anvil placed on top."

Karen, hi! Nothing looks easy with those workouts. You are amazing for going the distance with this program. Yep, hotter than blazes here too. After this last winter and this current summer, I am going to punch anybody in the face who tries to tell me that the weather is mild and moderate here. I don't think so.

So, yep, still working out. Sat was upper body and core. Sunday was rest. Totally zonked yesterday, I must be working out hard. Today was a tough lower body from Fitness Blender on YouTube.

Good week to you both!
Leg day...and I showed! Did 5 x 8 sets of dumbbell squats using 40s-80s, 3 x 8 reverse lunges, 3 x 12 sumo squats and 3 x 30 kb swings....wooweeee... (like to died..vultures were circling) and finished with 3 x 25 powerblock calf raises. Leg day feels SOOO good when its OVER!!! Have a terrific Tuesday Commandos!
Here to testify...the struggle is REAL... can I get an AMEN!! Wow, cardio was a mental struggle, got my 20 min in but didn't want to be there, just did it, slower than most days but done! It's so mental and I guess I am just not qualified! I added 3 sets of crunches and did some auxillary bench work. I think maybe the week break will do me some good because this morning was tough mentally. Hope you ladies fare better, make hump day yours!
Good morning Commando friends. The past two days have been brutal. Will post more later, but for now, just know that they were brutal. I guess DH will be coming home around the end of August. That's about all the news from here. But, I will post my workouts later. Make it a great day guys! I always wonder if my husband is some kind of spook, or something. Goes out of town, when he leaves the area, some kind of action goes down. Hmmm
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Karen, we know you're rocking it even when you don't post. Man alive, your DH takes long work trips. Does he haunt your house when you are gone. Is that what you mean, like weird house creaks and cans of soup mysteriously moving around. Lol

Tom, it's all about balance and doing your best. You had a great leg day yesterday so today maybe not perfect but you did it! Even I, the cardio queen, do not always love cardio.

Yesterday was UB and today was more LB. My second leg day this week. What was I thinking?! We are more than a month living in the new house. When will these unpacked boxes go away? Ha
Hey guys. Well, I must say the last month of this challenge is a serious butt kicking. Monday was:
Side Reaching Bodyrocks
Let Me Ups
Iron Mikes
Wide Tripod Push-ups
6 rounds of an exercise then move on to the next exercise, for 6 rounds. 30 seconds effort, 30 seconds rest.
Yesterday was 6 rounds, done circuit style.
Scorpion Overkicks
Prisoner Squats with a jump
Wide Tripod Push-ups
Skydivers Arms at Y
45 seconds effort, 15 seconds rest.
These look harmless, but, by the time I finish, I'm almost swallowing my heart, and now, there is definitely a dread factor, skydiver has a whole new meaning.
Tom, don't sweat the small stuff, cardio has never been a favorite of mine.
Lisa, I am still finding boxes I never unpacked. I figure if I haven't missed it, I don't need it, and it is donated.
When I wrote, "I think DH is a spook." I meant that he has been traveling for his work for a few years, when he returns home, the place he just left erupts in some kind of turmoil, like he's some kind of undercover spy or something. LOL! Seriously? Hello, I'm James Bond.
Anyway Guys!!!! Have a great evening! A big Amen for you Tom!
Another long one, o0 minutes and boy was I sweating. Bumped up everything except the last 12 sets I backed off a little and did sets of 10 -15 instead of 6. My back grumbled loudly on my last set of dumbbell curls that I rubbed for ball curls ( wet basement) and since my last group involved excercises that require bending over, I went lighter but still intense. These long workouts are tough on the old guy. On a positive note, I used 10# higher on ohp than previous sts. When I finished sts last time I remember seeing how many times I could press 115 and I did 3 reps. Today I did 115 x 6 4 times. Not good for a guy but PROGRESS! Carry on ladies!
Today was "easy" when compared to other days.
Iron Mikes 6/3
Wide Tripod Push-ups6/3
One leg RDLs with twist 8/4
Let Me Ups 6
set the timer for 24 minutes. How many sets in 24 minutes. I got to 15 sets, and thought I've been doing this for longer than 24 minutes.
Checked my phone, and yep, it had gone off. The volume had been turned down, by yours truly, I don't know how long I was working. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. But, I survived so it's all good.
As Tom stated, "carry on!"

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