Lift, Move & Restore Will Help to Keep Us Primed for Life!


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Lift, Move & Restore Will Help to Keep Us Primed for Life!

Good coordination is crucial as we age because it plays an integral part in most of our daily activities. Motor skills and coordination are called upon for ordinary tasks like eating, cooking, writing, walking up and down stairs, and yes, working out. As with other types of body skills, like strength and balance, we can practice and improve our coordination skills as well.

In the new Lift, Move & Restore series, we will layer on balance and coordination challenges to put our bodies and our minds to the test. Drills like this not only help to keep our bodies primed for daily life activities but can also increase the speed at which our minds can process information from our brains and assist in improving reaction time and our ability to avoid balance-related injuries.

Pictured here are Cathe and the cast working on their balance and coordination in the new Functional Core Bonus workout. They are utilizing unilateral movement patterns as they hinge forward and lift their back legs while also rolling a mini yoga ball down their front legs. Their legs and core are firing simultaneously as they struggle to maintain their focus and body balance. This workout focuses not only on lower body and core strength, but also on balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Learn more or pre-order here:
*current pre-sale prices end 6-28-24
Hurry "Santa Cathe"! I super need this series. Autoimmune Arthritis for 32 years. Mine attacks my ligaments and tendons and ... yes, I'm a bit "older" now on top of the Autoimmune Arthritis.
Currently rehabbing a Proximal Hamstring strain. I just bent over to pick up a water bottle back stage between scenes and "wham"! I didn't scream because the scene on stage was a love scene!
I have always had random "enthesitis" and tendon strains all over my body. But, not exercising isn't an option either. I have to workout to stay strong and mobile. No one cues movement or engages the at home exerciser as well as you.
I was just thinking how someone might look at the still shots of the new workouts and think "that's not a workout." I've heard that about yoga. If any doubter would try these moves it would change their mind. I can see these will be challenging and effective workouts and I'm looking forward to all of them!

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