LIC issue


I did LIC the other day and once again I noticed a small glitch in the ab segment. I'd noticed it before, but forgot to mention it here. There seems to be a small spot that was left out before she does the exercise (and I don't know what it's called, sorry) where we lean back on our "soft tissue" and lift our legs up in the air to work our obliques. Then we switch sides. I forget now what exercise we are doing right immediately before that, but it seemed to me like we went right away to the new exercise with no introduction and a small spot was skipped. Did anyone else notice this? Or am I crazy?
I noticed that too. I was like woooah, did I just miss something here, there was no segway (spelling?!) there, it was just wham, here is the next exercise with no warning. So to answer your question, no you aren't crazy unless I am too!!!
Oh, those Jack knives!

Cathe does introduce the move, but the transition comes extremely fast. She says, "Come up on the side, take the legs up...". The screen suddenly focuses on Jai, who seems to be comfortably in the move already. I imagine when filming, that the transition was so fast, the crew wasn't in sync and they refilmed it. That's why Jai is already in place.

I know it's coming, but still can't reposition fast enough to get the first rep in good form!

> segway (spelling?!) Segue.

It is a very-fast (too-fast, IMO) transition). Unless we are all crazy!

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