
I am a regular lurker and avid Cathe fan. I have recently bit off way more than I can chew including building a new house, selling my current house, and starting a new teaching position. I finally broke down and called my Dr. He offered Lexapro for 6 mos to help me make it thru the building process.

I took one 10mg pill just before bed on an empty stomach. I was sick as a dog for the next 24 hours with pretty much every side effect possible listed. My husband (a pharmacist) has suggested I try 1/2 a pill with breakfast on Saturday. I really believe it will not matter. Can any one tell me their experience whit this or similar drug? Dare I try again or will my body just not accept this chemical?

What about the natural antidepressants? St. John's Wort or 5HTP? Or do I just plug thru the next 6 months as best I can. Thanks for any information on you personal experience with this drug.
I sympathize both with your troubled times and your experience with this drug.

Unfortunately, I don't have much hope to offer you because this drug did exactly the same to me within 4 hours of taking it. I think you are right: it will not matter.

Get hold of the book "The Feeling Good handbook" by Dr. David Burns. You don't need to buy it, just get it from ether the library or browse it in the local bookstore. Go to the chapter on medications and it will give you a complete guide to antidepresssants, and then you can see what you are getting into.

If this is your reaction to Lexapro, it may be the same with other SSRI's, this has been my experience also.

I would suggest you keep doing regular exercise, find some down time just for you to unwind, get together with friends to mouth off and maybe some walks in the fresh air and sunlight to help lighten your mood and gain some perspective. Warm baths, smelly lotions to pamper yourself, chocolate, whatever helps you to unwind. Silly TV programs that require no effort but make you laugh, lose yourself in a great book, make dinner with loud music on and boogie around the kitchen.

In my inability to stomach antidepressants, I am trying a whole range of the above! It definitely helps.

Good luck

Hi Im no expert but did you ask your doctor to try something else? I've tried so many until the right one worked for me and that was paxil which im still on. It really help me get through the loss of my father 1 1/2 years ago. I've been on it before this to for some other reason and it helped me then too. Im just getting weaned off now. I would definetly ask your doctor for something else because you did have a bad reaction to this. Excerise does really helped also, so don't stop. Hope you the best.
I had the same experience within a few hours of taking my first Zoloft. It was an absolute nightmare. The dizziness was so bad I couldn't stand up. I wish I could take anti-depressants too. They say you eventually get past the side effects but how do you call in sick to work for 3 or so weeks until the horrible side effects are over? I tried St. John's Wort and it seemed to help me substantially with no side effects. Some people told me it did nothing for them but it's certainly worth a try. I hope you feel better soon!
I would try to split the pill and try again. Lexapro has been a wonder drug for me, but I almost gave up the first week because of horrible side effects. All of a sudden, about a week after I started, all the side effects went away.

I am so much happier now - I can't believe how much my quality of life has improved.

I would have some phenergan suppositories on hand for nausea, and take the pill with a meal - I take mine at suppertime.

Also, I started at 10 mg, but, although helpful, it wasn't quite doing the trick, so my doctor increased it to 20 mg after 3 months. This seems to be a perfect dose for me.
The first time I took it (in the evening) I woke up about 6 AM and puked. It was awful! I changed the times I took it and experimented and have found the right time of day to take it.

Why did I go through so much trouble? Because it changed my entire life! The side effects are worth it to me because of how good I feel now. I never want to go back to that place I was!

I've gotten used to it now and the only thing that really bugs me is the extreme tiredness. I sleep at least 9-10 hours per night now and have really weird dreams.
I, too, sleep more if possible. I do best at 8-9 hours, which I only get sometimes on weekends. However, the quality of sleep is so much better (deeper) than before that I feel less tired, even on weekdays.
Thank you for the replies. They have been very encouraging. I did try another dose yesterday. I tried half of a pill on a full stomach. I did have side effects but not near as bad as the first time. I took another dose today and it seems better also. I am going to try for a week or so and see how I do. It is truly a balance of side effects versus benefits. I do not know which one will win yet. I mainly feel dizzy with an upset stomach. Taking it at lunch or supper may be best. At least I will be more functional in the morning. I will let you know! Thanks!

Liz May I ask why you are taking Lexapro Is it for depression or what Just a feeling of blah I am wondering cuz i have been feeling a bit like what is the point some days just wondering If this is too personal feel free to tell me that to.
Thanks Lisa

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