Letting the Firm go for awhile


I have enough chaos in my life. I don't need it from my video suppliers. That is why I am mentally letting the Firm go for awhile. Cathe has no drama right now and is very organized. I can focus on workouts rather than what items are being bundled with my videos.
Hey, I'm with you. I don't bash the Firm because it works for some folks, but I LOVE Cathe's organized, dependable approach to everything. Also she has this healthy attitude, respectful of other programs/instructors. She is not saying "I'm the only thing that works." And she is so excellent, she probably could (just IMHO). As far as I'm concerned, nothing beats Cathe.

That's good. Drama interferes with what is important . . . working out, eating right, and looking good. And having Cathe kick your *** <insert favorite word here>. ;)

Keta. :D

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Yes, I also agree. Change is nice (and noticeable too, with Cathe ;) ) I used Firm workouts exclusively for years and then a few months ago started with Cathe. I gotta say, I never went back to Firming. Sold most of my Firm videos with the exception of my beloved Classics. I feel that change in almost anything is virtually essential! Especially when it comes to fitness. I am very pleased with the changes in my body now and also the new challenges Cathe offers me! I say, go for it..step out of the old and into the new. Heck..it's a new year no better time to start, right? :)
That's my 2 cents for the day!
I agree with you, Strongheart! I bought my first Cathe video a year ago after despairing of ever getting a new Firm, and to make a long story short - I now own almost all of Cathe's tapes and my Firms either got traded or sold, or are collecting dust! Cathe is just the best! She cleans your clock but is never condescending. Her approach to weightlifting also just seems so much more organized and effective to me. And it goes without saying, her cardio workouts take it to a level no one else can reach.
But not that I'm bashing the Firm - after all they DID get me to where I could do Cathe tapes in the first place! Thought I should mention that.
I am with a lot of people. I really enjoy the Firm. It has got me to where I am today, but I want to take it to the next level, so I am going to start doing more of Cathe. Already have her strength tapes. I have just recently started with her earlier cardio tapes and will start rotating between her cardio and strength tapes

I have to agree - I used to do Firms but now only stick to the Classic series - I find Cathe gives me a better strength workout - I just use my Firms now on the alternate day when I schedule a combo workout or circuit tape.

It is nice to find other people who have the same feelings about things.

You may want to hold on to your Firms! It's hard to find advanced videos and you may want to cycle in some Firms again. Thankfully it's not an either or situation. You can do both Cathe and Firms! And we're all the luckier for the fact that they are both available. I don't find doing Cathe "taking it to another level" at all. I find that the complement each other very well.

After doing only Cathe and then doing Volume 1 Firm you may find that you can still get a tough workout. They are very different ways of training and you can benefit from both. I have found that using them both as well as Taebo keeps boredom at bay!
I totally agree with you about nothing beats Cathy. She is the best! I look so forward to working out to her video's.

I'm with ellenellen. I did exclusively Cathe for a LONG time until I got kind of burnt out, then found the Firm and WOW what a challenge! I was just NOT used to that kind of workout and it really kicked me in the rear! I thought I was so "advanced" after doing Cathe, too, so my pride got a bit bruised. I saw a lot of progress with the Firm. What I've learned since is to keep ALL my videos because when I've been doing Cathe a while, the Firm really kicks my rear, and when I've been Firming exclusively for a while, Cathe can really kick my rear. You don't want to get too married to any ONE methodology because switching it around seems to give most people the best results. I think Cathe and the Firm are both awesome and complement one another very well. I'm doing an S&H rotation right now and can't wait to try Firming again to see how it feels after this. . . Then to try the PS series and see how it feels after that. . . and on and on it goes! This fitness thing is a heck of a fun ride if you ask me.

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