let's try this again...in need of some advice!


Hi everyone,

I posted a few days ago, but haven't gotten a response...I tend to be a little "wordy", so let me try this again...

Does anyone have an opinion on the best dvds for me to purchase next: I have SJP/SB and Terminator dvds and BC, ME, IMAX2, MIC, MIS, and Body Max on vhs.

What do you think about CTX vs. S&H given the workouts I currently have? I guess I'm hoping for clarification on the difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength and how often each should be included in a rotation, or do each have their own, separate rotations????

I'm fairly new to Cathe, but having been a faithful exerciser for over 10 years...looking forward to getting the whole HC series this summer, but for now am wondering how best to add to my current collection...I'm 40 this year (!), run a couple of times per week to mix up the cardio, and try to strength train at least 2-3 times per week.

See what I mean by "wordy"??? Thanks for any advice you can send my way...

I like the CTX series on DVD because you get so much for your money. You get several great cardio workouts, and a wonderful all abs section. I wasn't too impressed with Upper Body Split (because I felt like the count was just too fast for me to really work my muscles. I prefer slow count strength work), but Leaner Legs is a great alternate to PLB or Legs & Glutes.

S&H is good for strength training, but I always feel like I need to do something more to enhance these exercises. For example, I usually have to use S&H bis & tris with PUB to really feel like I'm getting the most impactful upper body workout.

I guess I'd go with CTX. I much prefer the new Hard Core Gym Style upper body workouts to S&H, so invest your strength training dollars on the Hard Core series.
Hi! Based on your current collection I'd add more solid weight training b/c you appear to have a good number of cardio dvds. True "heavy" lifting at least from what I've read in the weight lifting world is doing a maximum of 4-6 reps with a weight where you're barely able to complete the last rep. So in the true sense of the word, none of Cathe's strength training dvds can be considered "heavy". However her S&H series comes the closest with 8 very slow reps per set. Each rep is done in a 6-2 count to eliminate any momentum from the movement. This takes alot of mental concentration and for me, I can usually only use this series for 2-3 weeks at a time. The next closest thing to this set would be the HardCore Gym Style training or Cathe's Pyramids dvd.

As far as how to fit each type of training into a rotation, there's really no right or wrong answer. Some people like to stick with one series of dvds for say 4-6 weeks, then switch to something entirely different. Others I know alternate btwn S&H split training and more endurance oriented total body training like ME, every other week.

Also I think in terms of terminology things can get a bit confusing. From my own experience I can get stronger ie. "build strength" by doing "endurance" oriented workouts b/c as I gain endurance I can push myself to use a heavier weight in the next workout without gaining any size to my body. I really believe that as long as you continue to make progress in your workouts whether it be by completing more reps or adding more weight the terminology truly isnt that important.

And you said YOU could be wordy! ;)

So, to summarize.....if you cant get the Hard Core right now, I'd go for S&H, but if you're someone who cant concentrate for long, go with the Pyramids.
I don't think you can go wrong with either the CTX series of the SH series. I personally use the CTX series far more than the SH. CTX has 5 different cardios to mix and match, and LL is very thorough not to mention the upper body segments. Overall I find this series to be very versitile. Especially with what you already own.

CTX is more endurance type and SH is geared more to strength building. You need both in your workout library, so your might buy one first and then the other as money permits. I personally would buy CTX first. Although in reality I did buy SH first. I use CTX about 4 times more often in rotations than SH.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

I agree with Judy, you need both in your workout library. I use CTX more often, it gives fantastic results (CTX Upper body is killer) and the cardios burn a lot of calories for being only 30 min. Also, Leaner Legs is my favorite lower body workout and the one I do the most. However, S&H is a series that I do every time I want to shake things up. It will really improve your muscular strength and give you incredible definition. The only problem with it is that it's very tedious and somewhat boring. I can only do it for short rotations. I'd get CTX first, but I'd consider adding S&H when your budget allows!
You guys are awesome...thanks for your advice! I guess I will need both ctx and s&h and will just have to bite the bullet...

I still think you need to invest in the new Gym Style workouts in the Hard Core series. :D Neither PUB nor S&H compares to GS, IMO. GS rocked my world this weekend!

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