Let's talk about yoga!


I have VERY limited experience with Yoga. In fact, i have only done Denise Autin's fat burning yoga and HATED it. Mainly b/c i can't stand her!(whole other topic)

anyway, i know alot of you enjoy yoga and i would like to know why. What kind of results have you seen? Who are the instructors you enjoy? How often should yoga be done? That kind of stuff. Tell me all about it!


Bryan Kest's Power Yoga series is really good. I love Ashtanga yoga tapes, but I usually go to classes forthis, since the instructor will adjust you and it FEELS soooo good. Hatha Yoga is also quite good.
Hi Jes....I seem to follow you around here...:)...I never did Yoga until my P90X rotation last year. And I thought I was flexible...x( I found it to be very calming, soothing and nothing at all like I have ever done. So it did increase my flexibilty and during my rotation I always looked forward to it. I have the same Bryan Kest that Suzanne has plus Baron Baptiste. I have not done much lately...mainly because I am running alot and don't make time for Yoga (I know I should)...I'd suggest 2-4 times a month....:)...Carole
I never did much yoga until my P90X rotation, like Carole. I really enjoy it now, and do it once a week. In addition to P90X yoga, I have Bryan Kest Power Yoga DVD with 3 different classes on it. I like the power yoga DVDs. I have a lighter yoga DVD that I only do if I'm just not up to the power yoga. My flexibility continues to increase by the week.

Hope this helps.

I've been doing Anusara yoga for a little over a year. In Basics classes, I worked alignment and flexibilty and loved the mellow afterglow. Since I'm strong :D, I advanced to 1-2's easily and then I enjoyed the sweating, the increased difficulty of the sequences, the alignment, flexibility and the mellow afterglow. One-twos became easier also so I started doing the most difficult instructors and tried a 3-4 class. I am so not a 3-4 but it's fun to get my butt kicked a few times a week. It's often a blast and full of laughter. It's hard and covers all aspects of what we look for in exercise, flexibilty, endurance and strength and don't believe anyone who says it isn't so! The most advanced yogis are amazing. Some classes are playful, some calming, some just outright hard. The instructors have different styles, some flow some don't, some classes are quiet, some are noisy and encourage interaction and they are wonderful and anything that mellows me out and makes me calm and happy has got to be good. I love yoga! Take a class, Jes!
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Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.-Cha
P90X Yoga is the most challenging I've tried so far. I wasn't so keen on doing it at first, but it somehow grew on me.

Yoga helps my joints a LOT, my back especially. I have better balance and flexibility, and I believe it's even helped me with my strength. Those holding poses can really work your muscles. Just make sure you do the poses right.

I try to do it once a week. I wish I could do it more often, but Cathe keeps me busy.:D

I didn't have the patience for yoga until I tried P90X yoga. It was challenging enough to interest me. Then I branched out, and I'm really enjoying both Bryan Kest, as was already mentioned, and Eoin Finn, who is just a hoot!

Yoga has really taken a lot of the ache out of me. Things that used to be tight and painful are looser, now. I even feel better when I first get out of bed in the morning. I used to hurt and take a long time to get started. I'd have coffee and play on the computer for an hour or an hour and a half before I felt loose enough to start exercising. Nowadays, I can start in thirty minutes, or even less if I could prepare myself mentally that quickly. I credit yoga and Fitball's Small Ball release for these wonderful changes.

I'm really becoming addicted to yoga and actually crave doing it these days! I started out with Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness...it's 2 DVD's with 5 different-length pratices...30-minute, 40-minute, 50-minute, 60-minute, and the full 80 minutes. Really great and as someone else mentioned Eoin is a real cutie. Just got Bryan Kest's 3-class set so can't comment to that yet, though I've previewed it and it looks great (as HE does, lol). Rodney Yee Power Yoga is good. Just got Rainbeau Mars' Yoga for Beauty and this is good...she's got a Dawn and Dusk practice. Yoga Shakti with Shiva Rea is great...and has a yoga matrix, kind of like Cathe's blender, that lets you put together your own workout. David Swenson's Short Forms is really good...has a 15-minute, 30-minute, and 45-minute practice...the 30-minute is excellent for beginners. I've also got Baron Baptiste's Power Yoga for beginners and I've only done it once but it was really good. I love power yoga and haven't really branched out into other kinds (kundalini, etc.) but who knows, I eventually may try that too, lol! I really love the way it makes me feel...can't recommend it enough!!
Almost forgot "Hard Body Yoga"...though this one is not really "pure" yoga...hard to describe but it's sort of just the way the instructor describes it (Tari Rose), as yoga meeting strength training...the music is pretty much elevator music, but the workout is VERY tough...I think it's excellent.
Jes - I started doing yoga about 2 months ago with Sarah Ivanhoe's The Perfect Yoga Workout. She's not a bit annoying and is easy to follow. I started using it because I had limited range of motion in my hips and I wanted to increase my overall flexibility. Just doing it 3 times a week, I noticed a big improvement within the first two weeks.

I've added a Bryan Kest workout that's very enjoyable (and he's pretty easy on the eyes!). It's a longer workout, though, and I can only do it once a week.

The only problem I have with yoga is because of my vertigo. Sometimes it hits when I'm doing certain poses and my balance is lost.

I do try to do Sarah's workout twice a week (it's only a half hour) and Bryan's once.
Thank you all for your respnses and suggestions! i am going to go preview these on Collage later!

so the main reasons to do yoga are to incresase flexibility and to relax right?

Hi Pinky...you're welcome! :) I looked over the list I typed (and have even more I forgot to add) and realize how much I'VE been spluring lately! lol
Hi Jes :) I'd say those are the main reasons I started getting into it, but I've found that the power yoga, or Ashtanga, is really a serious workout...and I feel great after doing it because I feel really worked out and yet relaxed at the same time...think that's what I love about it...though some of it is more geared for strictly relaxing and flexibility, which is great too.
I can't stand Denise Austin either.

I also don't always have the minimum hour it takes to do most yoga videos, although I enjoy the ones I have- including Rodney Yee's Yoga for Athletes and Power Yoga.

The only one I would suggest that I didn't see in this thread is the Firm's Power Yoga- it's only about a half hour, and it's almost more stretches than yoga- no real mind/body mumbo jumbo. It is relaxing, and I'd suggest it as a great starter video, and a nice only-have-30-minutes-because-I-spent-the-time-on-cardio video.

Have fun!

Amy G
Has anyone tried INHALE - on the Oxygen Channel? I like it a lot...Steve Ross puts all the moves to Popular Music (e.g.Mustang Sally) and has you hold the poses a decent amount of time. Some of the poses are a little advanced but there are many different skill levels (and therefore modifications) demonstrated by the group. The show airs at 5:00 AM Central time. Although it's not aimed at beginners, it's free and you can rewind and watch them do the poses before you do them.
I absolutely love the Yoga Zone w/o's. I love the flow in these and they always make me feel great. I have tried others but I always keep coming back to Yoga Zone. I find P90X yoga boring, Sarah Ivanhoe is great and so is Bryan Kest, but somehow when I want to do yoga, I always go for Yogazone. I just ordered some of their more shorter workouts (20 min. or so) cause I want to do them daily.

I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but my first, and still favorite, yoga tape was by Ali McGraw - I can't think of the name of it offhand, but it's the only one put out by her. It's really great, easy to follow and the background scenery is beautiful!
I personally am a big Rodney Yee fan. I also like Suzanne Deason. I have quite a few 30 min tapes and try to tack them on at least 2 to three days a week When I do any form of yoga I always say Gosh I should do this more. I feel so good. I have gotton alot of good tapes really cheap at www.gaiam.com. Karen

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