Let's make a pact....

Only if I still get to run my mouth with you ;)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
>If we see any thread or any post that seems to only be there
>to get a reaction, let's ignore it. Nobody post in it and
>just let it die. No matter how riled up it gets you, no
>matter how itchy your fingers are to reply, just look the
>other way.
>Maybe these people will go away.
>What do you think? You with me?
ITA!! and if it riles you up that much pull out some IMAX,kick max, KPC or whatever tickles your fancy and punch and kick and stomp it all out in the workout!!!



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Okay, I've just got to let this out because I think of it everytime I see this thread's title...

You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there!!!

Whew, I feel better now!
I'm with you. (But to be clear: just because it's a little controversial does not mean someone is there just to make trouble. A nice, respectful, controversial thread is fun sometimes.)
I so agree with you Shelley. Whose got time for the drama? I can barely keep my bathrooms clean!

I'm in complete agreement. This is the point I was trying to make last night when I suggested that we stop reacting to the troll. Besides, all that posting to try and push the offending thread into oblivion made my tennis elbow very sore :p

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