Let's Go--->Wild Wednesday


Good Morning Gals

Today was 4DS bi/tri/shoulders. My arms are shaking as I type}( Really good workout:

shoulders: upped all weights
round 1 overhead press: same as Cathe: 10,12,14.5,17.5
round 2 seated isolation press & upright row: 17.5#
round 3: db lat raise straight arm 2 sets and bent arm 1 set: 13.25
round 4: seated front rear raise:12#, rear flys: 10# (repeated same weights)
bi/tri: upped almost all weights except one bi
round 1 tri: overhead exension: 17.5#,22.5#,27.5#,32.5# WOW!!
bi: 12#,14.5# (upped from last week) 17.5#, 20# (same)
round 2: tri: lying extension bb: 37.5# db 12#
bi: crazy 8's: 37.5#, reverse curls 13.25#
round 3: tri: dips/pushups
bi: incline hammer curls: 14.5# same for both excercises
round 4; tri: green band
bi: hanging conc. curls: 25# but only did 10 reps.
wrist curls: 12#

Off to shower, bbl with personals
Hi again, I'm back:)

Gin~ Hope you are headache free today! What did you do for cardio? Are you hanging on your chin up bar??? do you have a chin up bar???LOL .... Also, did you ever get the plate mates? I really like mine and highly recommend them.

Marcy~ any word from the interviews yesterday? I hope so!!:7 How was the workout today? Are you loving your new workout room?

preworkout: handfull of almonds
b: protein pancakes and orange
s: ???prob. 1/2 a protein bar, meeting a friend for coffee at 10
(would like to do ww yogert and 2 low fat cheese sticks)
l: boca chicken pattie and broccli
s: WW shake w/ banana
d: baked ziti (whole wheat noodles, low fat mozzer., ff cottage cheese)

****I was really surprised I did 25# for concentration curls, but then I figured I do the chin ups, and 20# for curls, so I guess I am getting stronger. Not sure how much, or if at all, to raise my weights next week. the bb curls, crazy 8's were hard, so i will leave those the same....

have a great day:7
Good Morning Ladies!

I did no workout today!x( :( I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't sleep, went into another room to read, missed hearing the alarm and missed my friend coming by to get me to run! BLAH! Didn't do abs or stretch either.
Don't know if I will have the energy or time to exercise after work. I have a few errrands and then a chiro appt. after work.
I think on Friday I'll do 1/2 of The Terminator IMAX Xtreme.

Deanie--I did one "hanging" off of our deck! It was the only place I could find. I will look into a chin up bar this weekend. I still have not ordered the plate mates. Need to do that! Yeah to the 25# curls!:)

Marcy--What's the job news?

No time to post menu. Gotta run. So glad I still have 2 months before I have to be back to work fulltime! Not ready.

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon!

No workout yet for me today either. DH tried to get me up at 5:00 to make breakfast but I wasn't ready to get up and then I wound up sleeping until 8:00 and didn't feel like working out then. We just came back from taking a tour of the neighborhood.

Job prospects seem to look good. I had a great interview yesterday. Got 100% on one of the tests and only 1 wrong on the other. The HR manager seemed very impressed. I met with two attorneys and they seemed to like all of my experience and I used all of the same systems at my old firm as they had. I should hear from this firm as well as the other one by the end of this week. I was the first one to interview at both firms. They're both good so I would be happy at either one.

ETA: I just heard about the one from yesterday. They loved me but felt they wanted someone with more litigation experience. I sent them e-mails anyway telling them how much I would like working for them.

Menu: 3 waffles - 2 with lite syrup and one with peanut butter
Snack - almonds and cashews
Lunch - Grilled chicken sandwich
Snack - Fiber one Bar and strawberries
Dinner - Chicken and Veggies

Deanie - Great workout today!

Gin - Enjoy your time off! I would measure your doorframe first for a chinup bar. The Door Gym might work for you but there are many other options as well.

Hopefully I'll get to workout later.

Have a great day!


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