Let's Go<----Wednesday---->7.2


Good Morning Gals

Today was PS back and bi. I also did the pyramid of chins/pullups/pushups (chest still had some DOMs from monday). I liked the back part of PS, not sure about the biceps, I wasn't so thrilled, but my arms are sore, so I guess they are okay.

--up to 5}( chinups and neg. pullups. coming down I did struggle with 3 chins, but was okay with all the others.:7

back: 3 sets of 10 reps all excersises
tbar rows: 50#
bent over rows with bb: 1st set@70#, 2&3 sets @ 75#}(
1 arm rows: all sets at 35#, but only 8 reps on the second set
shrugs: Cathe did 2 sets of 16 reps and said to keep the weight light- 1st set @12#, 2nd set @15#

barbell curls: 2 sets of 10 reps @ 37.5#
seated hammer curls (alternating) 1 set of 10 reps: 16.25#
seated hammer curls with twist at top (alternating) 1 set of 10 reps: 16.25
negative curls with bb: 37.5#/6 reps, 35#/8 reps (Cathe did 10 reps each set) I wasn't happy with this excersise. It was one count up and 3 down, and it felt very fast for the weight I used, so I tried to slow it down.
concentration curls: 15#:eek: !!my arms were fried and I only did 2 sets of 8 reps, Cathe did 2 sets of 12 reps!!

Not sure if I was fried from the chinups/pullups (I really wanted to go up to 5 in the pyramid) or if working one body part to failure is what made the difference. I think working the muscle to failure is harder, so I am happy with my weights.

Gin~ I hope we aren't posting at the same time!!LOL:7 What was the workout today? Posted a good article about nutrition yesterday, and I found a good article about cardio and thought of you. I will try to find it and post it. Sad about your teaching job, but I love new beginings and I am sure you will enjoy the new job!

Marcy~ What's on the schedule today? Great workout yesterday.}( Do you ever feel like you are at a plateau with the chins/pulls? I do, that's why I really pushed witht the 5 today. Good luck on your interview and I hope you hear something soon!!

Have a great day:)
I thought this was such a good article I printed it out!


CB: Another area of debate is the use of cardio during muscle-building programs. What’s your opinion of doing traditional cardio training when a client is trying to build as much muscle as possible?

Cardio should be kept to an absolute minimum on muscle building programs. In some cases it can be dropped completely. I prefer to keep three days a week for 20 minutes year round. I like the way it makes me feel and I believe it helps me stay leaner while gaining muscle without interfering with my gains.

When the fat loss season arrives, there is a progressive and gradual increase in cardio frequency, duration and intensity. I don’t recommend high volume cardio year round. It’s too easy to adapt to high volume cardio. Cardio should be periodized just like strength training.

People who are strongly opposed to aerobics often like to use aerobics instructors as the example of why “cardio sucks.” “Why did a survey reveal that the average aerobics instructor has twenty-something percent body fat? Why aren’t they leaner?” The answer is because they don’t periodize their cardio like bodybuilders do. Lay off the cardio when you want to gain muscle. Gradually increase and build to a peak when you want to get ripped. Your body will be more responsive this way when you do add in the cardio.

Good Morning Ladies!

Well, after all that cardio talk, here's my workout for today;) ....run 3 miles, LIC cardio and Core Max1. It WAS easier to do the levitation holds in the lotus position. I am trying to gear up for the RT with extra cardio and then I after the RT I will try to do less cardio. I just like it more!:-(

Deanie--Great workout. You are doing so well with the chins and pulls! You go girl!!:) Thanks for the cardio article.
My ds had a palate expander thing in his mouth also when he was about 8. We would have to "crank him up" every so often. One of my running buddies is getting braces on her top teeth today and she is in her 50's!!

Marcy--Do you have an interview today? I'm sure it is hard to be patient with the job search process.

Have a great day!

Marcy--I just read your late post from yesterday. I do have a teaching postion for next year as a Kindergarten asst. I don't imagine I will need any of my own materials since I will no longer be the lead teacher. But I may be a lead teacher again as some point.
Good Morning!

Today I did GS Legs. It's been a long time since I did a "gym style" leg workout. Barre workouts are great and I really like them but I think I needed to try something different again and GS Legs just seems to hit the legs from every possible angle. Didn't do all of the calf raises (my calves were burning) and the rollouts with leg lifts were a little tough. I did the barbell squats with 35# and the rest I used the same weight as Cathe. It felt good to do deadlifts again.

Deanie - Great workout! Yes, I did feel a plateau with the chins/pulls but I feel like I'm getting out of it and getting stronger again. Thanks for the cardio article. I made sure to have a pre-workout snack this morning (low-fat string cheese) and I had a 3-egg omelet for breakfast. The cardio article is with Tom Venuto (the same guy who wrote Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle). I love reading his articles. He really puts things in plain English and he makes a lot of sense. Instead of a 50-minute run tomorrow, I think I might limit it to 30 minutes. I'm sure I'll be dancing this week.

Gin - Once they see how good you are as an assistant, I'm sure it won't be very long before you'll be a lead teacher again. I'm glad lotus position worked for you in the levitation holds. I know it's hard to break out of cardio. I love it too. I got Kickbox Xtreme a couple of days ago. I might try it either this week or next. Did you get anything new from Netflix lately?

Have a great day!

Hi Again!

Marcy--I have to tell you I am a little sore from GS Legs yesterday. The spot right below my glutes..OW! I think for me to teach Kindergarten I have to have my certification, but we'll see. I am certified to teach secondary. No,thank you. I prefer the little ones. Let me know how you like Kickbox Xtreme. I still haven't done the Jari Love dvd from NetFlix yet. I plan to on Sat.

Deanie--I saw that your DH will be home on Sat. I'll bet you have missed him! Are you guys planning a trip to Cooperstown this summer?

Hi guys,

Bad/sad news. My brother just called and won't be able to watch my kids for the fri. before the road trip. He got an opportunity for a family event in NY for them, and they would have to leave at 11 a.m. (10 if they want to get in and have lunch there first) I am really upset, and am thinking of other alternatives. This is one of the reasons I was hesitant about going to the road trip. With a DH that works retail, I'm never sure of whats going to happen and I really can only rely on myself. (no family in MD.) I don't blame my brother, I probably would have done the same thing. But I'm really sad. We were talking about it (I was reminding him I'll be up on the 24th) and he said --- wait, do you mean the kids will be here on the 25th? and I said yes, and that's when he said he didn't think it would work, and he didn't realize the date....:(

Deaniex( x(

still thinking of alternatives, don't think my 12 year old (bday on 7/6) will go for being in the day care at the gym!
No!! We have to figure out a way for you to be there! Can your ds(s) sit in the back with a Game Boy or ipod? I wonder if that would be allowed. You have to be there!

Don't give up just yet!

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