---Let's go---Thursday --->


good Morning gals :)

Surprised to see the forums today, thought they may be down....
Today was HIIT level 12}( (still soooo challenging for me!!)and KPC abs!

I am not going to do July 08 rotation. I really want to do full body workouts 2X a week. I am either going to follow one of the hardcore celebration rotations (muscle endurance or fat loss- leaning towards fat loss- with subs so I'm not just using hardcore dvds) or my own rotation: 3 days cardio, 2 full body and 1 circuit. I really want to shock my body}(

Marcy~ WTG- GREAT workout yesterday}( Do you have bicep DOMs? I do!! I would invest in PS in dvd format. I really think its worth it.;-) I hope you get something soon, the temp job sounds good. Its something, which is better than nothing. Have fun dancing tonight!!

Gin~ How was your lunch/meeting with the kindergarten teacher? Are you definately going with July 08 next month? When are you leaving for the road trip? Have I asked you enough questions???:7 :7 :7

have a great day
Posting my rotation incase you guys are interested:

cardio: step (intervals)
full body: Muscle max
cardio: HIIT
full body: Muscle max
cardio: kickbox
circuit: HCE#1

I am 90% sure I will go with this. Its very similar to the hardcore celebration fat loss rotation. I would do this for 4 weeks, each week switching the full body workouts and circuits. I love the terminator workouts, and I want to use them, and HSTA is another I love and want to use.

Good Afternon Ladies!

Today I did PS Back and Biceps, skipped the abs and did the original BC Core Only. Short and sweet workout. I was able to go up just a little from the last time with the biceps. BARELY!:p

Deanie--I'll have to decide which rotation I want to do for August. Big decision here!;-)
I have gotten so used to my slower summer schedule, it will be a shock to my system to have to get up earlier everday and hustle to get out the door. My new hours will be 8-4, but Wed 7:45 -4. I'm about 10- 15 min away from the school. The lunch mtg with the K teacher went well. I will mainly be organizing all of the materials and assisting her with the small groups. Sounds good to me now. Unfortunately, I have heard from a couple of people that say she is difficult to work with. I don't want to hear that or even think of it!
We leave for the RT a week from today and then are going to NY City Sun-Tues.:)

Marcy--How are you doing?

Have a great day!
I keep thinking that the forums will be down.
Good Afternoon Ladies!

I did David Swensons Primary Series today but not the whole thing (I think I did the first hour). I felt good in the poses today. Did well with bound angle poses and balances. Did a new pose where I was in lotus and pulled my arms up through my legs to almost cup my face (of course David had his face in his hands).

Didn't hear anything about the 1st job yet. I called my former boss this mornng to see if they called her for a reference but that didn't happen yet.

Deanie - I don't have DOMS from yesterday but do from today. I haven't figured out which rotation I'm doing but I'll let you know. Yours sounds good for what you're trying to accomplish. There are a lot of circuits I either haven't done or haven't done in a long time so I might be joining you as far as Terminator and HCE.

Gin - It's great your meeting went well. Hopefully, all of the gossipers are wrong. So what you are going to do in NY? Do you feel like you're in shape enough now for the RT?

Have a great day!


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