>>>LeT's Go^^^^ThUrSdAy<<<


Good MOrning Gals

Today was HIIT on the treadmill and abs from PS legs. I kept the HIIT at level 11, I think I will stick with this for a few more times, its tough. and PS abs, not so great. I will do coremax or LIC abs next week.

Okay, in the shower this morning, thought about asking my friend to watch my kids thurs night and fri of the road trip. If she can, I can drive up Fri, take the class and stay till about 1ish and then drive home. I'm not sure if she will be here or at the beach, but I am going to call her today. Keep your fingers crossed for me:7 :7

Gin/Marcy~ hope you had a great workout today!!

Have a great day
Okay, (hits forehead with hand!!) I can ask my DH to take the day off and watch the kids if he is in his store and done training. DUH!!:eek: !! The only thing about that is, if he is in his new store there is always the chance he will have to go in......worth a shot though

Good Morning!

I did a 25 minute run/walk, Core Max 1 and Stretch Max 1. I really needed SM today since I have DOMS everywhere -- shoulders, bis, inner thighs, calves. 2nd days of DOMS for shoulders & bis. Core Max was pretty easy for me. Levitations holds were no problem as long as my feet stayed in lotus. The only problem I had was with the planks where you roll forward - my arms were hurting and I was just plain tuckered out.

There was a posting about 2 corporate legal secretary positions. My recruiter submitted my resume so please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Deanie - I really hope your arrangements come through for you. I'm really hoping by next year, I can go on the road trip.

Gin - Hope you had a great workout.

Have a great day!

Good Morning Ladies!

Today I did GS C&T using the mix and match and then SM2. I survived the drop set of pushups, but just barely!x( I was able to go up to (don't laugh now!) 17# on all of the chest press and pec flyes and 20# on seated French press. I had not done this workout since Feb.

Had a BAD headache last night!:-( Sure wish I could figure out what the cause is. I am still on the gluten-free diet, have eliminated all artificial sweeteners and chocolate. I am not under any stress, going to the chiro twice a week and she has me taking feverfew capsules. The pain meds don't work anymore, so I quit taking them. Sorry to go on and on. Thanks for listening.

Deanie--I so hope that you can figure out something for your boys so that you can still go to the Friday class! I was going to suggest that you ask a good friend or two that they could stay with. I remember trading with friends.

Marcy--Did you enjoy your walk/run today? I will keep my fingers crossed that this job comes through for you!

Have a great day!
Hi again

Okay, friend is out, she will be at the beach till Saturday:(
I have another friend I could ask, but my older DS and her son are the same age and don't have anything in common. My DS doesn't exactly like her DS and would not be happy about staying there.
I will check with DH tonight when he calls, but I won't know till he's done training; which will be in another 2 weeks.

I have DOMs big time in my biceps. Did you guys ever hear of versa gloves? I wonder if I need something like that.

Gin~ Sorry about your headache. I wonder if you are allergic to something enviromental? Was this your first one in a while?

Marcy~ I am crossing my fingers for you and thinking positive ((((hire Marcy vibes))))) love core max 1!!

Just taking a break form basement cleaning.x(

Deanie--Still keeping my fingers crossed for you. I understand your dilemma. I never had family in town to babysit either.:-( Bicep DOMS? That doesn't happen to me very often. Never heard of versa gloves. How are they different from regular lifting gloves? I still have headaches about 3 times a week, but htis one was a little worse than usual. The last dr had me tested and said I had a high metal content. No more tuna (too much mercury). This chiro has done a detox foot bath on me twice to draw out the heavy metals and both suggested I have my fillings changed. I know, it all sounds so weird!


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