Lets Go === Moody Monday


Good Morning gals

Today was PS chest, shoulders, tri. Great workout, I upped some weights. I am noticing my veins in my arms, hands are very prominent lately, not sure if I like that.?

Decline pushups: done:)
Bench press light: 25#
Bench press heavy with bb: 70# (up 2.5#)
Incline bench press with bb: 70# (up 2.5 #)
Incline bench press with db: 32.5 (up 1.25#)
Incline chest fly: 31.25#/8 reps (up 1.25#)
Super set: 26.25# (hard!!)}(

Arnold press: 17.5# 1st 2 sets, 17.5# last set didn’t rotate weights (up all sets)
Clean and press: 1st set: 13.5#/3reps, 12# /5reps, 2nd set 12#
Standing side laterals: 15# (up1.25#)
Reverse flys: 12#
Seated laterals: 13.25# (up 1.25- not sure if I should be so heavy with these)

Close grip press:26.25# (up 1.25#)
Db extension: 13.25# (up 1.25#)
Cross body kickbacks: 1st set: 10# /10 reps, 2nd set 12#/8 reps }( }(
Sub-->overhead French press: 32.5#/8 reps
Dips with bb: 50# bb

I know I said I wasn't going to go up, but with this workout I still felt I had some work I could do heavier. I will be finishing off this rotation next week with these weights.}( I will definately be ready for more cardio/ light weights by then!LOL

Marcy~ How did you enjoy PS today? What's on the agenda this week as far as jobs?

Gin~ Hope all is well on the home front. You know we are here for you! Please keep us posted.

Have a great day
Good Morning Girls!

Today I ran/walked 3 miles and now I'm trying to convince myself to do PS CST, knowing it's only 37 min.
We may have to e-mail each other when the forums are down.

Deanie--Your workout was quite impressive, as usual!!}( I checked out the book Fit For Life from the library and have been reading it. Did you read it? The exercise they suggest is 20 min. of cardio 3 times a week and no more than 45 min. of weights using the pyramid style. Have you noticed a difference since doing HIIT on the TM only as your cardio?
Sounds as if your ds's b-day was a lot of fun. My nephew turned 9 yesterday and my brother took him to Washington DC for his b-day. Isn't that close to you? I talked to them last night and they were having a great time. They went to an Astros (hometown team) game over the weekend.

Marcy--How was your weekend? Are you doing PS also this week?

Okay, I better get my act in gear and get busy with PS!:p

Have a great day!
Okay, it's me again. Just to check-in to say that I did PS CST. A nice 37 min. workout! I used the same weights as Cathe, except I lowered my #s for the chest press.
Deanie--Which ab routine did you sub? Both PS abs or just one?

Hi again

Gin~ Great workout today! I subbed for both PS abs. I didn't like either routine. Last week I subbed LIC abs both times. This week I will do KPC abs both times. I have not read Fit for life, I would be very open for doing a routine like that in Sept. I don't notice a difference from doing HIIT only, but I've only done 2 weeks so far. I do like less time on the treadmill (cardio) and I like doing abs on cardio days.

Does the pyramid style they recommend go:
12 reps
10 reps
8 reps
6 reps (heaviest weight)
12 reps (with light weight)?

Hi Marcy!

PS- I was thinking about doing the email thing too during the time the forums are down. so count me in:)

eta: Washington is about 40 min. from me! Glad they're having fun- it is a great place! Even after living here about 16 years:eek: we still go downtown (DC) atleast 3X a year. Tell them if they get the chance to go to the zoo!! its great and the Pandas are there!
Good Afternoon Ladies!

I had a great workout today. I did Legs & Glutes and Muscle Max abs and added on a minute of plankwork. I used 10# for most of the workout. Calf raises were okay for me today (although I don't think she does as many as she does in GSL). I actually felt my legs working more with the non-weighted exercises like the plie squats and the curtsey lunges. I know one reason why I really like this workout -- no barbell squats!

I used 5# ankle weights. Never used them before. I thought that's what Cathe used but during the workout she says she was using 2#. I was able to lift my leg for all of the 1-legged deadlifts (really like that exercise). Front leg extensions were tough but I did them all. Also really felt the outer thigh lifts. I wasn't watching the TV too closely and would up doing 2 sets of the glute and hamstring lifts.

I also like L&G because it has a cardio effect for me.

I can't do PS yet because DH has to fix my VCR for me. He's going to look at it this afternoon so hopefully I'll be able to do it tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to PS since the workouts are shorter and it's only 10 rep exercises. Those extra 2 reps always kill me.

Deanie - Count me in too for e-mailing while forum is down. I've been to DC about 3 times with the family and we always had a great time (the best thing is a lot of things are free!). When is the forum going down?

Gin - I haven't read Fit for Life either. Great workout today. I always do less for chest work than Cathe too.

Tomorrow is my interview for the 10:30-7 job. I really hope I get this one since it's a great firm.

Have a great day!

Hi Again!

Marcy--Good luck with the interview tomorrow! The hours may be a good thing. Does you DH cook? That would make me a happy girl to come home to a ready dinner!!:) I think they said that the forums may be down tomorrow and maybe for a couple of days. I got your e-mail and sent you one back.:)

Deanie--Yes, that is the "formula" for lifting in BFL. They say upper body 46 min and lower body 42 min. and they give you a list of exercise for each body part and you can choose 2 to do per day alternating MWF upper and lower days. Then I think it's 20 min. of intense cardio TThS. Pretty specific, huh? I haven't read about the diet yet. I just know it's eat every 3-4 hours and lots of protein.

Hi Again!

Thanks, Gin. Yes, DH does cook. Nothing real fancy but he can put dinner on the table. So are you going to try BFL?

Yes, I would like to try that using the pyramids by Cathe. we could follow her going up the pyramid and when she starts to go back down we could do 6 reps and join her again with the 12 reps. I don't think I want to do it for 3 months though, maybe just until STS. (and after I do the endurance rotation):)

Do you guys want to try it?

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