Good Morning
Today was PS chest shoulders and tri. I got a really good workout today! Yesterday DH bought me a weight bench (60$$ at Target) and I used it today for the chest work. It really made a difference!
DSs birthday yesterday was great!!!! A lot of fun! We saw Get Smart (really funny:7 :7 ) and had fun shopping (the boys got stuff) and went out to eat. I had a portabella mushroom salad with cheese at the hamburger place!!LOL
And to top it off, my DSs friend called and invited him for a sleep over!!!! I think DS had a great birthday:7 I have to say, I was/am such a BIG fan of the original Get Smart, I didn't think the movie could be good in any way, and I really enjoyed it!!!
Decline pushups: done
Bench press light: 25#
Bench press heavy with bb: 67.5# (up 2.5)
Incline bench press with bb: 67.5# (up 2.5#)
Incline bench press with db: 31.25# (same)
Incline chest fly: 30# (same)
Super set: 25# (up 5#-was supposed to do 22.5#, didn’t realize
Arnold press: 16.25 first set, 17.5 next 2 sets- doing only 8 reps last set (up 1.25#)
Clean and press:12# (up 2#-last week did first set at 10#)
Standing side laterals: 13.25 (same)
Reverse flys: 12# (up 2#)
Seated laterals: started with 16.25#, then realized we are doing 16 reps and dropped to 12#
Close grip press:25# all 3 sets (last week started with 20# for 1st set)
Db extension: 12# both sets (last week one set at 10#)
Cross body kickbacks: 10# (I don’t see me ever getting past this weight for this exercise- this is sooo hard for mex( !)
Sub--> overhead French press: 31.25#
Dips with bb: 45# bb
Gin~ DH LOVED TX!! We were driving around yesterday and he was making comments like, In Texas we don't do that, or in Texas we are to cool to do this.:7 :7 (I should mention he has a New York accent!!) Too funny!! He really enjoyed him self!! How was the workout today? It sounds like you are doing to much cardio with all of Imax 3 and a run. Can you just do one? Why do you want to increase your cardio for the road trip? How was weight work?
Marcy~ I hope your weekend continued to be fun!! How was dancing with Dh? did you go yet? I hope you hear something about a job this week!! You must be climbing the walls by now! Hope you had a good workout!
Have a great day!!
I'll try to BBL,
Today was PS chest shoulders and tri. I got a really good workout today! Yesterday DH bought me a weight bench (60$$ at Target) and I used it today for the chest work. It really made a difference!
DSs birthday yesterday was great!!!! A lot of fun! We saw Get Smart (really funny:7 :7 ) and had fun shopping (the boys got stuff) and went out to eat. I had a portabella mushroom salad with cheese at the hamburger place!!LOL
Decline pushups: done
Bench press light: 25#
Bench press heavy with bb: 67.5# (up 2.5)
Incline bench press with bb: 67.5# (up 2.5#)
Incline bench press with db: 31.25# (same)
Incline chest fly: 30# (same)
Super set: 25# (up 5#-was supposed to do 22.5#, didn’t realize
Arnold press: 16.25 first set, 17.5 next 2 sets- doing only 8 reps last set (up 1.25#)
Clean and press:12# (up 2#-last week did first set at 10#)
Standing side laterals: 13.25 (same)
Reverse flys: 12# (up 2#)
Seated laterals: started with 16.25#, then realized we are doing 16 reps and dropped to 12#
Close grip press:25# all 3 sets (last week started with 20# for 1st set)
Db extension: 12# both sets (last week one set at 10#)
Cross body kickbacks: 10# (I don’t see me ever getting past this weight for this exercise- this is sooo hard for mex( !)
Sub--> overhead French press: 31.25#
Dips with bb: 45# bb
Gin~ DH LOVED TX!! We were driving around yesterday and he was making comments like, In Texas we don't do that, or in Texas we are to cool to do this.:7 :7 (I should mention he has a New York accent!!) Too funny!! He really enjoyed him self!! How was the workout today? It sounds like you are doing to much cardio with all of Imax 3 and a run. Can you just do one? Why do you want to increase your cardio for the road trip? How was weight work?
Marcy~ I hope your weekend continued to be fun!! How was dancing with Dh? did you go yet? I hope you hear something about a job this week!! You must be climbing the walls by now! Hope you had a good workout!
Have a great day!!
I'll try to BBL,