*~~~LeT's Go JuNe 16-22~~~*

Marcy:: Great workout! You are back!}( LOL!!Yes, I bought one pair of 1.25#. That made the most sense for me. And no, no recipie for the steel cut oats: just boil 4c. of water and throw in 1c. of oats. Turn off water and let cook on stove top over night. (with a cover.) Its supposed to make 4 c. of oatmeal, but I always only get 3 cups. I add some cinnamon on top and spray butter. (sometimes if I'm feeling wild I will do brown sugar instead of the cinamon, and I still use the butter:9 !!)

Hi Gin~ HOpe your computer is okay!

Thanks, Deanie! I feel like I'm getting stronger every day. Also, breathing is better and Boot Camp was much easier than the last time I did it. On the zig zag hop turn, I didn't do last rep on each side but other than that, it felt really good and I got through the whole last drill with all the pushups.

Thanks for the info on the steel cut oats. I think I'll try them tomorrow.

Good Afternoon Ladies!
So good to have my computer working again!
I did PUB (abs first), then The Method Pilates (20 min.), 20 push ups (that was all I could do after PUB!:p ) and did 5 assisted pull ups and chin ups. I really got the bar to hang from to stretch out my back, but thought I would TRY chins and pulls. Don't know how you girls do it. I had to keep my feet on a chair.x( Thank you Deanie for only putting 1 week of the Pyramids in this rotation. Mentally, those biceps in PUB are killer!
I rented Jari Love's Get Ripped and Chiseled from NetFlix and looked at it yesterday. Don't know when I can fit it in. You know she uses low #s anad high reps. This one does look better then the others I have of hers. No compound exercises. And yummy ,healthy recipes included.:p But she is really skinny! YIKES!

Deanie--Enjoy your fun day today. Sure wish you could join DH and come see me in TX!!:( But I am planning on seeing you Friday of the RT. Are you doing another 2 weeks of 4ds?

Marcy--I also need to get my plate mates ordered. WTG with the great workout today!

Have a great day!

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