Lets Go + ! + ! + ! July 4th weekend


Good Morning and Happy July 4th

Today was PS legs- A REALLY great workout!! Before I thought L&G was my favorite workout for legs, but after today I think PS legs takes place as #1!! I used heavy weights and I think thats what made the difference-- using the right weight. OH! I also hit a personal best with the chins today, which surprised me because this morning I still had DOMs in my biceps.

Stats: (wore my 20# vest thru to the deadlifts for leg work)
Chins 6!!!}( }(
light weights lunges front and back: 10# in each hand (no vest)
lunges- front and back- db and vest: 44#; 50#
static lunges- 16 reps- 45# 1st set, 50# 2nd set
plie squats (light)- vest only
plie squts (heavy)- 50#
pullups: 6 neg.}(
Step ups: 1st set 35#, 2nd set 40#
squats: 50#
sit and stands: 50#
deaadlifts: 50#/55# 2nd set
chin ups 6!!
innerthighs with ankle weights
outer thighs w/ ankle weights
hamstrings- great hamstring work!
pullups: 6 neg.

Gin~ forgot to say-- great work yesterday with C&T (pushups and raising the weights)

Marcy~ Any word? Sending out good vibes for you, hopefully early next week you will hear something.

Have a wonderful 4th, I hope you girls are doing something fun!!!
nothing going on today with us, DH home tomorrow, and DSs 12th birthday on Sunday:7 :7

PS-- bought some Greek Yogurt-- It is amazingly good:9 :9 no chemicals and fat free and thick! I highly recommend it.

Good Afternoon Ladies and Happy 4th of July!

Today was a kickbox mish mosh....KPC w/u, abs, combos 123, KM combos 234, leg drills and stretch. The KPC combos seem to bring the HR up more than KM.
We do not have any holiday plans as of yet. DIL is in town (she still lives in Austin) so I will call and invite them over.

Deanie--Glad you liked PS legs. ^5's on the chins and pulls!!}( :) I was probably able to go heavier with chest yesterday because I did the mix and match.? I'm sure you are ready for your DH to come home! Happy 12th B-day to DS! Where do you find Greek yogurt? I've not heard of it. I made some of the protien bars from New Rules for Lifting for Women book. They are okay. I printed the recipe from OD a few weeks ago.

Marcy--Are you still sore? Did you workout today?

Have a happy and safe 4th!
Good Afternoon!

No workout for me today. We're going to a BBQ today with some friends I made at line dancing. Had to gp shopping and bake a cake.

I'm going to try and do GS C&T tomorrow and kickbox on Sunday.

Went dancing last night. It was great as usual. Open dancing is great but the class is just too slow for me and they do dances I've learned six months before. I wish my DH would go with me on Saturdays because they have couple lessons but I'm really going to have to do a lot of pleading with him on that one because he's really not into dancing.

Gin/Deanie: I can't say I love running yet but I'm going it to see if it makes any difference. My endurance is getting better. Maybe when I can totally run without walking, I'll like it better. I always hear people say that's the best way to slim down the legs.

Deanie - Great workout! PS really seems to be your favorite series. Me, I prefer Gym Styles. Actually, I really like the whole Hard Core Series.

Gin - So what's your favorite series? My soreness is gone. Nice mishmosh workout! I actually like the combos better in KM. Do you think it's too much that Cathe put in a full body workout plus the 3 day split each week?

Have a great 4th!

Hi guys,
You all are NOT going to believe this.....

Last night I was asking my DH about what I should do about the road trip class thingy and he suggested leaving the kids with my inlaws (they live in Jersey, not sure they are the greatest baby sitters, long story and its an extra 1/2 an hour drive to Cathe) so I wanted to think about it before I called..... Today about an hour ago, the phone rings and its my FIL. They are coming down in July for the weekend (their granddaughter is doing an internship in DC) and they will be here on the 25th!!!!!!!!!:eek: x( They want to meet us (kids and I) and take us to lunch. (they never ask if its okay, they just tell us when they are coming) Then they are then doing this aircraft carrier thing and then going to DC to collect the granddaughters stuff so the following weekend she can take the train home to NJ with just a suitcase and then they will be back to sleep over on Sun. night and leave on Monday! ARG!!!! I am really frustrated with the whole thing!!! Obviously I won't be at the road trip Fri. class.:( Do you think the stars were aligned and I wasn't meant to go?????x( Sorry to go on about this, thanks for listening:+

Anyway, we had a fun day till then, and I hope you all are having fun!

Hi Again!

Marcy--Enjoy the BBQ tonight. Do you mean which Cathe series I like the best? Not sure I really have a favorite. I like 4ds b/c it has everything, but I enjoy the music in the unnamed series (LIC, BM2, DM, B&G, CF). Enjoyable music is a big motivator for me. KPC has never really been one of my favs and it may be b/c I don't care for the music.

Deanie--Are you sure the Friday class is out for sure? Can you not let your in-laws know that you had plans that weekend? Can they keep your kids at your house so you can stil go?:-( Don't give up!


Marcy--It does seem like a lot of weightwork in this rotation. I plan to do Jari Love's Get Ripped and Chiseled tomorrow instead of MM so I can send it back. I'll let you know how I like it.
Good Morning

I am off to do HIIT on the treadmill in a minute}( surprisingly, no DOMs in my legs.
No fireworks last night--it rained!! We did go to the community picnic, which was a blast. There was a moon bounce, 2 huge water slides, a dunking tank and tons of food, ice cream, drinks, cotton candy and popcorn, along with "nosh" foods like chips and pretzels. Also a magician, but we got there to late to see him. (nothing for vegetarians, so I ate pretzels:) )
DH is coming home today, he just called from the airport in TX:7 :7 :7

Gin~ I liked your mish mosh of kickbox yesterday! Whats the plan for today? My in-laws are coming down for this air craft carrier thing. Their other granddaughter (twins with the other one who is in DC doing her internship) is in an army/airforce school and she knows someone who is on an air craft carrier. Anyway the story is they are coming here on fri. noon, then going to Virginia to the air craft carrier, which is going out to sea and they get to be on it, and whatch them practice flying the planes off and on the carrier, they will be there till Sunday. then they are going to DC to the other granddaughters, picking up her stuff (they have an SUV) and then coming to us. Not sure if they are sleeping over sunday, but it sounds like they are if DH is here. If not, I think they may just go to Jersey. The last part is the play it by ear part.They can't keep my kids at my house, because I would have to leave at 6a.m. to beat traffic to get to Jersey (DH may or may not be home, but he goes to work at 10 the latest if he is closeing) and the inlaws need to be in Virginia fri for the air craft thing. I have now come to terms with not going, but I was looking forward to meeting you.

Marcy~ I hope you had fun at your BBQ. I'm glad you already met people to hang out with!! PH is my favorite all body workout, I guess PS is my favorite split, although I do like S&H. GS is okay, but not my favorite.... Maybe I should throw a week in of GS just to mix things up. I also feel GS on its own is good, no need to do a full body in the same week.

off to workout
Have a great weekend
PS~ did you read Cathes post in the STS forum? Her legs are hurtin' from STS meso #2!!:eek: Now I'm scared!!!!:p }(

Good Morning!

Today I did Jari Love's Get Ripped and Chiseled. It was 64 min. of high reps and low weights. Just about 15 min.of lower body and the rest upper. Abs were tacked on after the stretch from another workout and I skipped those since I had done KPC abs yesterday. She tells you what weights she is using and has 3 background exercisers that are using various weights and modifications. Each "track" lasts about 4 1/2 min. Ex.: Biceps 120 reps (she uses 8# dbls) and varies the count. This could be an intermediate or advanced workout. I probably would not buy it. I'm sure it is an effective workout and good to mix your type of routine up, but JL just doesn't quite motivate me the way Cathe does. I think I would become bored with it after a few times. Okay, more that you wanted to know!:p

Deanie--So sorry that the Friday class is not going to work out for you!:-( Yeah to your DH coming home today! Sounds like you had a good time with your kids at the 4th of July party yesterday. How was the HIIT on the TM?

Marcy--How was the BBQ lsat night? What are your workout plans this weekend?

Okay, I just read Cathe's post on the STS forum about "A Whipper Snapper of a Workout". If she has major DOMS, then I am really skeeered!}( :eek: We will have to do this all together, so we can commiserate with each other.

Hi Ladies!

BBQ last night was great. I have a funny story. I told you I've been wanting to get DH to go line dancing with me. First of all, he's not into dancing, has bad feet and is an early bird (usually is up by about 4am so he goes to bed early). But he said to my friend (the hostess of the BBQ) and others that if I dressed up in a pair of overalls that he would go line dancing with me. Well, my friend took my hand, walked me into her house, got out a pair of overalls, red top, red bandana, red cowboy boots and a red cowboy hat and dressed me up. I walked out and the whole place was roaring. Not everyone knew why I was dressed up but after DH told them, they roared even louder. So now we are going out tonight and DH is going to take line dance lessons (basically his first except for when he did the Electric Slide on our honeymoon and we did take dance lessons for our first dance at our wedding). I also met a bunch of people that I met at the various dance places I've been to and they recognized me. Great food, great people and we both had a great time.

I'm hoping DH takes a nap so I can fit in a workout (GS C&T) and then we'll be going out later.

I saw Cathe's post and it sounded great. If she's sore, you know we'll be sore!

Gin - I don't click much with Jari either. I think her workouts are effective but her reps are just too much. I still like Ripped to the Core though (probably the only one I'll ever be doing of hers).

Deanie - So sorry about your road trip plans. I was going to say the same thing as Gin (tell them you have plans) but since DH might be away that morning, I guess it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully, we'll all be able to be there next year. So did DH like Texas?

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Good Morning Gals

Today is DSs 12th birthday:7 :7 He got catchers gear and a pitchback from us and so far, some $$ from relitives; so he is a happy boy:7 He wants to see Get Smart today and eat at Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, so that's what we'll be doing!

Today is a rest day for me.

Marcy~ LOVED the story!!LOL I'm glad your DH will be going dancing with you. I'm sure he'll have fun! Who knows, this may be the start of something new!! Glad you had fun at the picnic. Sounds like you made some nice friends already.:D

Gin~ Is today a rest day for you? Good for you for trying new instructors. I always feel Cathe is the best too. HIIT on the treadmill was good, I'm getting better at level 11 and may switch to level 12 by the end of next week}( I definately plan on doing STS with you guys!!!

Have a great day

eta: I found Greek yogert in the regular super market in the "all natural" section of the dairy case. I read about it on the OD forum. Its really good and thick and creamy, not watery like the low fat yogurts I usually get.
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Today is rest so I did BB's yoga. Just 27 min long...perfect!:) Tomorrow I had planned to run, then do GS BSB and then IMAX3, but now it sounds like too much. Just trying to fit in some of the harder step dvds to get ready for the RT. Maybe I'll just do IMAX3 intervals 6-10!?!?

Marcy--Funny story!:7 So, did your DH go dancing with you last night? My DH doesn't like to dance either. I think I got one dance out of him at DS's wedding. That would be great if he wouldgo with you ore often. AND Ihave a pair of short overalls that I will send you if you want!!;-)

Deanie--Happy 12th BD to DS!! Enjoy Get Smart and Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. Do they have something that you can eat there?
Tell me what your DH had to say about TX. Hopefully good, but I can take it if not!;-) I'm sure he is glad to be back home! I'll try to look for the Greek yogurt!:9

Have a great day!

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