Let's Go====Friday


Good Morning :)

Just finished 4DS legs only premix and sm#3. I upped my weights today and this was a really tough workout.

3 chins/ 3 neg pull ups
BB squats: 45#
deadlifts: 26.25#
plie squats: 36.25#
leg press: 30# (used bb, was easier)
4 chin ups/4 neg pull ups
low plane lunges: 16.25#
leg press/outer thigh: 16.25#
bb squats: 50#
3 chinups/ 3 neg pull ups
calves: 16.25# for the weighted raises

Gin~ How was the Terminator today}( I hope you liked it. Have a great last day of school at your old school. I am sure you will be missed!

Marcy~ So sorry to hear about your job interviews. It is their loss. I'm sure something good is right around the corner. Has your DH had any luck getting a job?

pre: handful almonds
b: protein pancakes/orange
s: apple and pb
l: tofu stir fry (apparently this is my new favorite lunch!;-) )
s: hummus and 2 whole wheat pita
d: 2 boca chick. patties and string beans and challah

Have a great day!!

never got to the movies yesterday, DS11 wanted to have an end of the year party at our house, so we did that instead. He invited some friends and so did DS8, it was very nice.:) we are going to try for this weekend instead.
Good Morning Ladies!

Today I ran and then did B&G stab. ball abs. I forgot all about doing pushups. Maybe this aft. Ran out of time. Tomorrow I will plan to do Terminator and stretch, since I took Wed off.
This is my last day (bittersweet). I am going to Houston Mon-Thurs next week to visit family. Hope to workout there, but will probably not be able to post.

Deanie--Did you have a July rotation in mind? I would like to do more cardio to get ready for the RT, but if you don't choose that, I'll just add it in.

Marcy--Have you previewed Stike Zone yet? I've read good and not so good about it. I may take it to Houston, since no equipment is needed.

B--3 eggs (1 whole, 2 whites),cheese, orange
L--nonfat plain yogurt, berries, veggies
D-?? probably a big salad

It is tough with this gluten-free diet I am trying. I need to go to the health food store and see what they have.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Ladies!

I finally got a workout done! I did 4DS Triceps and Biceps, Shoulders & Kickbox abs and stretch. I think the kickbox abs are harder than the LIS abs.

Seated Overhead Extensions: 15, 20, 25, 30
Standing Hammer Curl with Twist, 12 and 15#
Standing Traditional Curls: 15# and 20# (went up a pound)
Triceps: Lying Extensions: Used 17# in each hand instead of barbell
Lying Extensions Dbbls: Started with 15# and then went down to 10# for the partials
Bis: Crazy 8s: 17# each hand, 15# for partials
Reverse Curls: 15# (up 3#)
Incline Hammer Curls with a Twist on ball: 12#
Double Arm Seated Curl - only used 12# - should've used 15s like last time
Hanging Concentration Curls with one hand: 20# (these just never seem to feel right). I put a mirror in my workout room and I'm really trying to watch my form.
Wrist Curls: 10#

Pyramid Up Seated Overhead Press: 8, 10, 12, 15
Seated Isolation Press - 15# - 1st set didn't do last 2 reps
2nd set - dropped down to 12#
Upright Rows - 18#
Standing Lateral Raise - 13#; dropped to 10# for last couple of reps
Bent Arm Lateral Raise - stayed at 10# but probably should've gone back up to 13#
Seated Rear Front Raise: 12#
Rear Isolation Flyes: 10#

Kickbox Abs: Much tougher than LIS abs but felt a little bit shorter.

I have another interview today at another agency at 1:00.

Gin - Good luck with your diet. Gluten-free is tough. I hope you find some good things at the health food store. I didn't get to preview Strike Zone yet but I plan on doing it this weekend. I hope you like it.

Deanie - Great workout! Your chins/pulls are impressive!

Have a great day!

Hi again!

Gin~ nice workout today- just fun:) Next month I want to do PS series, with only HIIT on the treadmill on cardio days. I may add in one day of kickbox instead of HIIT though. If you don't want to follow the cardio, do you have PS? In August I am either going to go back to this months rotation or if STS looks like a Sept go, then I will do a circuit/full body rotation. Right now though, looks like STS will be at the earliest released in late Sept. If that is the case, I will do PS in July, 4DS again in Aug.(but for 4 weeks) and circuit/full body in Sept.--> I'm not too anal am I????:p In August we have some trips planned and this would be the easiest rotation for me to fit every thing in. I hope the gluten free thing works for you, looks tough till you get the hang of it! Enjoy your trip!!

Marcy~ Nice workout today}( I like KB abs better also, and they are shorter (by about 2 min) Good luck today with the interview!

Hi Again!

Well, I cracked a few times at school today when saying good-bye to everybody. I'll be back though in a few weeks to clean out my room, so not really gone for good yet.

Marcy--Good luck with the interview today! Let us know.

Deanie--Yes, I do have PS and haven't done it in a while. Sounds good. I will probably add more cardio...longer step workouts. I enjoy it and I have more time now. Do you see a difference yet with the "less cardio" rotation? I am not a good judge because I never see a difference!x( If you are too anal, then I am also!;-)


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