
Good Morning Y'All!!!

Rest day for me today. I'm still itching to do Shaun's weight workout and thought about today, but then realized I have PC/CA, CPR & PCC back to back starting tomorrow and figured I probably need to rest. Ok, off to do my weekend chores & errands which is a workout in itself :D

Hope everyone is well :)
Good morning, Insanitinas! I posted much the same response on Peer Tree's inquiry on the OD forum. This morning I did Max Interval Sports Training (from the Deluxe package),which is deceptively simple in previewing and tough to do! Because I want to get more acclimated, and just plain better, at "floor switch kicks", I added in the circuit in Max Interval Circuit which has this drill; like a moron I deliberately forgot that there are three nosebleed drills that precede the floor switch kicks, AND that you do that whole 4-drill drill block three times and then a punching cooldown. I was a sweaty mess at the end, which is what I was shooting for (or kicking for). Yesterday's aqua session was heavy on leg cardio (including a lot of jumping and kicking in the shallow end, and a lot of open-chain flutter kicking in the deep end), so my legs were fried already. Burned out my quads so much I couldn't do Insane Abs (which heavily recruits the quads and hip flexors as well; also part of the Deluxe package); had to switch to Ab Circuit Pilates-based and reschedule Insane Abs for tomorrow.

This coming Wednesday I'm going to do a nice Cathe hi/lo floor mish-mosh, and follow that up with Cardio Recovery; that looks to have a good blend of lower body muscle work, core work and flexibility.

It's fun to use this time to break the weekly mold I'd morphed into.

Have a great day!

Hi Everyone,
Today I am a total mess...i weighed myself for the first time in like 2 months and I'm up 6.5 lbs!!!! I now weigh 126.5 and I haven't seen that number for like 5 years!!! I am so upset I can't even stand it. My "happy" weight is 120 and even then I'm always happier a few lbs lighter....I'm trying to work up a rotation that will help me blast this fat away and I think my biggest problem is that I don't stick with a rotation very long....I never make it through a full month!!! I was the one who was going to mix Meso 1 with Insanity....last week was not a half bad week, but today I feel like it was all for nothing!!!

Anyway...today I did do Max Plyo Circuit the 1 hour DVD and it was so HARD!!!

Going to try and sit down and plot out the next 4 weeks and TRY TRY TRY to stick to it....I just don't know what rotataion/combo will get me what I want....any suggestions would be great....I only have about 1 hour or at most 1 hour and 15 min in the am...and like most women my biggest problem area is my legs and butt....HELP
Hi Everyone,
Today I am a total mess...i weighed myself for the first time in like 2 months and I'm up 6.5 lbs!!!!

Jeez, how frustrating is that!
I've had much the same happen with STS.....the exact opposite of why I began!

Good luck Rosemarie
Another sweaty mess here!! I did PCC today. My second time around. Since I knew what was coming, I was dreading it today. And my lats, and entire back, have a BAD case of doms from my STS work on Friday. I did my 22mins of easy vinyasa yoga as my warm up, and to get the stiffness out of my back. Frankly, I had no desire to move this morning. Yesterday I taught an aquafit class and a spin class, back to back. For some INSANE reason, I chose to teach the hardest cycle class in my collection. So my butt, hips, and quads were tired today, too. But did I DO IT ANYWAY? YES!!! I just did my best, and forgot the rest! I've learned how to pace myself through the warm up, so I don't feel like I'm being shot out of a cannon. That's good. The first round of drills is fine, too. It's those dang horizontal drills that just kill me! Actually, they tire out my arms more than anything else. I guess that's just an endurance thing that I'll get better at over time. It's nice to have a challenge to overcome. I remember waaaay back in the day when I struggled to complete some of the intervals in Cathe's original IMAX. I know I can improve! I just need to be consistent and persistent.

I'm glad I was able to help out with the STS/P90X comparison yesterday.

Becky - yes, the STS book is a great resource for the program. There are photos of Cathe doing every exercise, for every workout. However, you don't really need to buy it. Just go to the Workout Manager, and click on the STS icon at the top. You go to the first menu that allows you to pick an STS disk, and print off the workout card. Voila. You have the workout. If you want to visually see the exercise, go to the 1Rep Max calculator in the Workout Manager, tell it you want to see an STS exercise, and you can see a clip of Cathe performing the exercise from the STS program. Really, that's all you need. You can check out the Rotations forum for STS rotation ideas. What I'm trying to say is: you get the book when you buy the program, so why waste your money in buying the book to see if you want to buy the program? You end up with two books that contain the same information that you get for free from the website. Yeah, I'm a pragmatist :D.

Jennifer - I never did P90X consecutively, either. I did them once a year, every Nov - Feb. Happily, this year I received STS at the perfect time to finish up P90X, take a week's break, then jump right in to STS. How many times have you done P90X? Have you done the P90X Plus workouts? I love those, and I think that's what I'll do after Insanity. Then I'm hoping Shock Cardio will be released, and I can get on with that. Gotta love having so many amazing trainers coming out with such high quality programs! In terms of equipment and space management, P90X is a better program, for sure.

Colleen - I'm really excited about an STS/Shock Cardio rotation, too!!!!!!! We're going to be so crazy fit after that that it'll be, well......INSANE!! LOL! I can't imagine a time when I won't be struggling with those ski abs, too. But just attempting them is doing a world of good.

A-Jock - Ooooh, I forgot you're a Water Wonder, too! Do you teach the class, or are you just the star pupil? I ask because I'm currently learning to teach aquafit at my local ymca. I instruct a lot of land classes, so that part isn't new. But I've never spent much time doing aquafit classes, so it's harder to figure out how to teach them, since I can't relate to the experience as much. If you have any tips or resources you could share, I'd be forever grateful. This week I'm going to observe one aqua class a day, and pay attention to the instructor's cuing, and how the participants respond. As usual, your intensity with your workouts is very inspiring!

Elena - OY!!!!!! Now, that's frustrating!!! Has your diet fallen short in the last little bit? "You can't outwork a bad diet", as the saying goes. One option is to start following the Insanity nutrition program. It's actually quite simple to follow, the recipes are a breeze to make, and they taste quite good.

In a little while I'm going to do STS Disc 16 - Chest. My lats no longer hurt when I take a deep breath, thanks to the Insane cardio.

Have a great day ya'll!!!
A-Jock - Ooooh, I forgot you're a Water Wonder, too! Do you teach the class, or are you just the star pupil? I ask because I'm currently learning to teach aquafit at my local ymca. I instruct a lot of land classes, so that part isn't new. But I've never spent much time doing aquafit classes, so it's harder to figure out how to teach them, since I can't relate to the experience as much. If you have any tips or resources you could share, I'd be forever grateful. This week I'm going to observe one aqua class a day, and pay attention to the instructor's cuing, and how the participants respond. As usual, your intensity with your workouts is very inspiring!


Hi, Sandra! I'm not sure what I'm doing these days is "teaching"; what I do is, each week I prepare a new workout format consisting of jumps, kicks, running drills, and upper body drills that are done in navel-depth water; this format usually runs about 45-50 minutes not including a freestyle warm-up. Then, every Saturday a.m. a friend of mine (from the days when I actually taught aqua and she was a peep) shows up and we do the navel-depth format; then we hit the diving well for some deep-water open-chain drills and ab work; then back to the navel-depth pool for upper body targeted work with the hand buoys. What Diana and I do is much tougher than what you'll usually see in an open-participation aqua class for a number of reasons.

In fact, it's funny that "switch kicks" are featured so prominently in Insanity; I've been doing the aquatic version of those for years, both in the vertical upright position that Shaun does AND a seated version that really, really tags the legs. I also do a lot of upper body drills while doing the seated version of the "switch kick".

I'm not familiar with the Aquafit format, although I've heard about it from the Turnstep bulletin boards. I would suggest that you actually participate in the class as opposed to simply observing it; it's very difficult to grasp the actual feel and effectiveness (or, in all honesty, lack thereof) of a given drill or class in the water unless you're doing it. I would also suggest checking into the Turnstep bulletin boards if you're not already doing so; there is a separate bulletin board for the aquatic instructors. I would also check out the Aquatic Exercise Association (www.aeawave.com) to see if they have any DVDs. Collage Video might also have DVDs for aqua, although that comes and goes. Also check out the Kiefer catalog company (www.kiefer.com); Kiefer is kind of the Grand Poo-Pah of catalog companies for aquatic training of all kinds (competitive swimming; fitness swimming; aquatic rehab; water aerobics; etc.) and it might also have some DVDs you can check out.

HTH - GO AQUA!!!!!

Sandra ~ thanks so much for the tip! You are a wealth of information! I really appreciate it! :)

Elena ~ I'm so sorry about the bad news from the scale. :( The only advice I have is to track calories for a week. Maybe you've been adding a treat or something that is making a difference?
I know my personal experience is that I began working out again last August 1st after a loooooonnnnngggggg time *off the wagon* and the scale did not budge until April when I started counting calories. And I was working out A LOT!!! 2-4 hours a day, 6 days a week, but I realized I was eating over 3000 calories a day. It's a miracle I hadn't gained weight.

If your calories have been fine, then hmmm, I'm stumped. Maybe INSANITY will be just the ticket to shaking up your routine and blasting off those pounds.

I am sorry. I know how discouraged you must feel. (((hugs)))

hi ladies. been out of town since wednesday which is why i haven't posted. I did the sports training dvd on thursday and really wasn't that impressed. I didn't feel that it was as challenging as the other insanity workouts but it was kindof fun i guess. I didn't workout since then and i'm debating if i feel like doing anything today. sounds like you ladies are doing great!
Hi Everyone!

Today I did Cardio Recovery and it was harder than I thought. It was a great workout but for some reason I thought it was just some easy stretches. I did enjoy it and I feel a lot looser now. Tomorrow starts my first full week of insanity since my original first week was split up because of my stomach flu.

Elena, sorry your weight is up. My biggest problem is my diet when I gain and I haven't found a rotation that works really well without adjusting my diet.
Kariev, I hope you had a good trip out of town. I haven't previewed the Max insanity workouts yet.
Sandra, sounds like you really killed yourself this weekend. Hope you have a recovery workout coming up soon.
Jennifer, I am dying to try Shaun's UB workout too. I guess I should preview it first.
Aquajock, I have the deluxe package too and I am looking forward to your review of Insane abs.
well i decided to just do some steady state cardio. I ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes at 6.5mph with a 4%incline. Felt good to do cardio that wasn't all out. I followed that up with STS abs (medicine ball). Not sure what i'm doing tomorrow. Lately i have been trying to do cardio 5-6 days per week and i've felt really run down, tired, and cranky. I was thinking of doing only 3 days per week of cardio utilizing insanity as my cardio days and doing STS meso 1 on the other 3 days. My body seems to not like doing so much cardio especially if i'm not eating enough cals to sustain the workouts. I've always had a hard time eating more when i workout more. Its a mental thing. Tomorrow i'm going to a seminar about laser spinal surgery. Its the newest thing for spine issues that does not require a lot of recovery time. My mom has been having major back problems for the past year (arthritis of the facet joints, spondylolythesis, and degenrative discs) which has caused her quality of life to decline. All of the orthopedic surgeons recommend not doing typical spine surgery as she isn't at a cripled point yet so this laser thing seems promising. I'll let you all know how it goes.
kariev~ keep us posted about your mom...now don't laugh, but i was watching BROOKE KNOWS BEST this morning, and her dad Hulk Hogan just had that done instead of the traditional pins, cages,etc....he wasn't ready to commit to the full surgery, but man, oh man, is his back a mess!!!! anyway, i know it's a reality show and lots is edited out, but it seemed to work really well and he was on his feet by the next day...for what it's worth...just coincidental that you mentioned this today when I had just watched that

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