Another sweaty mess here!! I did PCC today. My second time around. Since I knew what was coming, I was dreading it today. And my lats, and entire back, have a BAD case of doms from my STS work on Friday. I did my 22mins of easy vinyasa yoga as my warm up, and to get the stiffness out of my back. Frankly, I had no desire to move this morning. Yesterday I taught an aquafit class and a spin class, back to back. For some INSANE reason, I chose to teach the hardest cycle class in my collection. So my butt, hips, and quads were tired today, too. But did I DO IT ANYWAY? YES!!! I just did my best, and forgot the rest! I've learned how to pace myself through the warm up, so I don't feel like I'm being shot out of a cannon. That's good. The first round of drills is fine, too. It's those dang horizontal drills that just kill me! Actually, they tire out my arms more than anything else. I guess that's just an endurance thing that I'll get better at over time. It's nice to have a challenge to overcome. I remember waaaay back in the day when I struggled to complete some of the intervals in Cathe's original IMAX. I know I can improve! I just need to be consistent and persistent.
I'm glad I was able to help out with the STS/P90X comparison yesterday.
Becky - yes, the STS
book is a great resource for the program. There are photos of Cathe doing every exercise, for every workout. However, you don't really need to buy it. Just go to the Workout Manager, and click on the STS icon at the top. You go to the first menu that allows you to pick an STS disk, and print off the workout card. Voila. You have the workout. If you want to visually see the exercise, go to the 1Rep Max calculator in the Workout Manager, tell it you want to see an STS exercise, and you can see a clip of Cathe performing the exercise from the STS program. Really, that's all you need. You can check out the Rotations forum for STS rotation ideas. What I'm trying to say is: you get the book when you buy the program, so why waste your money in buying the book to see if you want to buy the program? You end up with two books that contain the same information that you get for free from the website. Yeah, I'm a pragmatist
Jennifer - I never did P90X consecutively, either. I did them once a year, every Nov - Feb. Happily, this year I received STS at the perfect time to finish up P90X, take a week's break, then jump right in to STS. How many times have you done P90X? Have you done the P90X Plus workouts? I love those, and I think that's what I'll do after Insanity. Then I'm hoping Shock Cardio will be released, and I can get on with that. Gotta love having so many amazing trainers coming out with such high quality programs! In terms of equipment and space management, P90X is a better program, for sure.
Colleen - I'm really excited about an STS/Shock Cardio rotation, too!!!!!!! We're going to be so crazy fit after that that it'll be, well......INSANE!! LOL! I can't imagine a time when I won't be struggling with those ski abs, too. But just attempting them is doing a world of good.
A-Jock - Ooooh, I forgot you're a Water Wonder, too! Do you teach the class, or are you just the star pupil? I ask because I'm currently learning to teach aquafit at my local ymca. I instruct a lot of land classes, so that part isn't new. But I've never spent much time doing aquafit classes, so it's harder to figure out how to teach them, since I can't relate to the experience as much. If you have any tips or resources you could share, I'd be forever grateful. This week I'm going to observe one aqua class a day, and pay attention to the instructor's cuing, and how the participants respond. As usual, your intensity with your workouts is very inspiring!
Elena - OY!!!!!! Now, that's frustrating!!! Has your diet fallen short in the last little bit? "You can't outwork a bad diet", as the saying goes. One option is to start following the Insanity nutrition program. It's actually quite simple to follow, the recipes are a breeze to make, and they taste quite good.
In a little while I'm going to do STS Disc 16 - Chest. My lats no longer hurt when I take a deep breath, thanks to the Insane cardio.
Have a great day ya'll!!!