Let's Do This Again STS Dec 28 - Jan 3

This morning I did some yoga and then Pure Strength Abs. Those abs are really basic, but definitely work you! Oh, and I got my yoga book that I ordered, so I was able to use that.

Janis thanks for the tip. How often did you do legs in a week when you were doing floor work? I'm thinking twice.

Hoping my calendar comes today. Had a friend in AZ get hers Saturday, so me in MI should be getting mine, too!

Have a good day everyone! I'm getting ready to take the youngest to baseball practice. Older one wasn't looking so hot at bedtime and has a headache so he's staying home.
I've got my exercise groove back!

Hi Warriors!

I finally got back to exercising! It felt good. I did the double cardio premix from HIS/LIS. It started out feeling good, then I got to the HIS part & wondered why I chose to do a 50 cardio workout on my first day of exercise in 3 wks! I hit pause 2-3 times, but made it through it! I think tomorrow I do a routine from STS Meso 2 as that is where I left off.

BTW, when we start our undulating rotation next week, are we doing plyo legs or the squat rack rotation? Either way, I looking forward to starting it up!
I went to the post office hoping that my Shock Cardio DVDs would be there, but not today! I'm pretty sure they should come sometime this week (hopefully). Anticipation is not easy to deal with!!! ;)

Cathy, I'm glad that your tendon will be recovered in 6wks. I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to do Shock cardio for awhile, though. But I know you'll keep working it with non-cardio workouts. :)

Janis, I know you'll snap right back from the 5 day exercise break! We all deserve a little break during the holidays! :)

MJ, Hope you are continuing to enjoy your Tennis vacation & New York as well!

Heather, hope you are enjoying your holidays too!

See you all tomorrow!

Good Morning Warriors!

It's so good to hear from you, Tara, I am happy you made it through your hell-realm work deadlines and are back to your workouts. Doesn't three weeks feel like an eternity!? For the undulating rotation I downloaded the version that puts legs on Wednesday - it begins with Meso 3 plyo. Then we do Meso 1 then Meso 2 and back to Meso 3. On Saturday I'll do a second leg workout - squat rack or an other selection depending upon how I am feeling (bored, indifferent, lazy, motivated, energetic, ambitious).

Cathy - the leg floor exercises I did twice a week - usually while watching t.v., treading water and aqua jogging helped a lot too.

This morning I did legs&glutes from a download. I have never done this one before, it was a nice moderate workout to ease me back in. I was surprised that the mildly aerobic effort brought on several coughing spells. Where does all this gunk come from? Any way - I am glad I put some effort in - makes me feel less like a sloth and hopeful that I'll be back in full swing in time for our new rotation.

MJ - {waving hello} hope your having a blast!

Heather - How was your holiday trip?

Hey Everyone

I have been Christmasing hard and now I am finally home and relaxing! It has truly been go go go but today feels so good! I did do a run yesterday and today I did the fit test for Insanity. I have to say those workouts look nuts but I am up for the challenge. My youngest was watching one with me and said "Wow, those guys are sweating out buckets!" I am still waiting for my Shock cardio too! I haven't gone for the mail yet as it is a bit of a blizzard here but I have my fingers crossed!

Cathy - I hope that your DH is doing better... nothing is worse than a sore back... on a man that will not listen! ( I have one too). Sounds like you are not letting your tendon get in your way! You go girl!

Tara - I think that jumping in strong is sometimes best so that you get a full on endorphin hit that makes you want to come back for more! I am going to do plyo legs... I think, for my undulating rotation but you can do whatever you want! That may be a little too much plyo but we'll see!
Glad to here you are back in the swing!

Janis - I hope that you are having a good Christmas. It is really weird taking a break! My run yesterday really helped with some of my pent up frustrations (unrealistic x-mas expectations from certain relatives...)! I will have to look back at your other posts. My cousin came to Christmas with his new girlfriend that has her own yoga studio. It was all I could do not to interrogate her about yoga but I did not want to scare her off for my cousin... he seems to really like her.

MJ - I am hoping that you are really enjoying yourself and can still move your shoulder! Sounds like your flight home might have as many problems as the one going... Hope it all works out and you manage to get on!

Anyways, I am going to go back to relaxing and hanging with my boys! (all three).

All the best
Tara one of the rotations has plyo legs and one has squat rack legs, but I can't remember which one is which right now.

Congrats on all your workouts. Janis I love Legs & Glutes. It has lots of my favorite exercises and Cathe just seems extra happy in that one. :D

This morning I was playing around with another undulating rotation and came up with an idea for creating it that I'll try when I get a chance. Not like we'll need it for a few months. I was also playing with a possible Shock Cardio rotation for myself. I really can't see myself using the boxing one much or using the circuit one that uses weights while doing STS. I want to find a way to do cardio more than 3 days a week, too. And yes, I know I'm talking about something that won't happen for almost 4 months. ;)
Morning Warrior ladies! This morning I did about 20 minutes of yoga and then the abs from Cardio & Weights.

No where to go today, but with DH and I out of commission the house is out of control, so I'm going to do short clean ups with the help of the boys throughout the day. It actually won't take that long for the most part as other than dishes and sweeping, it's just a matter of taking care of things.
Good Morning Everyone

Today the blizzard has stopped and there are drifts everywhere. I think that it will be a good day to flood the ice for a rink!

I am still debating between doing the first Insanity workout or going for a run... I'll let you know. I am pretty sure that both would be too much, but perhaps necessary to combat the chocolate turtles (plural) that were consumed last night.

One more week to go to getting back at it! So what is our name going to be???
Warrior Princess's Unite? Undulating Warriors, ????

Janis - Hope your cold gets better soon! It is no fun when it lingers. Just rest up and accept it for what it is. Hope Santa was good to you!

Cathy - Good luck with the clean-up effort. Sounds like you guys are quite a crew! I am very impressed with you workout ethic and planning ahead is the best way to make sure that you get to where you want to be!

Tara - Hope you are relaxing and getting your workouts in!

MJ - When do you fly back?

Talk to you all soon
FYI - I decided to do Insanity and continue to shock my system... that was after shovelling the snow off the skating rink. I think I have done my cardio quota for today! Tomorrow morning I am going to get up and run and then after breakfast do the next disc. I have my fingers crossed that there will be a package from Cathe in the mail!

Have a great day everyone!
Hey Warriors!

Heather - How cool that you can make an ice rink! How long before you can use it? Did you receive a GoWearFit for Christmas? Insanity does look crazy - I still haven't ventured past the first workout! I am eating way too much junk too! It is really unlike me - I think I am mostly using food for consolation. A vicious cycle if there ever was one. I feel like crap so I eat tasty food that makes me feel like crap. (laughing)

Cathy - I am assuming the yoga was all done on the floor?! Or are you able to do some of the vinyasa flow type movements, sun salutation /down dog/ lunge/warrior? Are your boys motivated by games or money when they help you clean up? I've made wagers and set timers to challenge the kids to get a certain task done by a certain time. Making a game of it only lasts so long - then they get hip to the tactic and won't play anymore, but maybe yours are still young enough to enjoy the game/challenge?!

MJ- Maybe you should take the train back, airports and airplanes might take longer and be a brutal, grueling event!

Tara - Which Shock Cardio are you going to start with? Anticipation is killing me too! I still haven't received mine and I am in California!

I ran this morning, very easy moderate effort with lots of stopping. Not as much coughing today (yay!) and I seem to be caught up on my sleep. Now I need to get my diet back in order and my energy up. (no more sugar!)

As for our new check-in name...Undulating and Warrior should be in the title... Undulating Warriors? (Does it sound like a performance troupe?) Warrior's Undulating Rotation ? I dunno. Let's keep floating ideas around.

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I think Undulating Warriors flows better than Warriors Undulating... Maybe we should make a list of possibilities and vote on it. :D I like several that have been kicked around.

Janis the yoga is all on the floor. Not doing anything standing yet. I printed out the floor work and there are several things I can't do yet, but I could add a few more instead. I think I'll have to skip the band work and the roll-ins and I'll have to figure out glute lifts, because the angle of my leg would be really uncomfortable. Glad you were able to run today even if it was at a moderate pace. You'll be back up to speed in no time.

Heather great that you did Insanity and shoveled. Want to come shovel here if we get snow again soon. Neither DH or I can, so were kind of in trouble if we get more snow. Paying someone to do it is pretty darn pricey these days.

No calendar yet, but maybe tomorrow. Bad post office....bad post office....
This morning I did the floor work. I'm hoping for just a little bit of soreness tomorrow so that I know it worked, but no more than that since I don't need that right now.

DH stayed home again today and would have started the holiday weekend tomorrow anyway, so he'll be home for 11 days in a row. Can I say too much togetherness is not necessarily a good thing. :rolleyes: That goes especially with both of us somewhat incapacitated and not at our most congenial.
Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm having one of those times where I feel like I just can't win! Came down with some chest congestion on Tues AM. I got short of breath just walking up & down the stairs. So, as disappointing as it has been, I didn't exercise Tues or Wed. :( It's kinda frustrating! I felt so good after doing cardio on Monday and I wanted it to continue on this week. I hoping to feel better by tomorrow AM, especially since Shock Cardio CAME TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) I haven't previewed any yet as I got home late, but may watch one before bedtime. Can't wait to try them!!

Janis, it's a really tough decision deciding which Shock cardio DVD to do first! But I think I'm going to start with circuit blast to get in both some cardio and toning in. I was really tempted to begin with Step Moves or Athletic Step. And I'm so eager to do the HiiT workouts as well! I like the idea of doing plyo legs with our upcoming rotation and maybe squeeze in a Squat rack routine here and there. But a part of me wants to do just the Squat rack since I haven't done that routine before. Decisions, decisions!!!

Cathy, Hope you're calender comes soon! I did find both of the undulating rotations you created. Thanks so much again for creating them. If you do come up with a shock cardio rotation, I'd love to see it! I have been trying to figure out how to rotate them. Initially, I'll probably do a workout & then repeat it 2-3 times to get down all the moves before going to the next one. But once I've down them all, it would be nice to have a set routine.

Heather, How does Insanity compare with Cathe? I heard that it is crazy cardio!!!
I hope you'll get your Shock Cardio DVDs soon.

MJ, Hope all is well!

Oh, as far as our title, I really like Undulating Warriors. :)

Okay, Ladies, hopefully tomorrow I'll be posting about how I liked Circuit blast!

Until then,
Tara I'm sorry you've been sick the last couple days, but very glad that your Shock Cardios arrived! Have fun trying them out. I'm looking forward to hear your reviews.

My calendar did come today! The mailman put it in the mailbox. :rolleyes: Thankfully, it wasn't out there long and is still flat.

Tara I'm waiting to see what Cathe comes up with for a Shock Cardio rotation. It may be just what you guys will want to do this time and we can find a way to set it up so that it could be downloaded to mesh with the undulating rotation.
This morning I did Muscle Endurance Upper Body Split. Wow some of the exercises in that one are just nasty. Cathe can be so cruel. :D That one includes abs, so I didn't have to add any.

I've decided the keyword in my life right now is adapt. Adapt my workouts and adapt how I move around do all the normal things in life.

Hope you all have a great final day of 2009. We are going to be kicking some serious butt in 2010!!!!
Hi Everyone

Well since we are on holidays here I have decided to put some serious extra time into my workouts this week. So yesterday I did the Insanity Cardio Resistance and did a Cardio coach run too. Let's just say I was a little tired last night! I got my Shock cardio last night too so I have been previewing! They look great! I previewed the cardio Core one and it reminded me of Insanity. I think that that the format is very similar! The first Insanity disc that I did was very challenging but doable the 2nd one was pretty challenging but not as bad so we shall see with the rest.

Anyways, I did the Insanity cardio recovery this morning and it was actually really good with alot of stretching and yoga type moves. I think it would be good for days off. My oldest and I are going to do MMA Fusion for fun this morning too.

It just keeps snowing here and the temperature is rising to near freezing so that is not good for making ice! Who knew making ice could be so challenging!

Tara - That totally sucks that your got sick. I always find that once the Christmas crazies are over then I usually get sick too! I have missed many New Years due to Strep throat!

MJ - I hope you are doing well and loving your camp!

Cathy - That is alot of together time! Is your husband getting better? How is your calf feeling? I hope that your New Years is not a grumpy one! Keep up the positive attitude! Now I have to look for the calendar!!!

Janis - Did you get your Shock Cardio? It is very different from Cathe's other stuff. I am very curious about the MMA stuff and if it will be as good a calorie burner. It is very funny how excited my son is to do it! How is your calf??? Do you feel recovered or does it still bother you? Is your cold gone? There was no GoWearfit under the tree but I can live with that. To get it sent here from the States was ridiculously expensive. My parents usually go to Florida for a month so I will get it sent to there house when they are there and maybe get it then.

Well Warriors ---HAPPY NEW YEARS---- Looking forward to working out in 2010 with you!
Cheers Heather
Hey All
I just had to update that I did MMA fusion. Way fun. I did star puzzled at the screen quite a bit but I think once I get the hang of it, it will be awesome. I did not "feel" my core as much as I think I should have so that will be a challenge too. The rolls on your back unto your feet are killer hard but I did manage to sort of figure it out. Anyways, just had to say how much I liked it. Alot of other posters were saying that it was not that great but I liked it alot and will definitely be doing it again!
Had to share!
Happy New Year Warriors!

Stole some internet access for a quick check in, looks like everyone is relatively good. Hope your cold doesnt take hold Tara.

Finished tennis camp yesterday, a total of 30hrs of tennis in 5 days. Most people are only there for 2-3 day stays, they started calling me the machine because I was able to do it day after day. lol I will post more about it when I am back at home. Needless to say, it was probably one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

I am back in NYC for a couple of days and will fly home saturday evening. Lets hope the weather doesnt interrupt flights. Enjoy your new year celebrations everyone.

Talk to you again when I am back home.
Happy New Year Warriors!!!!

I'm happy to say that I am feeling better. I came home from work early yesterday & slept the afternoon & evening away. My neighbors setting off fireworks woke me up, but it was fun seeing them all. :)

I did Circuit blast today and really liked it! It was fun and challenging. I was able to do most of the higher impact stuff, but then would press pause after to catch my breath! I had to modify some of the tuck jumps/push-up stuff. The music was excellent! I am looking forward to doing this one again. I think tomorrow I will try Step Moves, then rest Sunday and be ready to start our rotation on Monday.

Hope you all have a great New Year's Day!

Hey Everyone

I just finished Insanity - Pure Cardio and then most of Cardio Abs too. I am going to do another Cathe Shock Cardio tomorrow. I was actually pretty sore this morning from MMA Fusion! I think Sunday will be a rest day and hit the rotation! I hope that Cathe puts up the shock cardio rotation soon as I am really feeling like I need some guidance on how to use it and not over do it!
I have to say that I really am enjoying "overdoing it" this week.

Tara - Glad to hear that you are on the mend and still able to workout out! I want to try Circuit Blast soon.

MJ - "The Machine" That is so great that you had the stamina to pull the whole week off. If others noticed then you must have really stood out! Congratulations!

Cathy - Hope you are having a good New Years and everyone is on the mend there too.

Janis - Hope all is well!

Happy New Years everyone. We are going toboganning today so I will get a second workout in today too! Hope you all had great evenings!

We decided to spend a couple of days in San Francisco. We went down on Wednesday to see the King Tut exhibit at the deYoung and the following day we saw Avatar at the Imax.

Now that 2010 is here I need to release the baggage of December 09. It was one difficult month and I fell completely off the exercise/diet bandwagon. Mostly from being sick, but also I think I have been so diligent with my diet for the past 11 months I think I needed a break. I am sure I gained some weight, hopefully most of it is water, I think I won't get on the scale for a couple of weeks, meanwhile I'll make healthier choices.

I had a strange thing happen with my GoWear Fit. I have been wearing it pretty much everyday as recommended and taking it off once or twice a day to sync the data and to shower. The other morning my entire left arm was swollen from bicep to fingertips. It was visibly larger and puffier than my right arm. My bicep was twice it's normal size! I freaked out! My husband was able to return the GWF even after all this time. I got a lot of useful data out of it, but I know I would never be able to put it on again after my bloated arm experience. Weird, huh?!

Tara - can you believe that it took the same length of time for you to get your shock cardio dvds in Europe as it took for them to get from New Jersey to California! I am going to do one of the workouts today - maybe the MMA - Heather's review sounded great!

MJ - you tennis warrior machine! May you have safe and ease full travel back to Florida!

Cathy - yes - let's kick some serious butt in 2010 and also appreciate our ability to adapt! A skill I need to improve upon!

Heather - my aches and pains and cold...seem to be all better...I have had tons of rest that's for sure! I wonder if I wasn't a little depressed too. I have been reading the book Cathy mentioned a few weeks ago, "Younger Next Year", it seems that inactivity and depression go hand in hand. I know that's the case for me. The author contends that it actually signals the body that winter/famine is coming and to store everything that is eaten. (great :eek:)

Alright - now it's time to go do what I said I was going to do, and detox from too much sugar and popcorn and sourdough bread.

Happy first day of 2010. And to echo Cathy - "let's kick some serious butt!"
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