Let's add on to the graceful topic.....


What is the funniest thing you have ever done while doing a home workout? Come on, don't be shy, dish it all out... I mean it was so bad and so funny you had to just laugh at yourself and pray no your blinds were closed shut and no one saw you!

}( :p
It has to be a toss-up between these two:

Circuit Max, doing those flying airborne jumps with BIG, circling arms: I whacked my hand against a glass-and-brass ceiling fixture, almost breaking both.

Boot Camp, doing the dreaded squat-thrust climbers: I squat, thrust and belly-flopped 'cause I thrust a little too far.

I once was doing a step workout and I had a tall cat scratching post in my workout room and I fell into it and her bowl of dry cat food went flying all over the room. I spent the next 15 minutes cleaning it up. Good thing the cat was not in it. I have since moved that out of my workout room.

OK, here goes. This is a BIG confession from a former aerobics instructor.

I don't remember which Cathe step w/o it was, but I did some move flying over the step, bumped into the back of the sofa, back-flipped over, and landed on the coffee table (which thank goodness is a large, sturdy chest-type thing).

But I only did it that one time.:7

ETA: Now I remember, it was Step Blast, just a simple starburst/shoot over the top and I lost my balance.
That was funny.
I am also an instructor and I have been know for missing a few steps, well the other day I was doing a mambo back up to the step and I mambo'ed just a little too much, right into the step, step gets tangled in my feet I am trying to stay up and before you know it I land face first into the couch with the step still between my feet.

It was so graceful.

I too have also belly flopped on the squat thrust things from bootcamp. My DH saw the whole thing and I think he laughed for about 4 days straight!
I was working out to Cardio Kicks and working on the sequential kicks. The right side was easy, but getting the left side right was harder.

I kept trying to get the correct foot in the air to execute the kick. The next thing I know, I came crashing down on my butt while at the same time slamming my head and back against the wall behind me....somehow I ended up with both feet in the air.;(

Sure, Cathe and crew were still kicking away while I was trying to figure what had happenend. I laughed at myself. Now, I try to make sure one foot is always grounded....because that stunt still haunts me.

Also, I've rolled off the ball (while just sitting) so fast (like it was on ice) that I couldn't grab anything to stop me. I ended hitting the back of my head on a dumbbell. So, now I don't let the kids play with that ball.;)

I have also had a medicine ball come crashing down on my face. I think that was while doing Coremax.

Mine is the ball. The first time trying to do the see saw one for the arms I rolled to far forward and rolled off the side. Or trying to do the crunches for the obliques on the ball my wide stance wasn't wide enough and rolled into the couch. The final one is I believe in bootcamp after you are sweating like a pig you place the medicine ball in your legs to do reverse lunges my ball rolled right outta my legs and right into my stomach. Our family members need to be recording us if they only knew they could have their own Wife/Mommies funniest home video.

The ball here, too. I got a little over confident with pikes and pulled my butt up too high. The butt went past vertical so I ended up doing a somersault over the ball. Luckily I landed in the dining room and didn't hit the entertainment center. Just about knocked the wind out of me.
Alright..since it's just us,

I was doing StepBlast in our finished basement and I think it was during the first blast when my wedding ring snagged the metal bar holding up our ceiling tiles.

The bar snapped in half and about 5 metal rods, 7 ceiling tiles ( 3'x2') all came tumbling down on top of me!

Now, I have the darn bar duct-taped so that the ceiling stays put, but we are going to be selling the house so I need to get this stupid ceiling fixed!

I will admit this though, I just shoved everything out of the way at the time, I was not going to miss the blast challenge after getting all the way through the workout!
I shuffled right into the cat during KPC :eek: :eek:, I felt really bad but she was fine. Now I have to boot her out of the room when it's workout time.
Kathleen - don't feel bad. I was doing concentration curls and my American Eskimo dog snuck under my leg for a pet and got smacked in the head with the dumbbell. Poor thing was fine, but she stays far away from me whenever she sees a weight in my hand.

I've also done the pike/somersault thing. At the gym in front of a lot of people. Got cockey and decided to show off. I showed them!
Hi, Christine!

My cats are afraid of me too because they've tried to sneak near my feet while I was stepping, and I accidentally stepped on both of them. They stay clear of me when I exercise too - although they can sense when I'm stretching. THey always show up for that!

My cat so loves to get under the step when I am stepping, well he learned the other day after the tumble of the century not to get in the way..he was a little sore after the step popped him in the head.
These are so funny! I'm sitting here at work laughing out loud picturing these things! My most graceful would have to be with the ball. I was trying to get on the ball when I was so tired from doing Cormax and I rolled right off skidding my face across the carpet!

My cats also like to participate, they especially like to lay on my stomach when I'm laying on the floor. Bench presses are really hard to do when you can't stop laughing because your cat is trying to rub his on the dumbell every time it comes back down!

The first time I did High Step Training, I was doing the fast feet and my step flipped up, hitting my calf on the way down!

My son enjoys laying on my mat like it's nap time when I do my ab work, so I always need to be careful there, too.
My children were off school for teacher training and I decided not to let it get in the way of a workout. I set them up with something to do and got on with my weights. It became obvious I was far more interesting than their acivity. I was doing barbell chest presses. The weight was too heavy but I didn't want to lower it or modify in front of my children. So I worked my muscles to exaustion. So much so that, at the end of the set I couldn't lift the barbell off and had to shout for my DH who, thankfully, was working from home. To this day my children do an impression of me working out by lying in their back, lifting an invisible barbell a few times, them flailing their legs and yelling 'help, help, get it off!' So not cool.

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