Let me tell you about Leaner Legs ..


Active Member
.. and let me tell you about sore legs. Gads! I finally got my Leaner Legs (plus two other Cathe tapes) I've been chomping at the bit about. I wasn't in a mood to do anything until my new tapes came. Anyway, I got right to it. My inner thighs were *quivering* with the barbell! I knew I was going to be hurting this morning. Everytime I stand up, I stiffen that much more! I am going to try to 1) do a Cathe Step later on this evening and 2) fight not to buy another Cathe tape today!!!

Smooches, darlings!

"If I don't stop, I have not failed.":D
#1: We tend to refer to "Leaner Legs" as "Meaner Legs"

#2: Be careful about doing a Cathe step tape after Meaner Legs; and

#3: Don't even try to fight the "Buy Cathe" urge. No one's that strong . . .

Yea for you!!!!! I agree about being careful doing a step tape. I did that after a tough workout because I was excited and boy did I pay for it the next day. Don't make promises you can't keep regarding more tapes!!:p
I've been using LL the past two weeks for my legs and it's working...I'm dying but those muscles are growing :)

The first time I did LL, I could barely sit in a cushioned chair. I was so sore that my husband told me not to do it anymore!

What am I missing here! I had Leaner Legs since March and have not did it yet. Maybe I will have to try it when I get back on vacation to see what this meaner leg is. I guess hearing about it im a coward. Im really afraid of those lunges. Well take care everyone;-)
How can you have a tape from March that you have not done yet???!!!! This kind of thing goes beyond me!! I remember when Anna (Bernard) sat back all excited about IMAX 2 and the Pina Colada song WAY back in January and I think she just did it, like, two weeks ago for the first time! EGAD! Not me.....I am chasing down the UPS man and lacing up my aerobic shoes at the same time!!:):)

Silly, silly girl!!

DO NOT do your step tape! Give those hard workin' legs some well deserved rest. Do the step tape tommorrow!

Oh, Deb!

I hear ya! You are my leader, hon! At this time of the night, I am still sore and wanting more!!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
That's pretty funny. I had Circuit Max for 2 years before attempting it. Now it's one of my faves. I have had Muscle Endurance since Xmas and have yet to do it even once.....

It does happen! So many tapes, so little time......

Have you ever noticed, during the warmup to LL, that our sweet, angelic little Cathe's halo begins to slip a bit? And there's one point, just at the very end of the warmup, that I swear I see a glint of something pointy sprouting out of her right temple, but I'm sure it's just a trick of the light. I'm not so sure, though, during those lunges (or was it the one-legged squats?), because I'm almost certain I see the flash of a forked tail. But only for an instant. When I rewind, it's not there. By the end of LL, I'm noticing how incredibly tiny Cathe's feet are, and I begin to wonder if those itsy bitsy Ryka's might be concealing her cloven hooves. Or is it just me?

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