We are snowed in. Shelton WA, (Puget Sound area, just South of Canada) but without 4 wheel drive you really can't go to far. Today will be a beautiful sunny 25-28 degrees. Tomorrow, late afternoon and all day Sunday, is a huge storm coming our way from the North and NW of us. High winds about 70 mph or more. Very low temperatures in the teens or 20's, freezing rain, sleet, branches breaking off, trees falling, losing electricity.
You most likely will feel the storm, coming your way sometime during the week. Get lots of books to read, blankets to keep you warm, if you have a generator, then use that as well, because it will be a duzy. Stock up on food you don't have to cook, make sure you have plenty of water on hand and candles for light. It's suppose to be that bad.
Be safe,