Length and Types of Exercises in XTRAIN

I noticed that an earlier thread that asked about the equipment necessary for XTRAIN suggested that a step would be needed. Does this mean that there will be step aerobics? If so, how much? (I don't do step after fifteen years of it ruined my knees.) And in terms of equipment, will a barbell be necessary or are handweights all that are needed?

I'm also wondering about the individual DVDs and the length of the workouts. I don't tend to do bits and pieces. I prefer to just press 'play' and have a complete and well-rounded workout ready. So assuming I use the DVDs this way, will the DVDs each have a 'play all' type of program built into what sounds like a rather complex set of chapter options? Additionally, generally speaking, how long are the workouts (e.g. in the 40-70 min. range or are they much longer)?

Thanks! Oh, and btw, I do not have STS so I can't compare anything to that program.
DVD Chaptering

I'm not sure if you're familiar with our DVDs, but all contain the normal "Play" program that you will see on any DVD. However, one of the things that makes our DVDs special is we chapter almost every exercise on our DVDs. This doesn't stop you in any way from enjoying the normal program. But what it adds is the ability to easily and quickly skip or go to any spot on any of our DVDs that you want to. In short, you'll find our DVDs have everything most other DVDs have, plus a whole lot more. You can just press play or you can also enjoy all of the other special extras we include on our DVDs

As for times of the workouts we can't say for sure until filming and editing is complete, but our goal is in the 40 to 55 min range for the main programs. We will of course have premix options with shorter and longer time options.

Lastly, there isn't step workout included with XTRain, but that is not to say a step will not be used for different parts an exercises in XTRAIN.
Crap I love step myself. I will love it anyway... but I have a question ...is Cathe moving away permenetly from step workouts? I mean it seems most everyone including Cathe seems to be moving away from them. It is something I've heard and curious are you guys ever going to make another step dvd?
Step is certainly not as popular today as it once was, but we're still making step tapes and have made several in just the last year.
I love the way step is used in the more current workouts: To the Max and Athletic Training. I stay away from the complex step choreography. So I'm very happy it won't be used as much. More workouts I'll want!
Hand weights or barbell?

Sorry to post again, but this question wasn't answered in your otherwise helpful response. Does XTrain require a barbell or just hand weights?
1RM in the workout manager?

Thanks SNM for the information about Xtrain. It would be fantastic if the workout manager for the Xtrain weight workouts were set up like STS is. I love how the workout manager has that grid for each STS workout that displays the 1RM, the percentage of the 1RM to use, the number of reps for the exercise, the actual weight used, and the actual reps performed for every exercise. Will Xtrain have that capability too in the workout manager?
I think I'm excited about no step in this next segment. Cathe still challenges me with "floor" cardio!! Also, it's a nice break to be away from the step so when I do put in a step DVD I blow it out of the water!! Thanks for the variety:)
We currently only plan to use hand weights in XTRAIN.


Am I the only one who prefers a barbell over hand weights?

Maybe barbell options for certain exercises can also be shown, similar to some of the exercises in STS where there's the option to use either.

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