Legs In 30 Minutes


Hello Everyone.

I slept through my early morning workout today, but would like to make it up tomorrow. I had planned on doing chest, shoulders and legs today. I can go to the gym at lunch and do chest and shoulders, but I need to squeeze in a leg workout. The problem is that tomorrow I only have about 30 minutes to workout before I need to leave for work.

So, I'd like to do a decent standing leg workout (without bands or tubes) in 30 minutes. I have all of Cathe's strength workouts. What do you suggest? (Other than Slow & Heavy; I just finished a mini S&H rotation, and want to do something different.) For some reason, my mind is blank today. See, I'm so anal, when I veer off of my planned rotation I get all confused!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I think someone has posted before that the Leaner Legs workout with out the abs is close to 30 minutes. It's worth a try and it would be a nice change of pace from S&H because of all the changes. If you do it, have fun with all those deadlifts between sets!!!!!

Leaner Legs (no abs) clocks in at 33 minutes, and you don't want it to go one minute longer, LOL! Unfortunately, I can't remember whether that includes the warm up or not; I think it does.

I've been doing this workout semi-regularly for 2 years now, and I still find myself hoping that one of these times the crew will answer "No thank you!" to the third set of leg presses she casually tacks on.

Sandra R.
Super Sets Lower Body Blast is also 33 minutes, with warm up and stretch. That's one of my current favs.
Susan C.M.:D
If you're really pressed for time and you have Boot Camp on DVD, you can do the Boot Camp Lower Body Only premix twice through, omitting the second warm-up.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I now have a plan, which is always a good thing for a math-head like myself. Let's just hope I don't accidentally sleep through this one!

Another good lower body workout is the Lower Body Premix from Muscle Endurance. It has legs as well as ab work. I hope this helps!


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