Legs & Glutes Substitution Moves


I've been using the Legs and Glutes workout for 4 weeks now. I love it. I honestly didn't know that you could sweat that much from a weight workout! There is a move that I am having some trouble mastering. I think I'm just not advanced/stronger enough yet. The genie move is killing me. I've been trying to squat down on one leg and extending the other leg slightly out front instead of touching it to the ground. I can only do four sets of 10 sec. each. Are there any other moves that would be as effective? Ones that work the same muscles as this genie one does? I will not let it beat me, so I do plan on eventually doing it. x(

One other question- the plie squats into a right and left cross-over of the legs. This moves really scares me for some reason. It just really seems to be an awkward move that puts a lot of unnatural stress and movement on the knees. Is the focus of this move also the inner thighs? Would just doing plies while Cathe's doing this move suffice?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would not try a different move, but Cathe uses a 10 inch step on that move aka the "Genie" - so try lowering your step height to 6 or 8 inches until you can get it with good form..........and keep on trying!!!

That one is an absolute killer - not sure what it is, but it gets in there!!!
For the genie move (OUCH!!!) you could try it on the floor and not bend your working knee as much as she does. Do it for as long as you can and work your way up to her level. Also, you may want to try doing hover squats. It won't work your legs in quite the same way but can build up your stamina for isometric moves, which is something of a contradiction in terms. :)

As for the crossing plie squats, for lack of a better term, you could sub plie squats and a lot more floor work. Again, you won't be working the legs in the same way, but at least you'll be working them. I think that for those sorts of moves, it's a good idea to have some stamina and strength in your legs so you don't injure yourself. As an example, my legs are in pretty good shape (muscle-wise, let's not talk about what's on top of the muscle, ok? :)) but I have some problems with front lunges. They are tougher on my knees than rear lunges or static lunges. So I tend to sub static lunges with lots of low ends to make up for skipping the front lunges.

But I digress.

Hope this helps a bit.

Reba- Thank you for your encouraging words and for suggesting to lower the step. I didn't even think of that!

Lunacat- You have so many great ideas. I guess everyone has their strengths and it's wise to just listen to your body. (How you sub in the static lunges for the other types of lunges.) I developed runner's knee from running so much last year. I am trying not to overtrain and really figure out what my body just doesn't want to do. I do know that it does want to eat a junior banana split from Sonic! :)

Working out/fitness is so strange. I have a six pack and totally don't deserve it. I laughed so hard at someone's comment about how they think that one day they'll wake up and it'll decide that it's time to leave. Too funny... I am so weak in the core area. It's actually pathetic. My legs have pretty good definition, but I am a lot weaker than I thought. I am learning from doing Cathe's workouts that I have relatively no "real life" strength. That's the type I really need anyway!

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