Legs & Glutes -- anyone take breaks?!

When I do L&G, I periodically have to pause the workout to catch my breath. I don't with Strong Legs (Cathe offers breaks on that one). Now, I don't get DOMS with L&G, even though I find it more difficult, but do get DOMS with SL. I use about the same weights for both workouts. What do you think is the reason for this? I don't take excessively long breaks with L&G, just enough to recover my breath so I can maintain good form. Thanks for your input. Deb
i usually have to after the power lunges, my heartrate gets way up there and i need another few seconds to bring it down. other then that i really push hard to keep up, sometimes i miss the last one or two reps.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I haven't done L&G for a long time, so I don't recall if I took breaks, but I do take breaks in other workouts (like PLB or GS Legs) when I feel I need them, to recover for the next set and be able to do it with good form.

The reason could be the sequence of exercises, the use of some plyo moves in L&G (like the plyo lunges), the speed of exercises. Also, if by "Strong Legs"(?) you mean "Leaner Legs," that workout doesn't have step-ups, while L&G does, and those can really get your heart rate up and take your breath away. Whatever it is, listen to your body and you'll get better results and make improvements.
I just did LG for the first time today. Let me tell ya that's one tough work out. But you ladies already know that. I'm sure I'll be sore as all get out tomorrow.

I think I took 3 or 4 breaks during that work out to catch my breath.
No, I don't take breaks, because I count L+G as a cardio workout with leg toning, as opposed to the strength focus of Leaner Legs. If I use the right weights in L+G , I find that I stay in the target heart range range for most of the workout. I love to alternate between Leaner Legs and L+G because of the different focus of each. One day, If I'm really feeling very brave, I'm going to do Leaner Legs with the addition of the L+G floorwork. Owie!
>>Actually, both Stronger Legs & Abs and Leaner Legs have
>Stronger Legs and Abs?
> From the Pure Strength series. ;)
I did this workout this morning and I was saturated in sweat. I had to take breaks and cut some of the sets short. I don't have ankle weights so I held a hand weight. I hate leg presses, my heart rate goes through the roof. But I did it and I'd do it again. :D
I did Legs and Glutes minus the floor work this morning.
It was the first time for me because I just got the DVD
a few weeks ago. I took longer breaks between some of the
exercises too. I used light weights or none at all and still
got a good workout that felt like a cardio workout with leg
toning. I really like it and plan on doing the floor workout
only in a few days. Another great workout by Cathe that I can
use in many different ways.

Longer breaks is one of the benefits or working out at home.
I often take longer breaks and stretch more when I use
PUB, PLB and the Gym style workouts, I have the two upper body
Gym Styles but not the leg one.
>Longer breaks is one of the benefits or working out at home.
>I often take longer breaks and stretch more when I use
>PUB, PLB and the Gym style workouts.

I agree!

I sometimes imagine taking a live class, and standing around 'breaking' while everyone else is going on, because I'm not ready yet! How nice to have the option of letting them go on, and just back-chaptering to catch up!

Home DVD's really let us adapt the workouts to fit us.

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