Legs and Glutes


Anyone who has tried Legs and Glutes - how does it compare in intensity to the Pyramid Lower Body workout? Thanks for the input!

Hi Julie-

I just did this for the first time today! I LOVED LOVED it!

It is totally different from PLB. There are no barbell squats at all. The majority of the work is done w/ lighter weights or no weight at all. Cathe does quite a bit of exercises w/ 12 to 15 dumbbells.

Also, it has a ton more variations of exercises than PLB. There is standing leg work, work on the High step, and floor work, just to name a few.

Finally, if you are thinking that it won't be challenging bec. she doesn't use heavy weights, well I am here to tell you it's not true. To be honest, I was thinking it was going to be kind of wimpy because of the lighter weights. Boy was I wrong! I was totally whipped by the end. She REALLY emphasizes the inner and outer thighs and hip area and in many many ways.

It is really awesome. If your lower half of your body is your trouble spot, this video really is a wonderful complement to her other lower body workouts.

Take care, Lynn M.
My lower body is my main trouble area, so I'm really excited to hear all the reviews about this workout. I can't wait to get mine and get started.
Lynn: Thanks so much for your input! I plan to try this one tomorrow and will let you know what I think. I did Super Sets this morning and enjoyed the new moves. The explosive lunges were pretty tough after the first few. I have also tried Step, Jump & Pump as well as Push Pull and Step Blast. I am just trying to get used to the new choreography (and not fall off the Step at 5:30 AM!). My favorite so far is Step, Jump and Pump. The overall intensity of what I have tried so far seems less than the Intensity Series. The new moves are great and challenging, though.

Thanks again.

Julie :)
I just finished L&G for the first time and BOY are my hamstrings feeling it!!! I expected to be challenged in a different way with this one and I was right! The weight is lighter than a traditional lower body weight workout, but it is DEFINITELY challenging. My inner thighs were SCREAMING during the plie's. I loved the use of the ankle weights and I hope Cathe will use them again in future workouts! ;)
Love this one! Matter of fact I just finished it. I had to make some modifications due to a severed tendon in my left hand ( can't lift with that hand), but being a true Catheite who has been chomping at the bit to do something besides cardio, I took this one on. And I was able to do the entire tape. I used a ten pound plate during step-ups like she does in ME. Matter of fact, I used the plate throughout whenever she held a dumbell. I did the one legged deadlifts without weight. It went so fast and boy can I feel it. This is another great workout...and I don't usually like doing legs. Val
This sounds excellent! I can hardly wait for my DVDs. Next time Cathe comes out with new workouts I will definately be buying both VHS and DVDs:) Thanks for posting. Helen:)
Hi Julie!

I just completed my Bodyblast Series finishing with
Legs and glutes this morning! Wow what an incredible lowerbody workout ! Cathe really dishes it out to us on a unique serving plate with lots of variety here!

  3 words for her lowerbody format-Hits It ALL  and one word for her floorwork OUCH   }(

   I loved the fact that she hit all the lowerbody muscles differently and used various equipment,suggestions and recommendations for modifications!

The other beauty of this video is that you can also use your EXISTING equipment(bodybar/BOSU/ankle tubing cuffs/martial arts cuffs) to make slight changes in the stable surface , add different forms of resistance and also add to the existing exercise with a slight variation to add another element into the exercise!
  Here's an example with the ***** on how you can use your other equipment with this workout!

Standing Leg Work:
Leg Press on High Step (2 sets)
Hover Squats
Rear Lunges with heel elevated (rt side)***or toe lunges
Plie Squats (varied tempo hold)**you can place weights on your legs for resistance and alternate calf raises or lift both or focus on one side for next set
Rear Lunges with heel elevated (left set)**toe lunges
Plie Squats (varied tempo pulse)***weights on legs --options of calf raises
Drop Squats on High Step**BOSU
Explosive Plie Squats (with curtsey lunge insert)
Calf Raises*****you can position your toes front,inward , or outward
One Legged Deadlifts****you can use a bodybar as the weight and for balance (esp when lifting leg behind you up)** or do on Bosu for a real challenge
Plie Squats (traditional) ***placement of weights ,calf raises
Sculpting Drills slow motion on High Step**(Bosu)
Explosive Lunges (no weights or equipment)
Outer Thigh Leg Press on high step with ankle weights (2 sets)*(BOSU)
Calf Raises** toe positioning
Standing Leg Extensions with ankle weights***(can use bodybar for added resistance on top of quad, you can also add a move for the 3 count extension- lift extend forward return then extend with heel going inward(focuses on inner thight-return then last one extend forward)(just a slight variation)***(can be done on Highstep or BOSU w/bodybar for balance)**(martial arts cuffs for the tubing resistance)
Standing Outer Thigh Lifts with ankle weights**( HighStep or BOSU and bodybar for balance)

Floorwork:(HOLY SMOKES) killer
Glute and Hamstring Tucks on high step with ankle weights
Glute and Hamstring Raises with ankle weights
Outer Thigh and Glute Sweeps with ankle weights(you don't even need ankle weights to feel these babies ;-)
Inner Thigh Lifts with ankle weights  (bodybar can also be used for more resistance-the more the bodybar goes over the heel the harder it is ;-)

She has great cooldown and you get to take of your sneaks off and unwind!
:7 Loved it!!!
Thanks for the detailed breakdown, Francine. I can't wait until my DVD's are ready. I think I'll try this one with no ankle weights for the first go-round, just to get a good feel for the movements. I just love/hate (you KNOW what I mean) tough floor work!
You are welcome!
Smart move on the ankle weights consideration! I had them on for the first part of floor work, off On the hip raises,then back on for the inner thighs! They sure are a doozy when they are on, every rep catches up fast!
Even though I have the vhs, the dvds are gonna blow them a way!!!!!!
There are soo many programs that can be made with these already "thorough" workouts, that it's mind boggling! Can't wait }(

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