Legs and Glutes - I did it!!


WOW - this is a HUGE accomplishment for me!!! :) :) :)

I only had a few modifications. Wooo Hoooo.....

Can you tell I'm excited? This will no longer be a workout that I dread doing when it comes up in my rotation. YIPPEE....!!

Just had to tell ya.....

Marcia :)
Marcia~L&G's has to be one of my very FAV Cathe's. I think the time just flies by. Congrats on your success!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I agree with Debbie....Legs & Glutes is one of my favorite leg workouts too...those floor exercises.....WOW!!!! Congrats on your accomplishment Marcia!!! Way to go......:)...Carole
One of my favorites too!! Good for your girl! Who knows, when you "have" to do it again in two more weeks (according to the rotation) you'll have that baby mastered.
Susan C.M.:D
Way to go Marcia!! This is my FAVORITE in the Body Blast series!! There are so many ways to challenge yourself on this one!! I'm so glad you did it!! You'll love it more and more as time goes on. It really grew on me the more I did it!!

Congratulations Marcia! I love this workout and am glad you are enjoying it too! That's a wonderful accomplishment!
Jo:7 :7 :7
I'm responding to this late, but I did Legs and Glutes for the first time the other day and what I love about it is that it's not a boring leg tape. Sometimes leg work can be boring and cumbersome, I love that you didn't really have to be on the floor for very long and that Cathe just keeps you moving. It's got great music and it's just cool but effective!!! Good for you!!!
I'm responding to this late, but I did Legs and Glutes for the first time the other day and what I love about it is that it's not a boring leg tape. Sometimes leg work can be boring and cumbersome, I love that you didn't really have to be on the floor for very long and that Cathe just keeps you moving. It's got great music and it's just cool but effective!!! Good for you!!!

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