Leg workout suggestion, please....


for someone who HATES leg workouts!!!! x( I have B&G, L&G, PLB, Leaner Legs...I do them, but dread them. Hey, they're fantastic workouts, (B&G is my favorite of all of them), but the dread comes after doing them a time or two, and then I know what to expect. The thrill is gone, baby.

Is Gym Style a favorite of anyone's? (BTW, I have both of the upper body GS workouts and love them.) Is there less of a dread factor? I've looked at the clips, but I never know until I do them.

Better yet, are there any other leg workout dreaders out there who can give any advice on how to give myself an attitude adjustment and get through those workouts with a smile on my face???? ;-)
I think GS Legs is the toughest of them all - just my opinion - and I love it. I'm not a leg workout dreader by any means. :7

Maybe you could try to make up your own workout. Put in your favorite music and do various squats, lunges, etc., and try to do something different every time. Sometimes use heavy weights, sometimes light.

Or you could do a mishmosh of the DVDs you have, picking your favorite segments from each. Or for a change, just do the floor work, if you don't feel like messing with weight lifting some days.
Thanks, Shannon. But, to avoid the dread factor, I'd have to eliminate squats, lunges, leg presses, etc.;)

It does sound like a good idea. I think that I could get a pretty good mishmosh together that would make it bearable!

I probably will go ahead and get the Gym Style Legs...I always like 'em in the beginning!

Thanks for your reply!
I don't like working legs either. My favorite was L&G before 4DS came out. 4DS legs is half and hour and a really great leg workout. GS legs is NOT a favorite, the floor work seems to go on forever!! I have done the timesaver premix on it and its a little better.

If you dread leg workouts, avoiding the exercises you dread is not the answer. You could do 1) as someone already suggested...2 or more mishmoshes a week where you do a small package of leg exercises including 1 or 2 of your dreaded exercises. In this way, you would be having to do less of your dreaded exercises at any one time and surely you could get through a small committement a couple times a week. You could create your own, or do a premix or a Mix n Match from pre-existing workouts 2) Space a leg workout over the week and don't do everything at the same time. 3) Invest in Heavy Legs 4ds- the workout is broken out into Rounds and you can set small goals such as doing Round 1 or round 1 and 2 etc 4) Finally, a full leg workout that is loaded with the exercises you detest but has nice breaks along the way is Pure Strength Legs.

I am a "leg workout dreader" too.. Bigger muscles = bigger pain!! ;0

I dread all of the ones you mentioned too, but one that I don't dread as much is the PS Legs workout.. For some reason, I don't mind that one too much. Mostly because its a decent amount of variety and she does give you time to rest between exercises. Sure, its a bit outdated, but the moves are solid and very effective. It works for me!

Take care, Lynn M.
Thanks, guys!

And, while I don't like them, I still do the dreaded leg workouts. I just don't do the same one say once a week. If I mix them up, and there's enough time since the last time I did it, I can forget what I disliked about it. Mind games, baby, it's all about the mind games!

I was just hopping that someone who hated them as much as I do would say that they had found THE ONE that they just couldn't wait to do! }( Yeah, sure!

Lynne, I may have to try PS...I'll try anything!!!!
Now see, I'm the opposite of you--I love LB work but will delay UB work at the slightest excuse ("I have a hangnail, can't do UB")! I really like GS legs--except for the 200 calf raises (I may be exaggerating, but only slightly). I actually love the floorwork in GSL--its very different using the band rather than ankle wts.

Have you done the B&G premixes? #2 and #3 are killer. I've also done the B&G floorwork the day before I do the standing leg work and I like it because then I really feel it when I'm working the same muscle with wts. (eg. hamstrings on deadlifts after working them on ball rollouts). I also "sprinkle" the bonus exercises into the standing leg workout just to vary the routine. You should love STS--12 different LB workouts over 12 weeks. No repetition until the series is over and by then, maybe you'll have forgotten what you did on the first one. I don't own PS legs so I can't comment on it--sorry, but I'm sure it's effective too.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
My solution to the dread factor is to do the workouts without watching Cathe do them. Let's face it, we know these workouts like the back of our hands and can do them blindfold. So, instead, to motivate me I stick in a DVD of Nip/Tuck or CSI or whatever and watch that while I perform the exact same exercises as are on S&H legs, GS legs and PLB.

I am a disciplined person and do not need to watch Cathe or hear her in order to push myself. I am making rapid improvement and continuing to increase my weights and my strength. In fact I can honestly say that I am lifting heavier than I ever did while faithfully doing the movements with Cathe.

There is simply no dread factor at all to my workouts because my mind is engaged while I put my body through its paces. Purists might accuse me of not "being in the moment" and "not giving it my all" and "being distracted by the TV and having a lacklustre workout." In fact, that's a pile of crap and the opposite is true. I am 100 % focused and able to give it my all every time because I am not bored senseless, nor am I spending my time wishing I were anywhere else.

Try it: what do you have to lose?


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