leg toner



hey cathe and everyone!
i was wondering if there were any specific excersizes i could do that would tone up my lose fat and tone up my thighs. ill be heading to my sisters in about a month, july 20, and i want to make sure my legs look good in my bathing suit. any suggestions?
hi gabrielle' i asked the same question a few days ago and have had zero response!! maybe now that two of us want to know maybe we'll get some helpful hints!! anyone??????
lisa-so lonely!

yeah- lets hope someones repsonds, if were lucky itll be cathe!! but anyones response is definetly ok and needed!!! do you have any ideas??
Okay, I'll give it a shot

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-00 AT 07:04PM (EST)</font></center>

I'm not Cathe and my legs are far from perfect, but I didn't want you to think you were being ignored!

First of all, there's only so much you can do in a month. But you have to start somewhere, so here's what I'd suggest.

Try to workout six days a week, and for 2 of those days, do Cathe's PS SLA (Strong Legs & Abs). Use the heaviest weights you possibly can with good form. On the days following the PS SLA days, do an upper body tape. If you want and you have the time, throw in a light cardio workout on those days. For the other 2 days, do cardio--either a hi/lo or step tape or go running. Be sure you stretch properly after all your workouts. Make sure you take a rest day, and be sure you're getting sufficient sleep.

Keep an eye on what you eat, too, and be sure you're drinking plenty of water. Don't expect a complete metamorphosis overnight, but you should start to see some changes as your quadriceps and hamstrings develop. The important thing is not to expect that things will be perfect in a month, but rather that you're building the basis for some long-term healthy habits and definite improvements. Good luck!
great kim!

kimberly thanks for the advice. im sure itll definetly help and anything is better than nothing right? keep em coming!
thanks for feedback

i second what gabrielle says: thanks for the advice. i am glad i have longer than a month. i am pretty consistent with working my lower body, maybe a shock to the system is in order to get over the hump!

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