Leg Day?


I enjoy working out, but I dread leg day. I don't like it. I don't want to do it, and I'm a big baby about it. So... I just want to verify that I actually need to be putting myself through lower body workouts. lol I love step aerobics and kick boxing, and I do them regularly. I don't suppose standing on one leg to do a kick with the other, squatting for ice breakers, stepping up and down on the step, leg abduction moves (some of the step DVDs) and stuff like that hits all the same lower body muscles as a complete lower body workout do they? I dance and play pickleball too, so my legs get a lot of movement/exercise. My legs look great (well... if you ignore the varicose veins lol) - I mean... they're toned. Do I still need specific strength training for them?
What a great question! I feel the same way about yoga. I've tried & tried to like it over the past 40+ years, & I do it sometimes, but some days I just can't face an endless number of sun salutations, warrior poses & holds that seem to go on forever. I understand the benefits of it, so I keep throwing in a yoga day here & there (most often a Cathe yoga), but I don't enjoy it like I do all other types of workouts.

I also didn't used to like splitting upper body/lower body into different days, although I do believe there are a lot of benefits to doing that. I think I've always preferred metabolic total body workouts, & STEP, like you. It's been since my 3 shoulder surgeries that I've gotten to where I like to split upper/lower body. And now I enjoy that as well. I do have to have those "rest" days for my shoulder now so splitting it up works well for me these days.

My humble little opinion is to do more of what you enjoy, or you will not be as consistent in working out or you may have that dread factor, which I don't think is good. I used to get great lower body results without specific leg day workouts. In fact, I RARELY had just a lower body day for many years, & I had really good lower body strength. I also think you're getting great lower body work with all that you are doing!

Of course, others here may have different thoughts, suggestions, & opinions. Ultimately, I think we need to do what works best for us. I am a big believer that one size does not fit all. I also think, based on my own fitness journey, that as things change (as is the case with my shoulder replacement), we change what we are doing according to what we need at any given time.

Not sure any of this helps you figure it out for yourself, but whatever you end up deciding, keep up that active lifestyle!
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My humble little opinion is to do more of what you enjoy, or you will not be as consistent in working out or you may have that dread factor, which I don't think is good. I used to get great lower body results without specific leg day workouts.
In my opinion, we are what we eat and workout up to 80-20 percent ratio.

Now many of us women do not admit being driven to a specific type of workout to look a certain way. That being said each fitness/sport activity help in gaining a specific look for a responding body. That require of course a certain work being done on a consistent basis. Each their own "happiness"
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I don't know whether you specifically need resistance training for your lower body, given everything you're doing. However, if you feel you need to be doing it, perhaps you can just sprinkle it in in small batches, instead of a full-on "leg day." All of Cathe's workouts have express versions - I think the lower body premix in Muscle Max is a mere 15 minutes. Or you can quickly add on a set of squats, lunges, plie squats, and deadlifts after a cardio routine a couple of times a week. Lower body workouts don't have to be all that long or complicated. Ultimately it's up to you, but if you decide to do it, there are many ways that could be less dreadful than facing a full routine.
I don't know whether you specifically need resistance training for your lower body, given everything you're doing. However, if you feel you need to be doing it, perhaps you can just sprinkle it in in small batches, instead of a full-on "leg day." All of Cathe's workouts have express versions - I think the lower body premix in Muscle Max is a mere 15 minutes. Or you can quickly add on a set of squats, lunges, plie squats, and deadlifts after a cardio routine a couple of times a week. Lower body workouts don't have to be all that long or complicated. Ultimately it's up to you, but if you decide to do it, there are many ways that could be less dreadful than facing a full routine.
That's a great idea! Maybe doing Timesavers for the yoga ones would work well for me too. I tend to "miss" the timesaver premixes. I usually want a full workout.
I don’t do as many dedicated “lower body only” workouts as I used to. If I feel like I need some more attention down there, I will either do an abbreviated version of STS 2.0 LB1 (hip thrusts!) or P90X Legs & Back - I can
work on (assisted) pullups, and throw in some functional leg work, too
I don’t do as many dedicated “lower body only” workouts as I used to. If I feel like I need some more attention down there, I will either do an abbreviated version of STS 2.0 LB1 (hip thrusts!) or P90X Legs & Back - I can
work on (assisted) pullups, and throw in some functional leg work, too
I’m probably deviating from the topic of this thread. If I do I apologize.

Your post has reminded me one reason I love and enjoy resisting training legs. The heavy breathing
that come with it. At the same time I train the most precious muscle/organ of my body, the heart.
Of course I can pull my step and enjoy a dancing choreography but I don't really need long steady at this point of life. #play hard and smart.
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I'm another leg day hater. I DO do them, only because I feel a sense of accomplishment after pushing myself through them (and I also just feel stronger as a whole... and am also paranoid about osteoporosis so make sure I train them anyway.)

That said, the leg day workouts I dread the least are those that are floor work, so maybe that might be something you can fit in if you enjoy it.

I think what I tend to dislike the most about leg days are the heavy cardio factor that kicks in while working my legs. Like there's a mini-panic going on that I'm lifting heavy and can't breathe so I'm going to injure myself. Untrue, of course, but that's my prehistoric lizard-brain shrieking in the background.

So, floor work does NOT get cardio-intensive. At least for me, it doesn't. So I tend to feel more at ease doing it and can tend to enjoy it more.

To the Mat Legs & Glutes from the ICE series is a good one that's fully focused on floor work.

She sprinkles in floor work in a lot of her other workouts, too - usually at the end of a lower body workout. Some titles that include floor work at the end that come to mind:

Butts & Guts
Legs & Glutes (Bodyblast series)
Pyramid Lower Body (Intensity series)
Lower Body Blast
Legs (XTrain series)
Great Glutes

I'm sure there are some others. For instance, I know the lower body workouts in STS 2.0 also have some floorwork, but it's really brief.

Hope this helps.

I'm with others. At the end of the day, just do what you like so long as it helps you stay active.
As it is said, the most effective form of exercise is the one that you will do. For some, they like to hang out on the couch and crack open a cold one. Others do ultramarathons. I'm very happy I found Cathe because I like the variety and it has made me healthier and fitter overall. I don't dread any of the workouts but if I'm perhaps not quite enthused I force myself to get out of my comfort zone.
All that being said, today will be a leg workout day for me and I'll be loving' it!
Do I still need specific strength training for them?
Braille, I see you asked this specifically for Cathe. I'm not Cathe, but I'm not so sure she'll respond as she makes a living producing workouts and many of them are for Legs - I'm kinda doubting she'd come out and say it's OK to skip Leg Day on a permanent basis, lol. But to your concerns - I think I'd reflect on what specifically about Leg Day I do not like and look at ways to address that. That would be the first thing.

Then look at your personal goals or reasons for working out. Is maintenance ok? - Then continue with what you're doing as you seem pleased with the Legs you have. Do you want to increase Leg Strength or Endurance? Maybe consider shortening the workouts as an option - Cathe's Total Body workouts often have a TimeSaver premix for Legs that are about 20-25 minutes - there is no rule saying you must work your LB for 50-70 minutes! Or try something different, like using bands/loops instead of weights as in Boss Bands and LITE's Bands & Bodyweight workouts. I used to not care for Barre work or Pilates but due to an injury last year, traditional LB weight work was out of the question for months. I resorted to physical therapy exercises, then Barre, LB Pilates work like Mat work and spinning. For me, it was better than nothing & I came to appreciate the challenges these types of workouts provided. Just a few ideas.

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