What a great question! I feel the same way about yoga. I've tried & tried to like it over the past 40+ years, & I do it sometimes, but some days I just can't face an endless number of sun salutations, warrior poses & holds that seem to go on forever. I understand the benefits of it, so I keep throwing in a yoga day here & there (most often a Cathe yoga), but I don't enjoy it like I do all other types of workouts.
I also didn't used to like splitting upper body/lower body into different days, although I do believe there are a lot of benefits to doing that. I think I've always preferred metabolic total body workouts, & STEP, like you. It's been since my 3 shoulder surgeries that I've gotten to where I like to split upper/lower body. And now I enjoy that as well. I do have to have those "rest" days for my shoulder now so splitting it up works well for me these days.
My humble little opinion is to do more of what you enjoy, or you will not be as consistent in working out or you may have that dread factor, which I don't think is good. I used to get great lower body results without specific leg day workouts. In fact, I RARELY had just a lower body day for many years, & I had really good lower body strength. I also think you're getting great lower body work with all that you are doing!
Of course, others here may have different thoughts, suggestions, & opinions. Ultimately, I think we need to do what works best for us. I am a big believer that one size does not fit all. I also think, based on my own fitness journey, that as things change (as is the case with my shoulder replacement), we change what we are doing according to what we need at any given time.
Not sure any of this helps you figure it out for yourself, but whatever you end up deciding, keep up that active lifestyle!