Leg Cramps from Spinning


New Member
I greatly enjoy the 4-Seasons spinning classes. However, frequently at the end of a spinning class I begin to get cramps in my calf muscles. How can this be avoided? I diligently stretch before class and drink water during the class.

Are you riding with pointed toes? If so, the calves are in a contracted state, i.e.: doing work. Proper pedal stroke in a spinning class is pushing through the ball of the foot at the top of the stroke and keeping the heel flat at the bottom to engage the hamstrings. It's a hard skill to develop. I teach spinning classes and still have to pay very close attention to my pedal stroke. And I'm new to teaching cycling so if Cathe has any corrections to make to my reply I hope she jumps in! :)

If there is a mirror in class, evaluate your form, or ask the instructor to evaluate you and make any necessary adjustments. Good luck and feel better!
Hi Doug!

Roberta offered you great advice(thanks Roberta). Also, make sure that you are using cycle shoes that snap into the pedal as opposed to a regular shoe with a toe strap. Pay close attention to your stride making sure not to curl your toes as you speed up your cadence. Many people unknowingly do this as a way of hanging on to the pedals(which in turn can cause the calves to cramp). You may also want to make sure that you are getting enough potassium in your diet since a lack of it is known to cause some cramping in some people. Good Luck!

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